Chapter 26 Out of the fortress
The Yulin Army of the Han Dynasty was founded by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty in the first year of Yuanshou, and its predecessor was Jianzhang Yingqi.

This is an armed force of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Most of the Yulin cavalry are orphans of generals who died in the battle between Han and Huns.

A qualified Yulin needs to undergo various trainings such as five soldiers, physical fitness, riding and archery, and culture.

This cavalry is the most powerful army in the Han Dynasty, and they are all equipped with light cavalry.

It won't take long for Huo Qubing to lead this cavalry across the desert, fighting back and forth among the Huns. Their mobility and combat effectiveness are extremely strong.

Weining could feel the difference between them and other Qingqi with just one glance. Their bodies were burlier, their eyes were firmer, and their team discipline was extremely strong.

This Yulin Cavalry was given to Huo Qubing personally by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty before Huo Qubing left Chang'an. It is directly under Huo Qubing's leadership. This shows how much his uncle trusts and likes his nephew.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Huo Qubing was the pet peeve of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

Huo Qubing looked sideways at Wei Ning and said with a smile: "I will take six hundred horses out of the fortress, and I will leave the remaining one hundred to you."

Wei Ning was stunned for a moment and said decisively: "No! One hundred more horses can protect you more. I shouldn't be in danger in Dingxiang. I don't need it."

Huo Qubing shook his head and said with a smile: "Don't be so polite to me."

"A hundred men riding on the left will lead Zhao Ce out of the queue!"

A man in his thirties came out of the queue, knelt on the ground with one knee, and shouted: "The order is given!"

"From now on, you will obey Wei Ning's orders, take your men to stay in Dingxiang, and follow Weining to defend Dingxiang."


Wei Ning still wanted to refuse, but Huo Qubing refused to say anything and said to Zhao Ce, the hundred-man general on Yulin's left cavalry: "Get down!"


Huo Qubing put his hands behind his back, glanced at the Yulin cavalry, and said to Wei Ning, "Let's go."

Wei Ning held General Red's hand and followed Huo Qubing as they walked inside the military camp.

He knew that this kind of time together was running out.

The Prefect's Mansion is not useless. Once the breach is captured, it won't take long to find all the traitors in Dingxiang City.

This means that Huo Qubing will be out of trouble soon.

"My uncle is also a poor man."

Huo Qubing spoke softly.

Wei Ning looked at him with some confusion and asked, "Why?"

Huo Qubing sighed: "His fate is even more miserable than yours."

"When he was very young, his mother gave birth to several of their siblings with someone else, and then they were kicked out and continued to live a humble and poor life."

"In the end there was really no food at home, so my uncle and third aunt were sent to live with his father."

"His father is already married to his first wife, and the children of his first wife often bully my uncle and my third aunt."

"In the end they were just used as slaves to herd."

"During that time, if my third aunt hadn't been with him, teaching him the philosophy of life, distinguishing right from wrong, and making a man determined, my uncle would not have grown into the great general and hero he is now."

"My uncle and my third aunt had a deep relationship. Then my third aunt disappeared, and everyone else went crazy. They didn't think about food or food for days and nights."

"Do you know why he performed so well on the battlefield?"

"Because he wants to use this method to make himself powerful, to make himself inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people, with supreme authority, so that he can use his power to find my third aunt and his third sister."

Huo Qubing has always admired Wei Qing.

If he rides five hundred horses, Huo Qubing has absolute confidence. He is no worse than Wei Qing.

But if it were fifty thousand cavalry or even one hundred thousand soldiers, he couldn't compare to Wei Qing. He couldn't even see the shadow of his uncle.

Wei Qing is a handsome man, Huo Qubing is a general!

Although Huo Qubing has achieved higher achievements, including being a champion, being granted the title of Langjuxu, and all his fame, it is undeniable that given him a hundred thousand soldiers, he would not be able to command them.

Wei Qing can do it!

Huo Qubing patted Wei Ning on the shoulder and said, "Xiao Ning, don't resent my uncle. He has never been a narrow-minded person. He must have had his own plans for leaving you behind in Dingxiang." Huo Qubing didn't want Wei Ning to let Wei Ning do it because of this. Ning resents Wei Qing. If so, how will the two brothers get along with each other in the future?
One side was his biological uncle, the other side was his good friend, he couldn't make a choice.

Wei Ning also understood Huo Qubing's thoughts and nodded: "I know, don't worry about these things blindly."

"This time I go out of the country, I will come back safely!"

Huo Qubing smiled and said, "Have you had any drinks?"

Wei Ning shook his head: "No."

"What about women? Have you ever played with them?"

Wei Ning: "..."

He blushed and said, "You are so vulgar!"

"Haha! You are so shy!"

"Sure, when I come back, I'll take you drinking and find a woman." Huo Qubing said boldly.

Inside the military camp.

A fast horse stirred up dust and drove quickly towards the main tent of Wei Qing's army.

Huo Qubing raised his eyes and said to Wei Ning, "It's almost done."

"It should be news from the Prefect's Mansion."

"I'm going to find Yu Lin."

"Don't forget our agreement." Huo Qubing picked Weining's chin, laughed, walked to the horse not far away, got on his horse, and said, "Come back and drink!"

"And you kid, don't be so shy when riding a horse!"

Wei Ning looked at Huo Qubing's fast running back and said softly: "Be safe, I don't have many friends, you are the first."

Although he generally knew that in history, Huo Qubing would not have an accident on the battlefield and died of illness in the end.

But now that he traveled through the Han Dynasty and faced the ruthless killings on the battlefield, he was not sure whether Huo Qubing would have an accident on the battlefield.

Wei Ning took the red general and walked silently towards the cavalry camp.

General Wei actually had such a miserable childhood. I am much happier than him.

However, the way his third sister educated him was the same as my mother's.

Thinking of his mother, Wei Ning felt a little melancholy and said to himself: "Mom, good news, nothing will happen to me. Bad news, I don't seem to be able to make any great achievements."

When Weining returned to the cavalry camp, he found that all the light cavalry in the cavalry camp were ready for battle.

The commander glanced at Wei Ning and said, "We're going to gather. We've received orders from above to get ready to leave the fortress."


Wei Ning cupped his hands and said, "The general is safe."

"You boy, you have such a sweet mouth, you will definitely come back safely!" Shi Chang laughed loudly, threw his riding crop boldly, and galloped to the side!

After getting along for a short time, the commanders of the cavalry battalion all liked Wei Ning.

At the same time, a group of light cavalry galloped towards Weining. Yulin's left cavalry, with hundreds of men, turned Zhao Ce over and dismounted, saying: "I've seen it before..."


He didn't know what to call him, Weining was just a new recruit.

Men like Yu Lin have the pride of the Han people deep down. Although they don't say it on the surface, Wei Ning knows that they will not convince him in their hearts.

The reason why he was so polite to me was not from his heart, but because of Huo Qubing's military order.

Wei Ning didn't say much and said, "You guys can practice."

After he finished speaking, he got on his horse and drove the Red General slowly out of the military camp and went straight to the south gate of Dingxiang County.

(End of this chapter)

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