This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 130 Sandstorm Funeral

Chapter 130 Sandstorm Funeral
The mind flayer was smashed against the wall with a spiked hammer.

Horrifying purple blood oozed from his ears, nose, and mouth.

The mind flayer watched countless attacks coming, and the pain and discomfort on his face was replaced by a strange smile.

"Killing me won't help. The demon army has surrounded this place. With your strength, you can't escape from here!" The Mind Flayer is no longer able to resist, but these people in front of him will also die with him!

Especially Lilith.

The Mind Flayer showed a ferocious smile and stared at Lilith: "I will wait for you in hell!"

Bai Bin sneered: "Then I'm sorry, I have already prepared a way to deal with the demon army once and for all, but you can't see this grand event with your own eyes. But you can ask in person after the minions go to hell. "

As soon as he finished speaking, all kinds of attacks fell on the mind flayer indiscriminately.

The golden furnace fell on the Mind Flayer's face, and the eternal flames in it emitted blazing flames, which instantly caused the Mind Flayer's cheeks to twist and burn.

The face that was originally bleeding from all the orifices became even more ferocious and disgusting.

The next second, the spiked hammer landed heavily on the mind flayer's body.

The body, which was already punctured with several large holes, looked like a sieve this time.

Under the huge force, the internal organs had been blasted into pulp and overflowed along the holes in the body.

Lilith's barbed whip left several scratches on the Mind Flayer's body.

Finally, it was Ponce Darkblade who ended it. The Darkblade stabbed into the Mind Flayer's neck, and the sharp dagger went straight towards the head, separating the head and body.

The octopus-like tentacles on the Mind Flayer's chin are still alive and squirming even after the Mind Flayer has died.

Pons Darkblade held up the Mind Flayer's head and marveled: "The magical neuron response. Even if the human consciousness has died, the individual neural responses are still there."

The tentacles sense living people around them, just like meeting metal and a magnet, and the disgusting tentacles unconsciously squirm in one direction.

Bai Bin looked at the completely dead Mind Flayer and let out a long breath.

Toby Ryan's energy suppression ring is really easy to use. In addition, the magician was disguised as a groom who was intercepted by the kobolds when transporting goods and sneaked into the kobold lair. He completed the drawing and debugging of the magic circle in the reception room. The suppressed energy is adjusted to the corresponding frequency, which directly nullifies the Mind Flayer's [Alien Teleportation].

This is the biggest trump card against the Mind Flayer.

Originally, Bai Bin planned to use plan [-] and have Father Lima install it himself.

But after the magician came on the stage, this particularly fitting task fell on Zola.

A magician who is best at setting up magic circles and disguises, Wei'er's long-range support was just right and extremely wonderful.

just now.

The biggest trouble has been solved, all that's left are some shrimps.

"Okay, now you just stay here and hide. No matter what noise you hear, don't open the stone door. Leave the demon minions outside to me to deal with."

Bai Bin said and walked to Shimen.

But Lilith grabbed him.

"I want to go with you!" Lilith's eyes flickered.

Bai Bin chuckled: "Why are you going to steal my scene? Naturally, I have to enjoy this kind of moment that attracts everyone's attention. Next time, I will give you a chance, be good~"

Bai Bin coaxed and deceived to stabilize Lilith.

Looking at the other people, they all looked at the interaction between the two with gossipy eyes.

A promising priest of the Light Religion, the first light succubus washed in black and white in history.

No matter how you look at this combination, they give people a sense of beauty that breaks taboos.

The magician Zola Feiying's eyes widened and he wished he could record this moment in full.

Because his employer Wei'er gave him two tasks, helping Bai Bin was only one of the prices, and recording Bai Bin's emotional state was the highlight!

'It seems that my employer is in a bad situation~' Zola cursed.

Pons Darkblade hid in the shadows again, staring at the two of them like prey.

As an assassin sent by Sandro, the leader of the Templar Assassins, in addition to helping Landenburg stabilize the situation on the surface, Pons also received secret orders to secretly investigate and collect information about Bai Bin.

When he was in the Jerusalem Temple Assassin Group, he also heard about Miss Weier having a huge quarrel with the leader because of the man in front of her.

Right now, the man was flirting with the succubus.Write it down, write it all down!
This is important information!

Lilith pursed her lips helplessly, unhappy!

But Bai Bin said so, and she couldn't find a way to insert it for a while, so she could only whisper softly: "Then you promise me to protect yourself and never get hurt..."

"Okay, don't worry, it'll be fine if you leave it to me." After Bai Bin comforted her, he pushed Lilith into the living room and motioned for her to stand inside.

The heavy stone door slowly closed.

At this moment, the spacious hall of the kobold's lair was empty.

But from all the corridors came the crazy roars of jackals and goblins.

They received orders from Lord Ulysses to launch a general attack on the kobold lair tonight.

The task given is to destroy all creatures in sight. Whoever has the most eye-catching killing record will say something nice in front of Lord Belial, the Demon King.

The gnolls have flashing green eyes, and the greedy goblins even dream of occupying the kobolds' territory.

There are warm caves here and countless mineral treasures.

All kinds of screams and excitement were mixed together, and there were only four words to describe it - a group of demons dancing wildly.

Bai Bin's mentality was relaxed. He solved the mind flayer in the reception room, and only three people saw it.

But facing the devil's minions now is different.

The enemies are thousands of gnolls and goblins, and a very small number of skinners.

Bai Bin wants to fight against the crowd with one, and then burst out with the most brilliant brilliance, so that everyone can see clearly.

This thunder on the ground also means that from now on, Bai Bin will become Landenburg's unshakable existence, and his absolute position at the bottom will be unshakable.

'This time, with the crisis resolved, I can actually lie down and have sex! '

Just as Bai Bin finished sighing, countless jackals and goblins squeezed out of the corridor.

Bai Bin was quickly surrounded like a tide.

These gnolls and goblins, armed with curled broadswords, rusty tetanus axes, and crudely made short spears and carpenters, stared at Bai Bin eagerly.

"Where's Lord Ulysses, where's the kobold?" The goblin leader Da Jinya was helped to the front by the weak goblin. He glanced left and right and couldn't see Lord Ulysses. Only Bai Bin was alone, alone. , and no kobolds were seen.

"Haha, your Lord Ulysses has already gone to hell to wait for you." Bai Bin sneered.

"Is it just you? Can you deal with Lord Ulysses?" Big Jinya laughed, revealing his golden teeth.

Bai Bin glanced at the scene and asked, "Is everyone here?"

Big Gold Tooth's eyes flashed with greed.

Regardless of where Lord Ulysses went, Bai Bin in front of him has interfered with Lord Demon King several times and has long been regarded as a thorn in his side. If he can kill Bai Bin, he can gain a lot!many!many!

"Of course everyone is here, but it's a pity that we won't mourn your death. You can only hear the sound of carnival!" The big goldfish waved his cane: "Everyone, attack!"

Bai Bin grinned. He was not at all timid due to the siege of thousands of dark creatures, but instead felt a kind of fanatical excitement.

"Now that everyone is here, let's start the banquet!"

Bai Bin shouted, and Perlo, who was hiding in the dark, gave the order almost at the same time to ignite more than a dozen tons of high explosives buried on the slopes of the dark wood forest.


A series of violent explosions shook the entire lair, extremely violent.

There were cracks in the dome of the lair, and countless sand and stones rolled down from it.

The entire half-slope of the Darkwood Forest slid down amid violent explosions.

Tens of thousands of tons of sand and rocks crashed down.

Sandstorm funeral!

 Thanks to blank_light, for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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