This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 132 What?Study abroad in Landenburg?

Chapter 132 What?Study abroad in Landenburg...?
Bai Bin took a long breath.

As soon as the front legs were pulled out by Princess Perlo, the cavity where the back legs were located collapsed again and was completely buried.

In this wave of dangers, attracting countless enemies, and causing landslides due to explosions, Bai Bin is the well-deserved protagonist.

Bai Bin looked at the gap that had been completely buried with lingering fear.

If the kobold was a little later, he would really have to use [Cure Slander] to extend his life.

Although Perlo's height only reached Bai Bin's waist, he still stood on tiptoes and looked carefully. He breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that there were no wounds on Bai Bin's body.

The old chief Gali, who was maintaining order in the kobold tribe at the back, couldn't help but frown slightly when he saw this scene. There was something wrong with this...

Bai Bin also felt Perlo's passionate eyes, and quickly diverted her attention, asking: "No one was injured in the kobold, right?"

Princess Poluo shook her head repeatedly, her eyes were about to shoot out little stars.

"No, I strictly followed what you said and arranged for all the kobolds to enter the safe area prepared in advance. No one was injured or killed."

Princess Perlo quickly asked again: "Mind Flayer, didn't you let him escape?"

Bai Bin smiled. He had arranged so many trump cards, designed layer by layer, and burned a lot of brain cells to complete such a perfect battle.

If he let the mind flayer escape, he would be completely depressed.

"Don't worry, you will see his body when you dig into the reception room."

Princess Poluo laughed innocently and patted her head. She was so busy worrying about Bai Bin that she almost forgot that there were survivors in the reception room!

Thanks to the kobold's hard digging, it only took a few minutes to reach the door of the reception room.

The newly excavated corridor was supported along the way to ensure that the uneven density of stone soil would cause secondary collapse due to gaps.

When the stone door was slowly pushed open and she saw Bai Bin appearing safe and sound, Lilith's worried heart finally dropped and she threw herself into Bai Bin's arms. Her tears were like broken pearls, dripping and falling. stop.

The kobold princess Perlo has some taste.

Standing aside, she looked at Lilith who was not wrapped in a black nun's robe.

From her coquettish hooves, there is a pair of tight and slender long legs. The length of the legs alone is already taller than her.

Pear-shaped figure, bulging forward and backward.

One point more will make you fatter, one point less will make you thinner. It is just as perfect as carving.

Looking at her face again, she is even more crying now, looking pitiful.

Even as a kobold, she couldn't resist, let alone a white priest.

Perlo was unhappy and stood aside with his mouth pursed.

The other two people in the room simply pretended not to see him.

It's safe and sound now, everything is going well, and the bounty hunter can return to Jerusalem to collect the balance.Pons Darkblade was ordered to face the crisis, and after relieving the crisis in Helm City, he rushed to Landenburg without stopping.

Now that Landenburg's greatest enemy, Ulysses, has been killed, and all the dark creatures, as well as the remnants of hell that have smuggled into the world, have been crushed to death by the landslide, Landenburg's crisis can be declared over.

Chief Galli and Perlo were completely relieved when they saw the mind flayer's head in Pons' hand.It is not so easy for hell to send power to the human world.

What's more, this time the turmoil spread to the entire Zion Empire, and the province of Ontario, where Landenburg was located, was just one part of it.

Now, in the earth-shattering explosion, the forces of hell and darkness have been purged. In the short term, the safety of Landenburg and its surrounding areas can be guaranteed.

Several humans and the two leaders of the kobolds gathered in the reception room.

The other kobolds have already followed the instructions to dig a mine tunnel out of the Darkwood Forest.

"Congratulations to Chief Gali and Chief Perlo. From now on, the Darkwood Forest will be an area that belongs exclusively to you kobolds." Bai Bin abided by the previous cooperation agreement and gave up the Darkwood Forest to him without hesitation.

Having witnessed Bai Bin's series of plans with his own eyes, Chief Gali had already admired Bai Bin.

This guy's head and tactical arrangements, even from the perspective of an ally, give people a feeling of incomparable power, and quite the impression that the "hand of God" is invincible.

Although the crisis has been lifted now, Chief Gali has a keen sense that today's world is full of turmoil, and the future does not seem to be peaceful.

The friendly alliance with Landenburg cannot end abruptly because of the end of the incident, but should continue.

In this way, the entire northeastern part of the Zion Empire will be firmly in the hands of Landenburg and the Kobolds.

If the two sides communicate with each other and help each other, they will become one!
After his daughter Perlo's suggestion last time, Chief Gali seemed to have been awakened. He followed his daughter's ideas and did a lot of strategic thinking, and finally came to the conclusion that the alliance between the two parties must not only continue , but also to strengthen and consolidate!

"Pastor Bai's words are serious. We have a tacit understanding of our cooperation. From now on, this Darkwood Forest will not only be the Darkwood Forest of the Kobolds, but also the Darkwood Forest of Landenburg." What Gali said was that he wanted to continue with Bai Bin. Maintain a cooperative relationship.

Bai Bin naturally understood the meaning and followed the words.

"This is natural. After this cooperation, I think both parties can feel the sincerity of the other party. In this turbulent era, this goodwill and sincerity are very precious to us. As long as both of us can continue to maintain this sincerity If you go down, no matter what the chaos is outside, peace and stability can always be guaranteed in the Ontario Province of the Zion Empire."

Chief Gali was also a veteran and understood the implication of Bai Bin's words.

After laughing, he decided to bring out the most crucial item.

"It just so happens that my little girl has an immature suggestion. Pastor Bai might as well listen to it. You can discuss it with Father Lima and the lord's wife after you go back."

Chief Gali turned the topic to his daughter Pero.

Perlo blinked, and then made a suggestion that shocked everyone.

"As everyone knows, I am the new leader of the kobolds, but I am also a heretic priest. Now that the demonic crisis has been resolved and my father has returned safely, I can also be separated from busy official duties and thinking about the future survival of the tribe, and improve myself. Let’s talk about personal abilities.

I was wondering if, as a priest, I could go to Landenburg Cathedral for exchanges and further studies to improve my skills. "

Come to Landenburg Cathedral for exchange and study?
Doesn’t this mean studying abroad?
Moreover, you must know that in addition to being a priest, Perlo also has an identity as a kobold leader.

Going to Landenburg in person has a bit of a "proton" meaning in it, which can be regarded as a show of sincerity.

Although it is outrageous, if you think about it carefully, it seems that there is indeed room for maneuver!
Although heretical priests are involved in dark forces, they are considered a type of lawful priests, and they can communicate with light priests.

"The princess's suggestion is very practical. It can not only deepen the communication between the two parties, but also eliminate previous misunderstandings. After I return, I will discuss a process in detail with Father Lima. In my opinion, the possibility of the priest agreeing is extremely high. "

(End of this chapter)

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