I just became Ruotuo Dragon King, and Tang San wants me to be the spirit ring?

Chapter 41 Tang 3?A despicable person with a human face and an animal heart!

Chapter 41 Tang San?A despicable person with a human face and an animal heart!

Seeing the curious expressions on their faces, Xiao Wu was immediately hesitant. Tang San was the first person she met in the human city who cared about her. He was like a big brother to her, like a big brother. It's like his family.

Xiao Wu asked herself, if she really reached the stage that Xu Chao said, she might really make a sacrifice to save Tang San's life.

But for Xiao Wu to say such words in front of Da Ming Er Ming and Xu Chao, Xiao Wu herself couldn't do it.

But the tangled expression on Xiao Wu's lowered head revealed everything. Even Er Ming, a tough guy, could see Xiao Wu's answer.

Er Ming said in shock: "Sister Xiaowu, you must not do this. This is not a matter of you being close to humans. If you really sacrifice to others, it can be said that your soul will be with him." Rong, to us soul beasts, aren’t you just a soul that’s gone to pieces?”

Daming, who had been silent all this time, also said in shock: "Sister Xiaowu, you have to think carefully, this is not a simple matter like your re-cultivation as an adult."

Daming didn't agree with Xiao Wu's retraining from the beginning, but he couldn't stop Xiao Wu. But if Xiao Wu really had such an idea, Daming became more determined to keep Xiao Wu.

Xu Chao sighed. It seemed that some things might not be changed, but Xu Chao just reminded him that he was not planning to change anything, and he had no idea that he had to change.

Xu Chao looked at the tense atmosphere and said with a smile: "Okay! This is just a guess on my part. It's not like Sister Xiaowu will be sacrificed in the next second. Why are you so nervous?"

The three of them were slightly relieved after hearing what Xu Chao said. Yes, this is just an extreme possibility that Xu Chao said. There is no need to be so competitive.

But Xu Chao's next words made the atmosphere that had finally calmed down suddenly become more subtle again.

"Maybe the eldest brother and the second brother will also offer sacrifices." Xu Chao said as if he was joking.

"Impossible!" It was not Er Ming who exclaimed this time, but Xiao Wu, which surprised Xu Chao.

Xiao Wu said with some seriousness: "Whether it's contact with humans or offering sacrifices to Tang San, this is just my business. How can it involve Da Ming and Er Ming!"

For Xiao Wu, Tang San is certainly very important, but Da Ming and Er Ming are equally important. What she does cannot involve Da Ming and Er Ming.

Da Ming and Er Ming were even more shocked. Da Ming snorted coldly and said: "Xiao Chao, your guess is really nonsense. I really don't know what kind of human being is worthy of me to sacrifice to him. If someone dares to If you mention it in front of me, I will definitely let Er Ming smash him into a pulp."

Er Ming said naively: "Brother, why don't you do it yourself."

"To shut up!"


Xu Chao almost fell over laughing and said, "Okay, brother, it's like what you said. These are all my baseless guesses. I'm just joking with you."

Daming also smiled and said: "I really don't know how you got such a brain. Did you stay with Er Ming for a long time and was infected by him?" Xu Chao immediately denied: "How is it possible? Second brother is so smart? I want to learn from him, there is no way to actively infect others."

Er Ming scratched his head a little naively and said, "It sounds like you are complimenting me, but why doesn't it feel a bit different?"

Xu Chao suppressed his laughter and felt a little uncomfortable, but still said: "No, second brother, we are just praising you."

After another burst of laughter, Da Ming still reminded Xiao Wu seriously: "Sister Xiao Wu, even if you are leaving, you still have to be careful about Ju Douluo. When Er Ming brings you back, Ju Douluo must be careful." Douluo will definitely be able to guess the identity of your soul beast, so you must remember to be careful."

To be honest, Ju Douluo who escaped is Xiao Wu's biggest crisis now. Although he doesn't know that Xiao Wu is from Shrek Academy, if they meet, Ju Douluo will definitely be able to take Xiao Wu out with just one glance. After recognizing it, Xiao Wu will not only face Wuhun Hall as an enemy, but all the soul masters will become his enemies.

Xiao Wu nodded and said: "I understand, you don't need to worry too much. Our Shrek Academy is in the Tiandou Empire. Even if the Spirit Hall wants to come and investigate, it will not be easy. Besides, the continent is so big. , we may not be able to meet Ju Douluo yet."

Daming nodded. Xiao Wu was right. Logically speaking, Xiao Wu would not appear in Ju Douluo's sight at this time. As long as Xiao Wu could be more careful, there shouldn't be any big problems.

The party ended soon after it got dark. Da Ming was preparing to go back to the bottom of the lake, while Er Ming was not far from the lake. Xiao Wu also went back to the wooden house where she once lived, and Xu Chao was also going back to Fulong Valley. But before leaving, Daming and him looked at each other, and it goes without saying that there was a profound meaning in them.

Half an hour after the party broke up, Xu Chao appeared on the other side of the lake. Daming also gently stepped ashore from the water and stood with Xu Chao. The green light on his body shone, forming a barrier around the two of them. , blocking out all sounds.

Daming was the first to speak: "Xiao Chao, do you think I can change Sister Xiao Wu's mind if I force Xiao Wu to stay?"

Xu Chao had long known that Daming would tell him about things related to Xiao Wu, but he still didn't expect that Er Ming would have such thoughts.

"Brother, I understand what you are thinking, but there are some things that cannot be stopped. You are not unaware of Sister Xiaowu's temper, and you are not unaware of her pursuit."

Daming sighed. He knew that it would be difficult for him to stop Xiao Wu, but he was still worried that Xiao Wu would be in danger. Now that Ju Douluo had escaped, Xiao Wu's situation was even more dangerous.

Seeing that Daming still looked worried, Xu Chao immediately persuaded him: "Okay, big brother, I reminded Sister Xiaowu when I said goodbye to her, and asked her not to trust Tang San too much. After all, it's hard to say that he has a human face and a beast heart. That kind of person."

Daming thought for a long time and finally nodded and returned to the lake. Xu Chao also returned to Fulong Valley.

Before dawn the next day, Xiao Wu left the core area and ran quickly towards the outer area. At this time, she was already a third-ringed soul master. She spent the whole night replenishing her third soul ring. Leave quietly at night.

But in the sky that she didn't notice, three figures seemed to have been there a long time ago, watching the girl in the pink skirt leave quietly.

Xiao Wu still left, but Xu Chao and Da Ming Er Ming's words still planted a seed in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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