This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 128 This priest has no martial ethics!

Chapter 128 This priest has no martial ethics!

The Mind Flayer uses the [Illusion] ability to hide himself in it.

It's just that this Tie Liao actually has the ability to "break delusion". The illusion space created by [Illusion] cannot restrict it at all, so Tie Liao is still chasing him.

Fortunately, the Mind Flayer's targets are Lilith and Tynn.

As long as they are killed, the mission will be completed.

All that's left is to slowly fight Bai Bin, ravage him bit by bit, and eliminate the kobolds at the same time.

The mind flayer knows the priest very well. Since it is determined that the iron knot is summoned, it must have a duration!

The priest's summoning skills are all time-limited. Only the demons signed by the warlock, the hunter's beasts, and the mage's familiars can be permanently effective because they are all bloodline and contract-level rules.

As long as Lilith and Ting En are killed, and as long as he continues to consume, Bai Bin will definitely end up dead.

However, just as the Mind Flayer was planning his tactics.

Mutations are sudden!

Bai Bin actually used [Hidden Mist Technique] in [Illusion]!
You must know that [Illusion] uses illusion to confuse the six senses, making people feel that they are in a different place, causing obstacles and illusions about time, distance, speed, etc.

But the thick fog of [Hidden Mist Technique] is real, and it instantly enveloped everyone in a thick fog.

The thick fog is real, layered on top of the [illusion].

So much so that everyone in the [Illusion] is now wrapped in heavy fog, unable to see even their fingers.

What the Mind Flayer saw was the real reception room, but it was currently covered by thick fog. The iron knot was hidden in the thick fog, making it even more elusive and hard to find.

What Bai Bin saw was a [phantom]. Although [Hidden Mist Technique] is effective, Bai Bin will not be disturbed by [Hidden Mist Technique]. He can clearly see the [Illusion] and the penitent who is constantly fighting wits with the air.

Lilith and Ting En were completely blinded by the [Hidden Mist Technique], but their senses of hearing and smell were still trapped in the [Illusion], and the superposition of the two phases became even more terrifying.

Bai Bin clapped his hands and said with a smile: "We are obviously in your castle, why do you still run away?"

Bai Bin said this not only to the mind flayer, but also to let Lilith and Ting En hear his position.At the same time, it was a reminder to the two of them that the Mind Flayer was currently in motion and was dealing with them.

【Weakening Ray】!
The Mind Flayer folded his hands, the index fingers and thumbs of both hands formed a triangle shape, and aimed a line beam behind him.

The green [Weakness Ray] fell steadily on the penitent's body.

The hard metal body was hit by the [weakening ray], and the green energy spread out like ripples.

The penitent, who was originally moving freely, suddenly moved like an 80-year-old woman, slow and slow.

At this time, the Penitent was slowed down and was completely unable to catch up with the Mind Flayer. Naturally, the opportunity to lock on to the Mind Flayer was lost.

Invisible in the [Illusion], the real danger has just arrived at this moment.

Ulysses showed a ferocious smile, and the tentacles on his chin were ready to move, as if he was ready for a meal at any time.

Having rid himself of the Penitent, now begins his hunting time!

Although his line of sight was blocked, Ulysses relied on the illusion feedback created by [Illusion] to sense the location of the abnormal movement of the energy field in the illusion.

It was an obvious energy field of aura and fear, coming from Lilith and Ting En.

Ulysses locked the position of the two of them and jumped up silently.

Suddenly, a hand pressed on Lilith's shoulder!

The next second, purple palms appeared, and then spread to the arms, upper body, and head.

Ulysses revealed his true form from the [Illusion] and launched an honor killing against Lilith, the boss!
Lilith was stunned and froze in place.

Looking at the psychic hidden sword on the Mind Flayer's wrist, he has lost the ability to dodge.

At this moment, the glory belongs to Ulysses.

In Ulysses' deep eyes, he seemed to have seen in advance that he had been rewarded by the Demon King Belial. His tribe no longer wandered in the twisted void, but lived peacefully in hell, with a habitat of their own. .

The psychic hidden sword thrust down without hesitation!
The psychic hidden sword accurately cut Lilith's head, sinking in from one end and drawing out from the other end!

The substantial sense of the owl's head did not appear, and the succubus' head did not roll to the ground.Instead, there was a wave of fluctuation, like a signal of unstable flashing screen, suddenly disappearing from the place!
People are gone!

Ulysses' eyes were blank.

How come people are missing!
He was obviously holding Lilith's shoulders and felt her fluctuations and her presence.

But why is it that when the Hidden Blade cuts across the neck, it's like cutting through the air, with no obstruction or feedback.

Just when Ulysses was stunned, [Hidden Mist Technique] was withdrawn.

Bai Bin applauded: "Congratulations, you have officially fallen into the trap."

Looking next to Lilith, standing there was the little lord Ting En. He was a man wearing an elegant tuxedo and a small top hat.

He also raised the brim of his hat towards Ulysses to show his presence.

"This is..." There was a bang in Ulysses' head.

Now I finally realize that Xiao Ting'en is a fake, and has been a fake from the beginning!
"Introducing Zola Feiying, Jerusalem bounty hunter and magician." After Bai Bin finished speaking, he added another sentence, which almost made Ulysses' lungs explode: "How do you think I can Bring the real little lord here to die?"

The magician named Zora Feiying had a gentlemanly smile on his face: "Your Majesty the Mind Flayer, how was the little trick just now?"

He used the most gentlemanly smile and language, but said the most sarcastic words.

Every word is heartbreaking!

Zora Hidden Shadow, a bounty hunter from Jerusalem.

It was the bounty hunter that Weier hired with a lot of money knowing that she couldn't get to Landenburg.

Wei'er knew that Bai Bin was facing a mind flayer, so she hired a magician who also knew how to blind people, hoping to help Bai Bin.

After the magician came to see him, Bai Bin updated and perfected his plan.

The magician became the most important part.

This is the current situation.

"Mind Flayer, for the sake of fairness, let's challenge each other."

"The four of us will challenge you!"

four! ?
Now the Mind Flayer was stunned by Bai Bin's words again.

There were only three people in front of me, where did the four come from?

Could it be referring to that iron bump?
This light priest has no honor at all!

At this moment, the Mind Flayer suddenly felt the hair on his back explode, and a strong hostility appeared.

The Mind Flayer did not hesitate to activate [Shield Technique], and a void purple translucent shield appeared around him, covering himself.

The dark blade's sneak attack hit the translucent shield.

With just two strikes, the shield was almost reduced to almost nothing, and even the [Illusion] maintained by the illusion completely collapsed.

The gloomy castle in everyone's eyes disappeared very quickly and returned to the reception room.

"Pons Darkblade, a fourth-level assassin of the Templar Assassins!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the golden stove in Bai Bin's hand flew out, blocking the mind flayer's evasive direction.


Except for Lilith, who is a soy saucer, the other three are all powerful enemies!

Ulysses never expected that Bai Bin would quietly arrange so many trump cards!

 Thanks to blank_light, for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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