This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 121: They are all plotting, they are all ruthless!

Chapter 121: They are all plotting, they are all ruthless!
The next morning.

The people of Landenburg, who had only been happy for two days, once again received bad news.

The caravan setting out from Landenburg to Jerusalem was intercepted by kobolds on the way.

From the caravan members to the goods, everything was captured by the kobolds.

Although there were only nine people in the entire caravan, including grooms, clerks and stewards, the Wood family's goods they transported totaled twenty horse-drawn carriages!
Now, all goods and people have been kidnapped by kobolds.

When thinking about the grievances between humans and the kobolds in the Darkwood Forest, all the residents knew that these nine people might not come back alive.

For a moment, the joy of the victory a few days ago was suddenly poured with cold water.

The kobold chieftain had been imprisoned in Landenburg's canal prison for several years, and he hated Landenburg deeply.

Now once he escapes, he will definitely take revenge within his ability.

Landenburg officials and the church issued a joint statement through the Public Security Bureau, suspending all recent cargo caravan transportation to ensure safety.

At the same time, we will strengthen the registration management for entering and exiting Landenburg, and advise everyone not to leave Landenburg and pay attention to safety.

At the same time, they also issued a joint statement that they will attack the kobold tribe in the near future!Return color!
In the eyes of ordinary people, this news particularly boosted morale and stabilized public sentiment.

But in the eyes of Ulysses, the mind flayer who "knows the truth", all this is a trap to hide the truth.

The purpose was to paralyze him and make him think that the kobolds really had nothing to do with Landenburg.

They say the goods were intercepted, but they were actually delivering supplies to the kobolds!

Fortunately, he used 'Detect Thoughts' to steal Lilith's thoughts yesterday and learned the truth.

Otherwise, I would really be blinded by this situation, and I would be convinced of it.

Ulysses arranged for people to go to the Darkwood Forest overnight to communicate the details with the jackals and goblins.

Through an unfounded event, the people who went out to Landenburg were controlled and registered. This in itself was a restriction on Ulysses.

Since Ulysses wants to sit in Landenburg to look for opportunities, he must arrange for the disguised Skinner to carry out the communication with Darkwood Forest.

Once registration and admonishment are carried out in and out of the city, an increase in the number of times will definitely arouse Bai Bin's suspicion.


The corners of Ulysses' mouth raised. The other party seemed to underestimate the influence of his current status.

It was possible to secretly lure a few people out of the city by taking advantage of the privileges of being a marquis.

The other party's move is destined to be in vain.

At the moment, although the opponent's tricks are endless, Ulysses has the absolute initiative.

Since he planned to use his strategy to his advantage, it was all up to him to decide when to talk to the kobold.

The Skin-Flayed Demon has already gone to convey his message, and I believe that soon the gnolls and goblins will learn about the conspiracy of the kobolds and humans to collude, and Ulysses will take advantage of this and use his tricks to go to the kobold lair at the right time.

In name, they are discussing cooperation in detail, but in fact, they are preparing to catch them all!
Ulysses had no doubts about the loyalty of the gnolls and goblins.

The Gnolls originally believed in the Demon King of Hell, and now they have lost their leader. Ulysses supports a Gnoll elite who is a fanatical believer in Hell to be the temporary leader. It can be said that they fight wherever they go.Although the goblins also believe in the Demon King of Hell, their greatest loyalty outside of their belief in hell is in treasure, territory and gold coins.

A goblin can betray his beliefs, but he will never betray his money.

Now that we know that the kobolds are on the side of humans, the threat level to the goblins is directly maximized.

As long as the kobold tribe is killed under the command of Lord Ulysses, it is equivalent to the goblins taking over the entire darkwood forest.

The leaderless gnolls were not even within the scope of the goblins' consideration.

This natural conflict and interest left Golden Tooth with no room for change other than to continue to work with Ulysses and implement the counter-encirclement and suppression plan.

And this action will be a battle calling for the entire clan of two dark creatures!
Directly kill Bai Bin, Ting En and Lilith, completely exterminate the kobolds in the Darkwood Forest, and occupy the magpie nest!
Afterwards, they will not only get the entire Darkwood Forest, but also plunder the resources of Landenburg and the five surrounding towns, making humans their slaves!

By then, the entire province of Ontario will become a paradise for dark creatures!

At the moment, the Mind Flayer is just waiting for the right moment to make a sudden move and catch Bai Bin off guard.

"I, Ulysses, would like to call you a first-class planner, but you happened to meet me, and you are only qualified to taste failure!" The Marquis held a glass of bright red wine and gently shook the glass. What was swirling inside did not seem to be fine wine. But a bloody massacre in the kobold lair!

Just when Ulysses was listening to the opera, drinking fine red wine, and savoring the high-class life, the servant ran over with small steps and whispered in Ulysses's ear:

"Your Majesty the Marquis, Pastor Masuor and Sister Lilith are here again, saying that they will continue to hold a salon today to appease the nobles and invite you to participate..."

Ulysses froze.

"Why are you here again?"

The servant hurriedly explained: "Because the Wood family's caravan was killed last night, and the goods connected to the caravan members were all kidnapped by kobolds, which caused a riot in the noble circle. So you two are here to appease, and secondly, you are here to give Let’s understand the latest policies and decrees.”

Ulysses clenched his fists tightly.

At the same time, he clenched his teeth tightly, almost crushing his back molars.

It was obviously a tacit understanding scene, but it was so fake that it turned out that they still continue to invite Sharon!
If you don't go, it will easily arouse suspicion and expose yourself.

But go ahead, Ulysses has a lot of things to do now.

This kind of social event lasted for half a day, which delayed a lot of his business and left him with little to do!

Ulysses feels now as if he has eaten a large intestine for nine turns but cannot spit it out!
'Good guy, it turns out that there is so much foreshadowing, and the back-up plan is here!You want to use Lilith and Ma Shuoer to restrict me, right..." Ulysses' eyes seemed to be on fire.

Ulysses also knew that once he had frequent contact with Lilith and Ma Shuoer, he would most likely be exposed.

'In this situation, I have to change my speed and speed up! 'Ulysses has forgotten the calm and calm attitude of strategizing before.

Even the only one with the initiative, now under the pressure of Lilith and Ma Shuoer, has become passive unknowingly.

The pride in Ulysses's heart turned into a little bit of irritation as he was slapped in the face again and again.

He is now looking forward to the day when the time comes to the kobold's lair.

The demon army and minions wipe out all these annoying people!
 New January, ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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