This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 131 Who could have imagined this ending!

Chapter 131 Who could have imagined this ending!
The jackals and goblins who rushed towards Bai Bin were all shaken by the violent vibrations.

He was full of energy before, with greed and bloodthirsty written all over his face, ready to take down Bai Bin, a big man, and gain glory.

But now, his soul is trembling with fear and his face is pale.

Jackals and goblins all looked at the goblin leader, Golden Tooth, who was the supreme commander at the scene.

Unexpectedly, Da Jinya was also greedy for life and fearful of death. He didn't even have the slightest intention of commanding a retreat. He turned around, leaned on his cane, gritted his teeth and took small steps to escape in the opposite direction.

Seeing the only commander turning around and running away without saying a word, the other dark creatures couldn't think of fighting at this moment.

Thousands of dark creatures began to flee, leaving only a few skinned demons in the crowd shouting to kill Bai Bin.

However, dark creatures are not stupid. Demons can be reborn in hell after death. When they die, they are really dead!
"It's too late to run away now!"

Bai Bin looked up and saw that the dome of the nest collapsed, and a large amount of stones, sand, gravel and soil rushed down and made a roar.

Bai Bin took a deep breath, and then activated the [Sanctuary Technique] to protect himself.

The [Sacred Domain Technique] lasts for 50 seconds. Bai Bin now only hopes that the mountain will completely collapse within 50 seconds, completely burying all dark creatures.

The detonation of more than ten tons of high explosives caused violent tremors in the earth.

Landenburg, who was more than ten miles away, also clearly felt this "anger of the earth."

The residents were terrified and didn't know what was happening.

But in the higher-lying Langdon Fort and the cathedral, people saw the fire shooting into the sky, as well as trees, rocks and soil that were blown hundreds of meters high by the explosion.

The soaring firelight illuminated the night sky like daylight, followed immediately by the thunderous sound of the mountain collapsing, impacting people's fragile eardrums in waves.

Father Lima watched the explosion in the Darkwood Forest from the astronomical observatory of the cathedral. He squinted his eyes slightly and saw with his own eyes that the mountain where the abandoned mine in the Darkwood Forest was located collapsed.

It collapsed like a knife, revealing neat smooth sections.

The dust kicked up looked like a huge monster in the darkness, with a ferocious figure.

'Bai Bin... you must not let anything happen! '

Father Lima did not summon people to rescue because he knew that his biggest task was to sit in Landenburg and stabilize the situation.


Several people in the reception room also felt the earth shaking and the huge explosions coming from above their heads.

As Zola, who followed the high explosives into the kobold's lair, she naturally knew that the end result would be a hearty explosion.

But neither Pons Darkblade nor Lilith knew the complete plan and were kept in the dark.

Suddenly he felt the ground shaking, and his face suddenly turned pale.

Zola leaned on the corner of the reception room and said calmly: "This is an explosion of high explosives buried in advance, triggering a landslide in the dark wood forest. The purpose is to bury the enemy alive. When the explosion is over, the kobolds will dig tunnels and burrows to rescue us. All we have to do is wait here."

Lilith's face turned pale and her eyes widened in disbelief.

She didn't expect Bai Bin to end the battle in this way.

But this landslide is no better than the explosives on the carriage before.

This time there was a large amount of high explosives, and they directly blew up a mountain!

Under the impact of this landslide, can Bai Bin survive?

Pons Darkblade, who was on the side, was also leaning against the strongest corner, with surprise written all over his face.

The mission he got from Bai Bin was to sneak in, kill the mind flayers together, and eliminate the forces of hell.But he had no idea about this step of destroying mountains and burying people.

How much high explosives would be needed to trigger a mountain collapse-level detonation!

Bai Bin's move was really generous.

Use yourself as bait to attract dark creatures to gather, and then use explosions to catch all the dark minions in one fell swoop and bury them on the spot.

With just one hand, all the dark creatures in the Darkwood Forest were eliminated.

This courage and action are beyond words!
Pons Darkblade keeps this in mind, and when he returns to Jerusalem, this is all the material he can report.

Dozens of tons of high explosives, in the hands of kobolds who are good at blasting and excavation, are extremely powerful.

Half of the mountain was flattened, and the impact caused by the mountain's collapse directly changed the landscape of the mountain. The rushing mountain almost spread to the official road.

When the earthquake and collapse completely calmed down, only hundreds of meters of dust remained in the night sky, lying on the ruins like a monster, as if admiring the masterpiece of its own creation.

When the explosion calmed down, Chief Perro and Gali, who had already been hiding in the safe cave, immediately ordered the kobolds to dig a passage to the lair hall and reception room.

Thousands of tons of boulders and clods of earth were all pressed into the kobold's lair.

All the gnolls and goblins failed to escape, and were all buried in the ruins.

The heavy pressure and anaerobic environment directly caused most of the dark creatures to die directly, or even be squeezed into meat patties.

During the excavation process, if they encounter those who are still breathing, the kobolds will not hesitate to give them a blow and send them on their last journey.

Gali and Perlo frowned and kept urging their men to increase their excavation efforts. Almost all the kobolds joined in the excavation work.

Bai Bin and Perlow revealed that he could last for 50 seconds after being buried.

This is why Perlow is so anxious.

If we don't hurry up, what we dig up will most likely be Bai Bin's body!

Bai Bin was in the [Holy Domain Technique], looking at the solid clods of earth that were being pushed around and being pressed, and silently counting down in his heart.

Once the 50 seconds of [Sanctuary Technique] ends, this compacted small space can only last for a few seconds.

After a few seconds, the hollow and unstable structure will collapse.

At that time, strong pressure will fall directly on him.

Even though he had a physical constitution of 23 points, he still couldn't resist the weight of half a mountain.

Perhaps, then, the healing ability of [Cure Slander] will allow him to survive for a few more seconds.

'There are 15 seconds left, you have to prepare in advance...' Bai Bin thought silently in his mind.

At this moment, cracks appeared on the surface of the compacted soil in front of him. Then the cracks grew and the soil gradually fell off, revealing the scene outside.

The kobolds who were digging were startled. They didn't expect that there was a living priest here, and they didn't expect that the priest would be Bai Bin. They were stunned.

Perlo pushed the kobold away and dug hard at the surrounding soil with his hands. The anxiety on his face turned into excitement: "Quickly, help me and rescue Pastor Bai!"

The stunned kobolds around were still confused about the situation, but the kobold guards who had been responsible for protection had already rushed to help.

Chief Gali also explained to the kobolds at the right time: "In fact, we and the humans of Landenburg are allies. We joined together to perform this drama and completely eliminated the jackals and goblins. From now on, the Darkwood Forest belongs to We kobolds will no longer have goblins and gnolls to divide our resources!"

Just one sentence completely dispelled the doubts of the kobolds.

Exclusively enjoying the entire darkwood forest, this surprise came too suddenly!
 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie!
(End of this chapter)

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