I made up stupid exercises in Da Qin, and Ying Zheng succeeded in practicing them?

Chapter 174 173 Relics Clues, everything is ready, all we need is the east wind!

Chapter 174 173 Relics Clues, everything is ready, all we need is the east wind!
  After in-depth communication with Hassan and his team, Ji Chen, Aliang and Dong'er began to prepare for the upcoming expedition. They discussed the preparations in the inn and learned many valuable experiences and suggestions from Hassan.

Ji Chen first proposed a preparation plan: "We need to ensure that our equipment is complete and suitable for the desert environment. We need sufficient water sources, as well as navigation equipment that can be used in the desert."

Aliang said enthusiastically: "I will be responsible for checking our equipment to ensure that everything is in the best condition. Especially the kettle and compass, which are crucial in the desert."

Dong'er raised her concerns: "Master, how should we deal with the dangers we may encounter in the desert? Such as sandstorms or unknown creatures."

Ji Chen replied: "We must remain vigilant and follow the basic principles of desert survival. When encountering a sandstorm, we should quickly seek shelter from the wind and use scarves and cloaks to protect our respiratory tract. As for organisms, we should try to avoid Be in direct contact with them and protect yourself if necessary."

Hassan added: "Some creatures in the desert are very hidden. You should pay special attention to the movement on the ground when traveling. At the same time, you must avoid moving at night, because many creatures will become active at that time."

Alian asked curiously: "Hassan, did you use any special techniques or tools to deal with these situations during the expedition?"

Hassan thought for a moment and then said: "We do have some special tools, such as special soles for walking on sand, which can increase stability on the sand. In addition, we also carry some emergency flares and Medical kit.”

Ji Chen nodded and expressed his gratitude to Hassan for his advice: "We will prepare based on your suggestions. Every expedition is a test of our abilities."

Over the next few days, they began gathering necessary supplies and equipment. A Liang checked every piece of equipment to make sure it was in good condition. Dong'er was responsible for preparing enough food and water, and also learned some basic medical knowledge.

With the help of the innkeeper, they also obtained some information about possible routes and destinations in the desert. The boss told them: "In the desert, some routes are safer than others, but they may also be more circuitous. When you choose a route, you must consider the balance between safety and speed."

Ji Chen carefully studied the map and information and made a preliminary route plan. He said to A Liang and Dong'er: "We will move along this route. Our goal is to find clues to those ancient ruins, but in the process, our safety is the most important."

After everything was ready, Ji Chen, Aliang and Dong'er embarked on a journey to the depths of the desert with the blessings of the innkeeper and Hassan. Their mood was full of anticipation but also a little nervous, because they knew that this expedition would be full of challenges and unknowns.

In the early morning before departure, the three of them gathered in front of the inn. Ji Chen said to his disciples: "This expedition may be very difficult, but I believe we can handle it. Remember, teamwork is the key to our success."

A Liang nodded seriously: "Master, I will always remain vigilant to ensure our safety."

Dong'er also expressed her determination: "I will do my best to help us get through this difficult time."

They traveled in the desert, relying on Jichen's map and the route information provided by Hassan. The desert landscape is magnificent and desolate, and the endless sand dunes make people feel both shocked and tiny.

During the march, Ji Chen taught his disciples how to identify the direction and avoid danger from time to time. "Pay attention to the shape of the dunes and the wind direction, they will tell you a lot of information." Ji Chen said.

A Liang observed his surroundings carefully and asked: "Master, will the shape of the sand dunes change due to the wind direction?"

Ji Chen replied: "Yes, the movement and shape changes of sand dunes are affected by wind. By observing them, we can roughly judge the direction and intensity of the wind."

During a break, Dong'er asked worriedly: "Master, what should we do if we get lost in the desert?"

Ji Chen comforted her: "Don't worry, as long as we stay calm and use our knowledge and skills, we can find a way out. In addition, we have the backup compass and star map that Hassan gave us."

They encountered several small sandstorms in the desert, but managed to find shelter. During a sandstorm, Aliang cleverly used his cloak to build a temporary shelter to protect them from the sandstorm.

Dong'er is responsible for managing the food and water supply, ensuring that everyone gets enough supplies. In a desert environment, effective management of water and food is crucial. As they went deeper into the desert, Ji Chen began to look for clues to the ancient ruins mentioned by Hassan. Their interest was piqued when they discovered some unusual stone structures near a seemingly ordinary sand dune.

"Look here, there are carvings on these stones." Ji Chen said, pointing to a stone half buried in the sand.

A Liang and Dong'er immediately went over to check. A Liang said: "These scratches seem to be man-made. They may be some kind of marks or symbols."

Dong'er said excitedly: "Could this be a clue to the ancient ruins?"

Ji Chen carefully observed the carvings on the stone, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes: "These marks are indeed unusual. They may point in a certain direction, or lead us to a specific place."

Aliang said excitedly: "We should follow the direction of these marks, maybe we can find something."

Ji Chen nodded in agreement, but reminded: "We must be careful. These marks may lead us to dangerous places, or be a trap. We need to stay vigilant."

Dong'er asked worriedly: "Master, what should we do if we encounter danger? Should we set a signal to retreat?"

Ji Chen looked at Dong'er with approval: "Very good, Dong'er. We really need a retreat signal. If we encounter danger that we cannot handle, we will blow this whistle." As he said that, Ji Chen took out a small whistle, Signal to them.

Over the next few days, they followed the stone markers as they headed deeper into the desert. The desert environment is becoming more and more harsh, the scorching sun is scorching the earth, and sand and dust are constantly blowing.

One afternoon, they came to a sand dune area that looked different. The dunes here have a strange shape, as if they have been carved, and are obviously different from the dunes they have passed before.

Ji Chen carefully observed the surrounding environment: "It seems that we are close to our destination. The shape of these sand dunes is not naturally formed, they seem to have been artificially modified."

A Liang looked around and suddenly pointed to the top of a sand dune in the distance: "Master, there seems to be something different there. Shall we go and have a look?"

Ji Chen nodded and led them in that direction. As they approached the top of the dune, they discovered a hidden entrance that seemed to lead to a space beneath the dune.

Dong'er said nervously: "This looks like an entrance to the underground. Do we really want to go in?"

Ji Chen pondered for a while and finally decided: "We are here to find clues to the ancient ruins. Now that we are here, we cannot miss this opportunity. But we must be careful and remain vigilant."

They cautiously entered the entrance and found inside an ancient structure of stone corridors and rooms. The walls are engraved with ancient symbols and patterns, and there is a mysterious and ancient atmosphere in the air.

Ji Chen whispered: "This looks like some kind of ancient temple or tomb. We have to be careful, there may be traps."

They carefully explored along the corridor, always alert to their surroundings. Suddenly, Dong'er noticed a stone slab on the wall that seemed to be movable.

"Master, look here." Dong'er pointed at the stone slab and said.

(End of this chapter)

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