This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 120: Zhuge Baibin has no plans left

Chapter 120: Zhuge Baibin has no plans left

The Mind Flayer used 'Detect Thoughts' on Lilith to spy on Lilith's true thoughts.

It turned out that Bai Bin had already discovered the problem.

The Mind Flayer didn't show up for a long time, so Bai Bin and the kobold negotiated cooperation in advance and staged a painful trick in front of him!

It was this cruel trick that caused the mind flayers to lose their last evil general, and the few skinned demons were even further stretched.

The mind flayer was filled with rage, it turned out that all this was Bai Bin's trick!

The reason for using Ma Shuoer and Lilith to appease the nobles now is to identify the mind flayers who have blended into the crowd!

When the mind flayer learned the news, he was frightened.

Bai Bin's ideas and direction were completely correct. If he hadn't used 'Detection Thoughts' to spy on Lilith's consciousness today, he might still have been kept in the dark!
Of course, these are all trivial matters. What worries the mind flayers the most is that the kobolds choose to cooperate with humans, regardless of their identity as dark creatures!
This behavior is undoubtedly the ultimate war criminal!

What's even more disgusting is that after receiving the news from Big Golden Tooth, he was already preparing to go to the kobold lair for an interview in person!
If it hadn't been for this unexpected meeting tonight, then I would have been surrounded and suppressed by Bai Bin and the others!
The corners of the Mind Flayer's mouth twitched slightly, and the more it stole from him, the more shock he felt inside.

In vain, he thought he had arranged everything well, but in fact he was being led by Bai Bin all the time!
'You actually want to eat me in one go, that's so arrogant! '

As a mind flayer who has always played with people's hearts, how could he be so proud and willing to suffer this humiliating loss?

Ulysses thought quickly and quickly thought of a countermeasure.

Since the opponent planned to trap him and kill him, he would use his plan to defeat the opponent!
There are very few opportunities to get Lilith and Ting En together at the same time, but now is a good opportunity!
Bai Bin's plan seems to have no loopholes, but there is an extremely fatal point——

That is to cover his eyes and ears, Landenburg's group of people could only sneak into the kobold's lair without making a big fanfare, and there was no way to mobilize Landenburg's clergy, security guards and iron guards.

With a simple kobold, plus a lineup like Bai Bin, Lilith, and Ting En, it is still very easy to clean up.

As long as he gathers the gnolls and goblins, he can complete the counter-encirclement and suppression campaign and completely eliminate the enemy in one fell swoop.

At the moment, it seems that Ulysses is in jail, but in fact, Ulysses' greatest advantage is the initiative.

Whenever he chooses to go to the kobold lair, the other party can act accordingly.

'In the end, all these conspiracies will become the graves you dig for yourselves! '

A cold light flashed in the mind flayer's eyes, and then he retreated and disappeared into the shadows on the second floor.


Late at night, Lilith and Ma Shuoer were on their way back to the church.

Lilith was unhappy.

She had obviously contacted everyone as much as possible, but still found nothing.

Because mind flayers are not hell creatures, Lilith's proud sniffing is ineffective against mind flayers.

The void creatures did not have the rancid smell that the hell creatures could not hide. After paying attention to them all night, Lily found nothing.

After working hard all night, but with no results, Lilith was extremely discouraged.

Pastor Masuor, on the other hand, is used to it.

If the Mind Flayer had been uncovered so easily, this crisis would have been resolved long ago.

Pastor Ma Shuoer had a vague feeling that today's sudden condolence to the nobles seemed not as simple as it seemed on the surface, and might have other intentions... Lilith returned to the yard discouraged and saw Bai Bin relaxing in the rocking chair, enduring He kept acting coquettishly, hoping to be comforted by Bai Bin: "I have been observing very hard today, but I couldn't find the mind flayer."

Bai Bin felt happy because he didn't notice it.

If he really found out, all Bai Bin's plans would be in vain, and that would mean he was really caught off guard.

"The enemy is insidious and cunning. If the secret is exposed once, it won't leave so many of us scratching our heads. Perhaps, you have threatened him somewhere you don't know?"

This is indeed the case. Lilith's appearance has perfectly fulfilled her role.

But the other party has not taken any action yet, so it needs to increase its efforts.

Bai Bin grabbed Lilith's soft and boneless hand and said with a sincere face: "I always thought that the Lilith I knew was not a person who would give up easily. When in hell, I can do it for a perfect butt shape. I have been practicing fitness for several months, striving for excellence.

He was able to endure loneliness in the Snowfield Town Church, study the Gospel of Light in the Ossuary, and overcome unprecedented difficulties in a short period of time, becoming the first light succubus in history.

And now, just a visit to the salon to comfort me didn't get the results I wanted, so why did I look discouraged?Has Landenburg's comfortable, slow-paced life worn away your enterprising spirit? "[Justice value +100]

Although Bai Bin used a rhetorical question, these words sounded like a bell to Lilith, deafening!
Yes, I never acted like a little woman before.

You have to fight for everything on your own, work hard to obtain, and believe that hard work will be rewarded.

Why now, when I encounter some setbacks and difficulties, I think of Bai Bin for hugs and comfort.

Is it because Bai Bin took good care of her that she couldn't help but become dependent?
Lilith herself fell into deep thought.

Bai Bin took advantage of Lilith's confusion and hurriedly taught her in simple terms.

"If it doesn't work once, do it twice; if it doesn't work twice, do it three times! Anyway, you have plenty of time. As long as you make the enemy tired, he will sooner or later reveal his flaws and flaws!"

Lilith's delicate body trembled, her eyes shining brightly.

Yes, how could she, Lilith, give up so easily?

When faced with hundreds of competition from her own race in hell, she never gave up.

When Bai Bin was imprisoned in the Ossuary Hall, he never gave up.

Today, facing the insidious and cunning Mind Flayer, it was just a failure, so why give up!

"Okay! If it doesn't work once, do it twice, if it doesn't work twice, do it three times! I swear to catch the Mind Flayer!" Lilith clenched her fists, her eyes were firm, and she was determined!

Seeing Lilith regaining her energy, Bai Bin raised the corners of his mouth and couldn't help but feel happy for her.

Also, happy for the mind flayer.

The Mind Flayer has to prepare a counter-encirclement and suppression plan while also dealing with Lilith, who is getting involved and has a violent attack on her, so she must be very busy, right?

What Bai Bin wants is the effect of being unable to do anything at all.

Only when people are exhausted and respond hastily can they create more flaws and have flaws in their thinking.

Although it is only a matter of probability, Bai Bin must ensure that all aspects are taken into consideration and at the same time weaken the mind flayer in all aspects, and he will not let go of even the slightest chance.

Steady and never go wrong.

 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie, thank you very much
(End of this chapter)

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