This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 133 Return to Landenburg

Chapter 133 Return to Landenburg

Bai Bin never expected that the kobold would make such a suggestion.

But if you think about it carefully, this may be the best way to continue to maintain friendship between the two parties.

Perlo is the new leader of the kobolds and the daughter of the old chief Gali. This status plays an important role in the kobold tribe.

Perlo's stay in Landenburg can not only satisfy his desire for learning and communication. If Landenburg wants to negotiate with the kobolds, he can also talk to Perlo directly.Finally, it also has a hostage effect, making the kobolds afraid to act rashly.

After everyone had finished talking, the kobold guard came to report that the passage to the outside world had been opened.

Bai Bin stood up, and the other three people also stood up: "I'll be here today. When I go back to report the situation, you two can just wait for my good news."

The kobolds brought over the carriages they had captured when they intercepted the road. These horses were all fat and strong, and they did not look like they had been imprisoned for a few days. This shows that Chief Gali and Princess Perlo treat this cooperation The intention.

This cooperation can be said to be a model of two-way cooperation.

Carrying the corpse of the Mind Flayer, the carriage headed east.

The small light on the carriage was wrapped in darkness, but it was extremely clear.

Just like the current situation, although it is turbulent, as long as hope never dies, we can usher in light.

Chief Gali and Princess Pero watched the carriage leave.

Chief Gali couldn't help but sigh: "It is true that times create heroes! Pastor Bai is young, has extraordinary strength, and can play with several forces. It is really a fluke that the Mind Flayer was defeated in his hands. No. It is incomprehensible that such a pastor was unknown before."

Kobold Princess Perlo's eyes were also profound: "Fortunately, we have now boarded this train, which can ensure stability in the future."

Perlo paused again and continued: "When I went to Landenburg for training and exchange, I relied on you here."

"Landenburg is only a dozen miles away from the Darkwood Forest. You can come back every day. But I can also understand that only by integrating food and housing can we better understand human activities and thoughts, so I support you."

There is currently only one Baibin bridge between the Kobolds and Landenburg.

The trust with Bai Bin was also established amidst the ups and downs.

But this does not mean that kobolds have to show favor and trust to all other humans.

Perlow's trip is to expand this cooperation and trust.

When the bond with Landenburg becomes stronger and more unbreakable, the cooperation can last longer.


The carriage returned to Landenburg. When they were at the city gate, the iron guards and security guards saw Pastor Bai and couldn't help but curiously asked: "Pastor Bai, what was the explosion in the Darkwood Forest just now?"

The explosion and the earthquake that seemed to tear apart the dome shocked everyone.

Especially the rumble coming from the earth was like the roar of a giant dragon, which instantly dispelled everyone's sleepiness and caused cold sweat to break out all over their bodies.

Not to mention the shock of seeing the fire and mushroom clouds rising into the sky.

Bai Bin met the curious gazes of the iron guards and security guards and said something that made everyone's blood boil.

"The demon leader and his minions have all been eliminated. From now on, everyone does not have to worry."

After that, looking at everyone's bloodshot eyes and tired faces, Bai Bin said: "You are allowed to celebrate tonight, but you can't all get drunk together. The night guard and the city guard still have to guarantee it, can we do it?" The eyes of the guards and security guards suddenly lit up, flashing with excitement.

They have been under too much pressure recently!

It is necessary to closely scrutinize people entering and leaving the city, and to beware of enemy sneak attacks and attacks. It is almost always in a state of high pressure and tension.

Now that Bai Bin said he could rest and relax, all the demons and minions were eliminated. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and the pressure on their shoulders disappeared instantly.

"Yes! It must be possible!" the leader of the Iron Guard captain responded loudly.

"I'll tell the police station and the Iron Guard when I get back. You should receive a formal notice soon."

Bai Bin rode a carriage into the city. Everything in the city, whether it was the old city or the trading area, was brightly lit.All the people were either wrapped in quilts or wearing thick clothes and gathered in the street to talk to each other.They were all wrapped up in tension and worry, and it was difficult to calm down for a long time.

Bai Bin had no choice but to close the curtains of the carriage.

If someone found him in the carriage, he would probably be surrounded by a crowd of people asking questions.

I'm afraid I won't even think about the church square before dawn.

After finally returning to Langdon Cathedral, Bai Bin breathed a sigh of relief, grabbed the passing waiter Pink, and asked him to call the security captain Clark, the leader of the Iron Guard, Iron Wolf, and the merchants from the Wood family. Team, let them arrange manpower to summon Edward, the pastor of Snowfield Town, to Landenburg.

Because of the rumors, the lord's wife had already come to Langdon Cathedral to inquire about the situation, but was calmed down by Father Lima.

Now that he learned that Bai Bin was back, he immediately came to ask.

"Brother, everyone outside said they saw you taking Ting En out of the city?" The lord's wife glanced around and saw two unfamiliar faces, but could not find Ting En. The pleading and nervousness in her eyes almost overflowed. .

"Sister, is this Ting En you are talking about?" Bai Bin introduced him sideways. The magician Zola just covered his face with his sleeves, and his appearance became Ting En's, and even his voice was lifelike.

"Godfather, Mother..."

The lord's wife was extremely stunned. She knew that the height of the man in front of her did not match her son, but his accent and tone still made her feel a little dazed, as if she had seen a pro version of Ting En.

"Ting En has been in the church, and I arranged for Pastor Ma Shuoer to take care of him..."

The lord's wife took Bai Bin's hand and rushed to the courtyard where Bai Bin was located. She saw her son who was tied up and gagged.

Pastor Ma Shuoer's eyes put pressure on Bai Bin. After all, he was only faithfully carrying out Bai Bin's mission, but he didn't expect Bai Bin to sell him back when he came back. He actually brought the lord's wife to come in person...

But Bai Bin naturally pretended not to see it and just started talking to Father Lima next to him.

"Although when transporting high explosives, I thought of such a situation. But when I actually saw the landslide and the ground cracking, the shock was still indescribable." Father Lima glanced at Pons not far away ·Dark Blade said again:

"This time you solved the demonic turmoil in Ontario and stabilized Landenburg in one fell swoop. I plan to strike while the iron is hot and write to the Holy See to recommend you as the abbot of Landenburg Cathedral and to promote you to the position of priest."

Father Lima had not forgotten the mistake he made when he applied for Bai Bin's transfer last time. Sandro used cunning tactics to stumble him.

This time Father Lima was not one-sided. Pons Darkblade, the supervisor sent by the Temple Assassin Group, although not exposed to the entire plan, also participated in the final decisive battle.

With this report as supporting evidence, Bai Bin's promotion can be said to be a certainty.

 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie!
(End of this chapter)

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