I just became Ruotuo Dragon King, and Tang San wants me to be the spirit ring?

Chapter 42 Rock Elemental Treasure! Is it possible to break through ten thousand years in one fell s

Chapter 42 Rock Elemental Treasure!Is it possible to break through 10 years in one fell swoop?
After Xiao Wu left, the lives of the three brothers began to become very regular. Daming quietly retreated at the bottom of the lake. At this time, he was still at the first 10-year level after 10 years, although this was not a big deal for him. It can't be regarded as an obstacle, but it is on the edge of that kind of breakthrough, but it is always just a little bit close.

Er Ming was still roaming around in the core area and mixed area as usual. Da Ming and Xu Chao might not be able to see him for a long time, but from time to time they could feel the ground shaking in the Star Dou Forest, or in the distance. There was a rumbling sound. Needless to say, it must be Er Ming playing tricks again.

Xu Chao began to practice the use of various elements. Through the power of the rock element, he is now able to master the energy of the five elements. However, because he only has one battle experience, many and I am not familiar with anything related to elements.

Thinking of this, Xu Chao felt a little disappointed with Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo. After all, he had only used the power of three elements, and there were still two powers that he could not use. They were gone. It was really without a fight. .

Xu Chao can only practice against big trees or rocks. After a period of hard work, he is now able to control his five elements to cooperate with each other and produce various elemental reactions.

Yes, it is an elemental reaction, an elemental reaction from another magical continent. This is not a problem at all for Xu Chao.
As a senior researcher of elemental reaction theory, Xu Chao's professional counterpart is to create higher reactions through reactions between multiple elements.

It's just that because he wasn't that good at controlling elements other than rock elements at first, he has been practicing in this area recently, and now he can be said to be very good at it.

Now he can even use the rock element as the foundation of the five elements and mix other elements together to form a terrifying reactor. The power that can be exploded can be said to increase geometrically.

The water element and the thunder element first cooperate to create shock, and then the fire element is activated, and at the same time they create overload and evaporation.

He even thought about using the rock element to trap the enemy in it, and then inject various elements into it. There is definitely no way for other people or soul beasts who can manipulate many elements to do this, but understanding the rock element The most profound Xu Chao is able to use rock elements to conduct elemental energy, which allows him to perform many incredible attacks.

It is even possible to achieve some subtle control. For example, the water element and the ice element are frozen to form a spiked ball with ice cones, and then Xu Chao adds thunder elements and fire elements to it, and uses the overloaded explosive force to melt those ice cones. It exploded and was pushed out, and the damage was pretty good. Isn't this the prototype of a bullet?

Er Ming once tried this move when the two were sparring, and when Xu Chao withdrew his hand, Er Ming was still grinning.

Because Xu Chao didn’t just detonate it from a distance and attack with an ice pick, but instead smashed the entire ice ball towards Er Ming and detonated it when he was close to Er Ming. This means that even the overloaded power of Xu Chao He didn't miss it, and he turned the bullet into a grenade.

After the sparring session, Er Ming had a look of doubt on his face. Although neither of them was serious and didn't care about the outcome of the sparring session, being beaten and hit by grenades all the time would be unbearable for anyone else.

While practicing, he did not forget to expand his team of young rock dragon lizards. He would create several of them every day, and now they have begun to take shape.

However, Xu Chao has not yet been able to create a rock dragon lizard. This means that the rock dragon lizard is still the one created by absorbing the soul power of the Wuhun Palace soul master. However, there are already dozens of young rock dragon lizards. , I think it won’t take long to exceed three digits.Regarding the creation of the Rock Dragon Lizard, Xu Chao had a hunch that as long as he could break through the 10-year level, he would definitely be able to create the Rock Dragon Lizard.

These young rock dragon lizards usually play around near Fulong Valley, and they can be seen above the ground from time to time, but more often they still like to dig holes under the ground. After all, they are creatures created from the rock element. , has the most instinctive closeness to the earth.

In particular, there are mineral veins underground in Fulong Valley, and the rock elements are very rich, which has caused them to drill very deep into the ground.

Xu Chao didn't care about them. They couldn't be lost anyway. Xu Chao could sense their location at any time and recall them at any time.

Speaking of which, the one they are closest to is Xu Chao. Every time Xu Chao meditates and practices, young rock dragon lizards will come to him and practice with him. They can absorb the elemental energy attracted by Xu Chao, which is very important to Xu Chao. There is no difference between being sick and not absorbing it. After all, there is still a big gap between the young rock dragon lizard and the Ruotuo dragon king.

Just when Xu Chao had just finished practicing today, he received an idea, which came from the only rock dragon lizard. Xu Chao didn't know why he called him over, but it had been a long time since Xu Chao had been mentioned. I have never seen that rock dragon lizard.

The idea coming from the rock dragon lizard is still a bit anxious. Something good must have happened. The rock dragon lizard has not been able to describe it too accurately. He can only let Xu Chao know that he has discovered strong rock element fluctuations, and the rest will be passed on. No, Xu Chao could only read what they wanted to do, but there was no way to be too accurate.

The rock dragon lizard was standing in the center of Fulong Valley at this time. Judging from his thoughts, the place where the rock elements gathered was exactly under the Fulong Valley. Xu Chao was very confused. The underground of Fulong Valley had indeed been There are extremely rich rock element fluctuations, which come from the marrow of Xuanxin.

However, the Xuanxin Earth Marrow had been absorbed by him during his first retreat, and not even much of the surrounding Xuanxin Mineral Veins were left, only a little bit of young ore left.

At this time, the location conveyed to him by the Rock Dragon Lizard was down here, but after Xu Chao's deep underground exploration, he did not find the rock element fluctuations underground that the Rock Dragon Lizard said.

This is also the reason why Xu Chao feels a little confused. After all, Xu Chao, as the Ruotuo Dragon King, has excellent perception ability in the earth. After all, every rock can be said to be Xu Chao's eyes and ears, so he does not sense things underground. to anything.

But after all, the Rock Dragon Lizard had sent him a message, so he probably wasn't lying to him, so he planned to go down and see for himself.

Xu Chao did not hesitate for too long. He first shrunk his body a bit, and then controlled the rock element to lead him and the Rock Dragon Lizard to continue sinking into the ground, towards the location of the Rock Dragon Lizard.

(End of this chapter)

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