This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 149 Pastor, I understand!

Chapter 149 Pastor, I understand!


Helen was confused.

When he said they should be released, Pastor Bai said he was merciful.

Kill them all, Pastor Bai said to be extreme.

"Then, keep them and torture them day and night every day, making them suffer?" Helen said with a slightly confused tone.

Lilith's mouth couldn't help but open wide.

This Helen, in the body of a sea monster, is as good as a devil.

Even Lilith, the demon from hell, would be defeated by the thoughts that came to her mind.

Bai Bin's forehead was covered with black lines and he was a little embarrassed.

"Extreme, it's still too extreme! If you think about it again, is there any other way!"

Bai Benxu wiped his sweat, and he seemed to be blinded. Helen's brain circuit seemed to be a little different from what he thought!

He wanted to guide Helen in the direction of becoming the new queen of the Siren Siren and transforming the Siren Siren.

But Helen said, "Old Devil with White Flag", and he was going to torture all the Sirens day and night.

One word, absolutely!

Helen fell into thought again.

If it's not possible to let them live and suffer...

"Then why not cut off their hands, so that they can't use the trident weapon, and naturally they can't do evil!" Helen praised her wit.

But as soon as he finished speaking, his brows wrinkled unconsciously, and he retorted: "No way... Although they have lost their hands, the mouths of these sea monsters are still vicious and they can say all kinds of vicious words. We must Just pluck out their tongues too!"

Helen's brows were like dark clouds blown away by the strong wind, dissipating at a speed visible to the naked eye, replaced by the cheerfulness of a sunny day.

She felt so smart about herself!
I finally understood the pastor’s good intentions.

Killing them all goes against the harmony of nature, and is contrary to the ideals of the Guangming Sect. It is also extremely extreme.

I need a peaceful approach that can solve the problem without harming their lives.

Both indoctrination and punishment have played a role.

It turns out that this is the meaning of Guangming Sect!

Bai Bin touched his forehead and sighed, and the corners of Lilith's mouth twitched.

This Helen's thoughts are really bursting out one by one.

As a sea monster, he was bullied by his own race, but at the same time he had the brain of a standard hell demon... This configuration can be said to be full of potential.

"Helen, it's still a bit extreme. Is it possible that you can find a way to become the queen of the Sirens and use your own power to change their wrong behaviors and views." Bai Bin continued to guide.

Even this is no longer a guide, but a clear statement.

Helen was also shocked and became the queen of the sirens?
With her singing voice, can she still become the queen of the sirens?

In the past, I was like a lost dog. I was bullied by all kinds of bullies. I even hid in the Lime River, but it didn't help.

But now, she has Pastor Bai as her backer!Moreover, Pastor Bai has made it clear that she should become the Siren Queen to redirect the deviated ethnic group and reverse their values. This is the true meaning of the Illuminati Religion!
"I understand! Pastor, I understand!"

"I want to become the Siren Queen, change their extreme thoughts, let them change their ways, and coexist peacefully with humans!"

Helen finally understood Bai Bin's good intentions.

Bai Bin took a deep breath at this time.

Finally...successfully instilled the first instruction into Helen.With goals and desires, it will be easier for Bai Bin to control.

The confusion in Helen's eyes also dissipated, replaced by incomparable determination.

She had been humiliated and lived a life of elusiveness. Even in self-exile, she could not make the Siren royal family give up the idea of ​​killing her.

However, suddenly someone stood up and told him that being obedient would not solve any problem.

On this day, Helen finally found her own "light"!
'I must become the Siren Queen and completely reverse the ills that have caused all this for thousands of years!Abolish the current Siren Song, and future Siren Songs must be based on my singing voice!In this way, even if there are people with bad singing voices in the future, they will not be worse than me! '

Helen's plan was to bring all the Sirens to the same level as hers, lowering everyone's bottom line so that there would be no gap.

If there is no gap, there will naturally be no discrimination.

Perfect closed loop to solve the problem!
Of course, Helen kept all these in her heart and kept them in mind at all times.

If Bai Bin knew Helen's true thoughts, he would probably kneel down to her completely.

This siren’s thoughts are too extreme!
I really just want her to become the Siren Queen, fully control this power, and no longer harass the coastal areas of Ontario.

After eating and drinking, Lilith quickly packed her belongings.

Helen stood aside awkwardly, embarrassed.

She had a share of the meal just now, and now she wanted to clean up the mess after the meal, but Lilith refused righteously.

It made her look like a lazy waste and a slacker.

I felt a strong sense of guilt towards Lilith in my heart, and my lips felt a little numb.

This sister... although the way she saved her was a little strange at first, she has always been caring and caring for her in her own way.

On the outside, he looks very guarded, cold and distant.

But behind the coldness, all his actions were warm and caring for her.

In Helen's eyes, this is the unique charm that belongs to Miss Lilith.

Seeing Lilith neatly tidied up, wearing a black nun's uniform that added a bit of coolness, her little heart couldn't help but beat faster, and her cheeks turned red.

Even Helen herself was shocked, not knowing why she suddenly had such an outrageous idea.

After packing up, we started our journey again.

Lilith and Helen were driving outside, while Bai Bin was enjoying snacks and desserts in the carriage.

Bai Bin asked about the Sirens from time to time.

"Helen, how big is your group of siren sirens?"

"The number of Siren Sirens I belong to is one thousand. Like humans, the Siren Sirens also have strict internal hierarchies, which are divided according to bloodline and awakening intensity. The bloodline of the Siren royal family has a more seductive singing voice. He is naturally stronger than other sea monsters.

There are approximately 100 members of the royal family.My parents and I are also part of it, but..."

Even if Helen didn't say what happened next, Bai Bin knew about it.

"Those Siren Enforcers who came to hunt you down, what level do they compare to the Siren Siren?" Bai Bin asked again.

"To be sent out by the Siren Royal Family, they are not weak. The four sisters themselves also belong to the nobles of the Siren Sirens. So after they reached adulthood, they directly entered the palace and became executors."

After chatting a lot with Helen, Bai Bin had already sketched out the prototype of the siren society.

This is a society that attaches great importance to bloodline. Bloodline level is just like the caste system, and it has penetrated into every aspect of the Siren Siren...

 Thanks to book friend 130218142415747 for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie. Thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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