Chapter 175 174 Sandstorm, encountering desert bandits

Ji Chen walked over and examined the stone slab carefully. He pushed gently, and the stone slab slowly moved, revealing a small space. There are several ancient clay pots and some broken artifacts placed in the space.

Ji Chen said to A Liang and Dong'er: "It seems that this is a hidden storage room. These pottery pots and cultural relics may be left by ancient people."

Alian asked curiously: "Do these things have any special significance?"

Ji Chen carefully inspected the cultural relics and replied: "These may be ancient daily necessities, or items used in some kind of ritual. We need to record these findings carefully, they may be helpful to us in understanding the history of this place."

Dong'er found some stone tablets with symbols engraved on the side. She asked, "Master, what do these symbols mean?"

Ji Chen picked up a piece of stone, observed it for a while, and said, "These symbols look like some kind of ancient writing, but I'm not familiar with it. We may need to take it back to study, or find an expert to interpret it."

They continued to explore the interior of the temple, discovering more rooms and corridors. In one of the larger rooms, they discovered a stone wall carved with intricate patterns.

A Liang pointed to the pattern on the wall and said, "This looks like a map or some kind of instructions."

Ji Chen carefully studied the patterns on the wall and found that some lines and symbols seemed to indicate a certain location. "This could be a map pointing to another location. Look here, the symbol could represent a mountain range and the line could be a river."

Dong'er said excitedly: "Then should we search according to this map?"

Ji Chen nodded: "Yes, we should continue to explore based on this map. But we must be careful. This map may be hundreds of years old, and the terrain may have changed during this period."

After several hours of hard work, Aliang found a wooden box buried under a big rock.

"Master, there is a box here!" Aliang shouted excitedly.

Ji Chen and Dong'er rushed over quickly and carefully dug out the wooden box together. The wooden box looked very old, covered with dust and signs of time.

After leaving the temple, they continued following the directions on the stone wall map. The desert conditions are becoming increasingly harsh, but their morale remains high because they know they may be on the verge of a major discovery.

A few days later, they came to an area that looked like the markings on the map. There is a dry river bed and some scattered rocks, similar in shape to the markers on the map.

Ji Chen said: "We should search carefully nearby now. There may be other clues or ruins."

They spread out and carefully searched the surrounding area.

Ji Chen carefully inspected the wooden box and said to A Liang and Dong'er: "We need to open it carefully. This box may be very fragile, or it may contain important cultural relics."

They gently opened the wooden box, which contained several broken pottery and some metal objects, as well as a piece of parchment that looked extremely ancient.

Dong'er carefully took out the parchment and unfolded it to see that there were complex patterns and symbols drawn on it. "Master, look at this parchment, it seems to have a more detailed map carved on it."

Ji Chen studied the parchment carefully, nodded and said, "This is indeed a map, and it is much more detailed than the one we found in the temple. This may be a clue to a specific place."

Alian asked curiously: "Then what should we do next? Should we directly follow this map to explore?"

Ji Chen replied: "Yes, but we must first determine the location on this map. We need to compare the surrounding terrain features to see if we can find the corresponding location."

In the next few days, they carefully surveyed the surrounding terrain based on the map on the parchment. They discovered that certain markings on the map matched the surrounding hills and dry riverbeds.

Ji Chen said to his disciples: "We should go north. According to the instructions on the map, there may be the ruins we are looking for." They followed the designated route, crossed a dry river bed, and crossed several A sand dune. After an arduous trek, they finally came to an area that looked consistent with the markings on the map.

This area has some stone structures half buried in the sand that look like the remains of ancient structures. Ji Chen and his disciples began to explore this area in more detail.

Under a huge stone slab, they found a stone staircase leading downward. Ji Chen walked cautiously in front, followed closely by A Liang and Dong'er.

Stone steps lead to a crypt, which contains several stone coffins and some sculptures. The interior walls are covered with patterns and hieroglyphics.

Dong'er sighed: "This looks like an ancient tomb. Can these hieroglyphics and sculptures tell us the history of this place?"

Ji Chen nodded: "Yes, these hieroglyphs may be the key. We need to record these symbols and patterns, which may reveal the secrets of this place."

They carefully recorded every detail in the tomb.

On the way back, the weather suddenly became worse and a sandstorm seemed to be brewing. Ji Chen reminded: "We need to speed up to avoid being trapped in the desert by sandstorms."

As they were crossing the desert quickly, they were suddenly attacked by a group of desert bandits. These gangsters were armed with swords and looked fierce.

When the bandit leader saw Ji Chen and his disciples, he said greedily: "It seems we have made a fortune. Hand over everything you have, and maybe we can spare your lives."

A Liang looked at Ji Chen nervously and whispered: "Master, what should we do?"

Ji Chen replied calmly: "We can't hand over our findings easily. Aliang, are you ready?"

A Liang nodded, clenched his fist secretly, and prepared to fight.

The bandit leader saw Dong'er's beauty and showed a greedy smile: "This woman is good, keep her, and the rest can leave."

Ji Chen said angrily: "Don't you think of harming my disciples!"

The bandit leader let out a hoarse laugh and waved his men to rush forward. A Liang rushed to the front and punched the first gangster in the face, knocking him to the ground.

The gangsters rushed forward angrily and tried to besiege A Liang. But Ah Liang cleverly avoided their attacks and knocked down several gangsters one after another.

Not to be outdone, Ji Chen and Dong'er took out their weapons and fought against the tough bandits. Although Ji Chen is old, he is still proficient in martial arts, and every strike appears precise and deadly.

Dong'er used her speed and agility to constantly dodge and counterattack during the battle.

After a fierce battle, the remaining gangsters saw that the situation was not good and fled the battlefield one after another. Ji Chen looked at the gangsters lying on the ground and sighed deeply.

Aliang gasped and said, "Master, what should we do now?"

Ji Chen replied: "We can't stay here for too long and must leave as soon as possible. A sandstorm may come soon."

They quickly packed up their things and continued towards the inn. The sandstorm gradually became larger and larger, and they could only lower their heads and try to resist the power of nature.

(End of this chapter)

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