Chapter 25 A Gift for You

In the cavalry camp, Wei Ning put down the Overlord Bow.

Lead the horses to the pool in the camp and wash them.

This is a tall, maroon-colored horse with a strong body, even stronger than Huo Qubing's horse.

The commander of the cavalry battalion did not lie. Wei Qing did send him the best horse.

"From now on, you will be called General Red."

Wei Ning used a brush to wash the horse's mane little by little. The Red General was also very well-behaved and had been tamed a long time ago. He seemed to like Weining very much, and from time to time he would nudge Weining's chest with the horse's head.

I don’t know if the horse can be strengthened.

Weining turned on the reputation system.

The arrow shot at the south gate of Dingxiang just now gave Weining 353 reputation points.

Before, the balance of reputation points was still 36, which means that Weining's balance of reputation points is now 389.

What makes Weining happy is that there are attribute points that can strengthen the combat cavalry in the system mall.

Requires binding.

Wei Ning immediately bound General Red to the system.

Mount: Red General
Stamina: 85
Speed: 40
Load capacity: 2 stones

This was the attribute of the war horse that Wei Qing chose for him. In terms of overall quality, it was still extremely high.

Endurance is the willpower of a horse to run long distances. The highest level is 100. For example, the endurance of Dawan's purebred sweat horse can reach over 95. It is a mount that is too precious to be precious.

Although the Red General is not as perverted as Dawan's purebred sweat-blooded BMW, this attribute is already extremely high.

As for speed, the average impact speed of ancient military horses was between 50 and 60, and the average speed of long-distance attacks was around 35.

Therefore, the speed attribute of the Red General is already higher than that of ordinary war horses.

Weining has not weighed the Red General, but he visually estimated that his height is about 140 centimeters and his weight should not be less than 7 stone (840 kilograms).

This kind of weight is not terrible among military horses. It can only be said to be a little better than ordinary military horses.

Before Weining came into contact with war horses, his impression of horses was only in his imagination in his previous life. Only when he really came into contact with the Han war horses did he realize how terrifying these horses were.

There are many scenes in later martial arts TV dramas where people were killed by horses. It is worth mentioning that this kind of thing is really not an exaggeration and is normal.

In ancient wars, it was not uncommon for people to be trampled to death by horses.

Why do infantry have to keep the square formation neat when facing cavalry?Because once they are dispersed by the cavalry, the seriousness of the consequences can be imagined. They will either be skewered by spears, or they will be trampled to death by horses.

There is a passage recorded in historical materials: Whenever the cavalry encounters infantry, they will retreat several feet and rush forward with whips. If the enemy's formation moves slightly, they will take advantage of the momentum and charge in. The infantry will destroy each other, and the cavalry will be ravaged by this, and they will always win.

The weight-bearing capacity of the Red General is not low either. A horse carries a load of 2 stone, reaching 240 kilograms. Generally speaking, the weight of a war horse is about 20% of its own weight, so the Red General's load-bearing capacity is also considered very high.

Overall, this is a very good war horse.

You can add points to three-dimensional attributes, but the prestige value of adding points is extremely high. You have to be around 50 prestige points to add one point.

Wei Ning was shocked after seeing it. His own physical fitness points were only around 4 reputation points.

Horses are really more valuable than people.

389 reputation points can only add 7 attributes.

Weining first added 3 points to the load-bearing attribute. The Red General's load-bearing should now reach 276 kilograms.

The Bawang Bow already weighs 127 kilograms, and Wei Ning weighs around 120. When the Red General set off with him, Wei Ning could clearly feel the strain on the horse.

Adding 3 more attributes is a wise choice.

Then he added 4 points of attributes to the speed. Previously, the red general's sprint speed was 55 and the average speed was 40. After adding the points, he found that the red general's attributes had changed.

Now the red general's sprint speed reaches 65, and the average speed is 50. At this speed, even if the Dawan horse comes, he has to give way, unless a purebred sweat-blooded horse comes over and can overwhelm it.

Weining nodded with satisfaction. There is now 39 left in the system's reputation value.After he finished washing the horses, he prepared to lead the Red General to the camp.

At this moment, Huo Qubing had arrived at Weining's side.

"Xiao Ning, thank you." Huo Qubing looked at Weining, smiled knowingly, and said.

If you were really polite, Huo Qubing would still feel embarrassed. After all, the two brothers wouldn't care about this when they get along normally.

Wei Ning also smiled back and said, "Are you really afraid that I won't be able to control my strength and shoot you too?"

Huo Qubing said nonchalantly: "That's okay. Do you know who you shot today? The beast who opened the city gate for the Xiongnu. If I can drag this beast to die with me, I will be worthy of the people of Dingxiang." !”

Wei Ning was in awe of Huo Qubing. He really felt that Huo Qubing was very ambitious.

Such a person, with such a temperament, is destined to have extremely high achievements in the future.

Huo Qubing smiled and said: "But I believe you, you are the only one who has the ability to do such a shocking thing!"

Wei Ning: "It's fine if General Wei doesn't punish me."

Huo Qubing shook his head and said, "No, it's too late for him to be happy now. It's a blessing for him to have soldiers like you in his life."

You really don’t take your uncle seriously!
Wei Ning smiled helplessly.

Huo Qubing sighed, a little embarrassed to say it, but he still mustered up the courage to speak: "We will leave the fortress when the governor's house finds all the traitors in the city."

"I'm sorry, Xiao Ning."

"I still haven't been able to persuade my uncle. I don't know why he didn't let you go. Don't resent him. He must have his own considerations."

"Maybe... I hope you can practice more."

When he said this, Huo Qubing himself didn't believe it, so he could only say it bravely.

Wei Ning hummed and said: "I know, I will practice well. You don't have to worry about the rear in Dingxiang. I will definitely not let the Huns take advantage of me."

"You have to be careful when you go out this time. Don't let anything happen. I'm waiting for you to come back."

Wei Ning was a little envious of Huo Qubing, who could go out to kill the enemy and express his youthful spirit.

Huo Qubing said: "Don't worry, we will definitely kill more Hulu!"

Wei Ning held the horse, Huo Qubing held his hands behind his back, and they walked towards the military camp in silence.

Huo Qubing thought for a while and then said, "I want to give you a gift."


Huo Qubing said to Wei Ning: "Get on the horse!"

"it is good!"

Weining got on his horse, and Huo Qubing followed suit.


When General Hong sprinted at full speed, Huo Qubing almost lost his balance and fell.

"Um...your a bit astonishingly fast!"

Huo Qubing was jealous.

The sprint speed of this horse is faster than the horse under my crotch. You must know that his horse is the Dawan BMW gifted to him by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty!
Weining didn't say much. Following Huo Qubing's instructions, he quickly arrived at a remote camp.

Here, seven hundred light horses gathered, and seven hundred Dawan horses were neatly tied in the stables.

Seven hundred soldiers in armor were training. When they saw Huo Qubing, they stamped their feet in unison. The ground shook. They knelt down on one knee, cupped their fists and shouted: "See Captain Huo!"

Yulin!Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty's Yulin Guards!The most elite force of the Han Dynasty!They all belong to Huo Qubing!Even Wei Qing doesn't have this kind of honor!

(End of this chapter)

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