This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 127 A group of us will challenge you alone!

Chapter 127 A group of us will challenge you alone!
The Mind Flayer was just about to release the [Lightning Beam], but felt a danger coming from behind.

The penitent's shadow appears out of nowhere, in an instant.

A spiked hammer fell straight down like a wake-up call.

The Mind Flayer turned around and counterattacked subconsciously, shooting out a string of blue lightning bolts from his hand and landing on the penitent's chest.

The powerful current crackled and twisted like a snake.

The penitent's body visibly stagnated, but the spiked hammer still crashed down in the next second.

The stone table and chairs in the reception room shattered into pieces, and the Mind Flayer staggered to avoid the fatal blow.

When the Mind Flayer looked back again, Gali, Perro and the other kobold guards were no longer in sight. The stone door also closed heavily after a few people left.The reception room has become a place of death struggle.

The Mind Flayer felt threatened by the Penitent. This metal behemoth seemed to have no emotions at all. The psionic Hidden Blade scratched the metal shell, leaving only a shallow metal scratch. In the past, the Psychic Hidden Blade tore through metal and destroyed everything. The screen did not appear.

The Mind Flayer frowned. This big metal man's defense was astonishing. Whether it was a magical attack or a physical attack, it was difficult to cause any real damage.

Looking back at the penitent, the spiked hammer in his hand danced like a breeze in the small space of the reception room, and every attack was powerful and heavy.Once the reaction is a little slow, it is easy to get a hammer.

However, although the mind flayer is entangled with the penitent, it has already thought of a way to escape from all directions.

The iron man and Bai Bin in front of him are not the key.

The key is Lilith who is hiding in the corner like an eagle protecting her chicks, and Ting En who is hiding behind and shivering.

As long as these two are killed, the Mind Flayer will have completed the two important tasks assigned to him by the Demon Lord Belial.After that, he used [Transportation from Another World] to leave in style, and joined the Hell Legion outside to complete the strangulation of the kobolds.

Or even go to the extreme and go straight back to hell.

To use Lilith and Ting En to lure him out, he must be able to protect them.

But obviously, Bai Bin didn't have the ability to protect the two of them.

[Obscuration], [Blade Protection]!
The mind flayer was light and immediately cast two defensive spells on his body.

[Blade Protection] condenses several magic blades around the body to resist weakening attacks.

[Blurry Technique] even blurs the figure, making attacks directed at oneself more likely to fail.

It's just that although the mind flayer has a good idea, he doesn't know that a 2-level spell like [Obscurity] is completely useless to a penitent who doesn't need vision.

There is no pilot in the Penitent, and the perception of the enemy relies entirely on intimidation and the natural induction of dark creatures.

The mind flayer soon discovered this as well.

With the blessing of [Obscurity], the penitent's actions and attacks were not affected in any way, and his movements were not slowed down at all.

A flash of light flashed between the Mind Flayer's brows.

Very good, he was already sure that this iron lump was not driven by a living person, but a controlled puppet.


The Mind Flayer's figure jumped again, but this time his eyes met Bai Bin's.

It's now!

[Control the spirit]!
As long as Bai Bin's spirit is controlled, this troublesome summon can be eliminated.

A burst of spiritual energy hit Bai Bin directly.

Normally, at this time, the mind flayer's consciousness can enter Bai Bin's body and control his mind and body.

But there was no transformation in the mind flayer's spirit.

Bai Bin, who was opposite him, put his hands on his chest and looked at the mind flayer with a playful expression.

"What's wrong? Did you find that your [Spirit Control] doesn't work?"

The mind flayer's mind goes blank, which is the signature ability for which he is famous.

'How can this be! '

There was no obstruction or obstruction between him and Bai Bin, and the spiritual energy penetrated Bai Bin's body smoothly. Why was he okay?
He had never failed this move before, but it had no effect against Bai Bin this time!

But reality did not give the Mind Flayer any room to think, because the Penitent's spiked hammer struck again.

The spiked hammer fell, creating a large crater in the ground.

The [Blade Protection] surrounding the Mind Flayer was missing a few pieces, obviously being impacted by the aftermath of the previous attack.Bai Bin estimated that the kobolds had already moved away at this moment, and grinned: "You were the one attacking, so now it's my turn!"

Suddenly, ripples appeared under Bai Bin's feet, and the surging positive energy quickly filled the entire reception room.

[Reverence Technique] filled the Baiping reception room, with positive energy everywhere, suppressing the mind flayer.

In just a moment, Ulysses felt that his movements were blocked and extremely uncomfortable.

Although they are not hell creatures, void creatures are also dark creatures and are quite repulsive to this extremely powerful light force.

With just one move of [Admiration Technique], Ulysses suffered a big loss. When avoiding the Penitent's attack, it became obvious that he was unable to do what he wanted.

'If this continues, something will happen!We must find an opportunity to kill Lilith and Ting En directly, and then escape from here! '

Ulysses still underestimated Bai Bin.

Although I had seen this guy's terrifying illumination technique in Landenburg before, today he used [Reverence Technique] and summoned iron lumps, and somehow made him immune to his [Spirit Control].

Only then did Ulysses understand what it means to be prepared.

This time, he was completely led by Bai Bin, who was more prepared than he expected.

However, this does not mean that Ulysses will run away like a lost dog.

[Mind Blast]!
The mind flayer used magic to emit psychic energy, and he only needed to delay Bai Bin for a moment before he could take advantage of the opportunity to deal with Lilith and Ting En.

Only this time, Bai Bin still refused to dodge.

The damage and shock effect of the mind blast seemed to be fake, and had no effect on Bai Bin!It even seemed to hit the air!

The mind flayer's eyes were about to burst, and even his breathing was stagnant.

Repeated ineffective attacks, does this guy have some secret ability that makes him immune to mental and spiritual energy attacks?

The mind flayer's eyes glanced back and forth on Bai Bin, but the more he looked at it, the more frustrated he became.

He has never suffered so much from one person, Bai Bin is the first!
Since you are completely immune to psychic and mental attacks, then...

The Mind Flayer vibrated at a certain frequency, and purple energy waves instantly covered the entire reception room.

Immediately afterwards, the scene in the bare underground reception room began to change.

The surrounding scene changes rapidly, the walls disappear, and the surroundings expand infinitely.

A secluded ancient castle suddenly appeared in front of you.


With the crows of crows and the dark and abandoned castle, the scene once became eerie and terrifying.

But the mind flayer disappeared at this moment.


A ball of light suddenly appeared around the penitent, dispelling the illusion.

Holding a spiked hammer, he was bombarding and chasing people inside the castle, but the Mind Flayer was nowhere to be seen.

It's like battling wits with the air.

Lilith protected Ting En closely behind her and kept looking around, also paying attention to the penitent's position.

"[Illusion], it is indeed a good illusion. But if I use this trick, how will you deal with it?"

Bai Bin said he didn't want to pretend anymore, he showed his cards!

But before the full showdown, the curtain must be drawn up to have a surprise, right?
[Hidden Mist Technique]!
In just an instant, the castle was enveloped in thick fog.

[Illusion] is an illusion, but [Hidden Mist] is actually effective.

Superimposed on the illusion, it is equivalent to directly turning on the switch.

You're doing your illusions, and I won't be able to see them!

Then, it's Bai Bin's showdown.

When the [Hidden Fog Technique] dissipates, the Mind Flayer will see a famous scene.

A group of people fight against one person!
 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie!
(End of this chapter)

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