This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 122 Everything is ready, all we need is the right person

Chapter 122 Everything is ready, all we need is the right person

Inside the kobold lair.

The kobolds were extremely excited.

Although the return of the old chief Gali did not change the leadership structure of the kobolds, the princess Pero is still the leader, and the old chief Gali acts as the capable general and elder.

But the old chief is worthy of being an old chief. I can only say that the old is still the hotter.

After just coming back and resting for a day, he led his kobold men to intercept a large number of goods from the caravan, as well as living humans.

This move was a severe revenge for the imprisonment of humans for so many years.

However, the cargo intercepted this time was a little different.

"Old Chief...these carriages are all filled with high explosives..." As kobolds who dig mountains and mines, no one knows explosives better than them.

But such a large scale of high explosives is really shocking to the kobolds who are proficient in all kinds of explosions.

Gali sneered, but said without concealment: "I intercepted his shipment just because I knew it contained high explosives. Our kobold tribe does not lack food and production tools, but what we lack is large tons of high explosives!"

Kobolds have many ideas about outsiders, but when it comes to the chiefs they admire, they are all careless. When they heard this, they were even more admired.

The new leader, Perlo, led them to dig a tunnel to ambush and usher in the old chief.

The old chief led them to intercept tons of high explosives, which was a great success.

"You divide these high explosives into points, and then bury them at the corresponding detonation points according to my drawings." Chief Gali directly took out an installation drawing. On the drawing, there were dozens or hundreds of detonation points densely distributed, almost The entire hilltop was occupied.

When the assistant saw this, his jaw dropped to the ground, and his scalp was numb and he said: "Chief, if it is installed like this, then we will have dozens of tons of high explosives above our heads that may explode at any time... Once detonated, the entire kobold will be destroyed. The tribe was buried alive!”

The old chief Galli slapped the kobold assistant on the forehead with hatred: "Idiot! This is the effect we want! Now we have offended humans and intercepted the caravan. They hate us to the core. How could we not have taken precautions earlier?
What's more, the cooperation with the devil is not smooth.Even if we really join the demon camp, can we let go of our past hatred against gnolls and goblins?Goblins are a race that is as disgusting as maggots and has no bottom line. We must be prepared for a rainy day! "

The assistant suddenly understood the meaning.

These high explosives are dangerous when piled together.

But when it is distributed on the top of a mountain, no one is aware of it.

"Chief, I understand! I will find subordinates I can absolutely trust and carry out this task quietly, ensuring that no information is leaked!"

Chief Gali was very satisfied with his assistant's success.

"What to do with the captured humans?" the assistant asked again.

Chief Gali's eyes were far-reaching: "Let me entertain you with good food and drink, and let Dasha guard the dungeon. Dasha alone is enough to scare those timid humans. Keep them, and you can negotiate with humans in exchange for more." Ransom. But if you kill him, it will only vent your anger and cause a larger-scale conflict."

The assistant was already starry-eyed.

The Chief has thought carefully and arranged every step appropriately, putting the best interests of the kobolds first.

Although he had been imprisoned in the dark canal prison for several years, he was able to suppress his hatred for humans and seek welfare for the kobolds as much as possible.

Really, he cried to death...

Gali looked at his little assistant who was moved to tears, yet admired him so much. On the surface, he looked calm and calm, but in fact, his heart was already turbulent.

Because these words have been set by Bai Bin before.Gali just needs to talk like a cat and a tiger and it will be done.

I just didn't expect...the effect would be so outstanding.

Not only did the mission proceed smoothly, but his image among the kobolds also improved.

Who wouldn’t be confused by this kind of adoring look?
At the same time, Gali also gained a deeper understanding of Bai Bin's abilities.Even the psychology of the kobolds is so well understood. This Pastor Bai is not simple!

Although it seems that the demonic forces currently occupy the main force, from Gali's perspective, the mind flayer and his minions have unknowingly fallen into the quagmire arranged by Bai Bin step by step.

By the time they react, they will find it difficult to escape.

The strengths of both sides are not at the same level at all.

All the jackals and goblins in the Darkwood Forest are no match for Bai Bin's brain.

I feel that cooperating with Bai Bin is the most correct decision the kobold chief Gali has ever made.

Gali returned to the tribe's lair, the cave where the chief was.

There were only two people in the cave dwelling, Gali and his daughter Pero.

With just a brief exchange of glances, Perlo knew that his father's arrangements had been explained.

"That person is really powerful. Everything is exactly as he said. He has thoroughly analyzed various forces and ideas. Hearing such words before made people feel incredible. But now it seems that things are really true. Going in this direction makes people even more frightened and shocked.”

Perlo couldn't help but sigh with emotion, with a look of reminiscence on his face.

I remembered the scene where I had a chat with Bai Bin that day, and I was deeply impressed by his easy manner, extraordinary conversation and far-sighted views.

Chief Galli nodded in agreement: "I always said in the past that the only people in Landenburg worthy of my admiration are Lord Langdon and Father Lima. But now it has to be changed. The one who is number one deserves it! Whether it is the lord or the priest, , you have to step back and give way."

"Where is the dungeon? How are father's arrangements?" Perlo asked again.

Gali was full of confidence: "I have transferred the other kobolds and asked Dasha to go over there. In this way, the back-up man who arranged the arrangement can easily bypass supervision and carry out the plan. Where are you? ?”

"I have arranged a grand celebration, which will be held in another hall of the lair, and everyone in the tribe will be invited to participate. The living room will then be vacated, making it easier for the person to arrange the magic circle. It will also be convenient for those who bury high explosives on the top of the mountain. Squad.”

In this way, all preparations are made.

Next, just wait for the mind flayers to take the bait and go to the kobold lair to negotiate with them.


At the same time, Landenburg Cathedral.

Bai Bin looked at all the arrangements, closed his eyes and took a nap, rehearsing them in his mind.

Now, everything is ready, all we need is the right person.

If nothing unexpected happens, with the high pressure from Lilith and Ma Shuoer, the Mind Flayer will be unable to sit still.

Within the next few days, arrangements will be made to go to the kobold lair for detailed discussions.

But how could Bai Bin let the mind flayer have his way?

Some things still need to be pushed.

Just like...

"Pastor Bai will personally go to the kobold lair, negotiate with the kobolds, and redeem the hostages!" 》

The news was accompanied by the Landenburg Morning News and spread throughout the town.

 Thanks to book friend 130218142415747 for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie. Thank you very much.
(End of this chapter)

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