This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 150 Demon King Belial’s Gift

Chapter 150 Demon King Belial’s Gift

In Bai Bin's view, the society of this group has become "hard to recover from."

Because the population is small, a highly interactive social model is formed.

The concept of bloodline hierarchy has been deeply rooted in people's hearts and penetrated into every aspect.

In such a group that is accustomed to oppression and exploitation, when we preach freedom and liberation, we are not greeted by the applause of the low-level siren sirens, but by their hostility, indifference and supercilious looks.

Then Bai Bin became more determined in his previous idea. As long as he helped Helen succeed in taking the position, he would be an iron army that could fight wherever he wanted!
There are kobolds in the Darkwood Forest to the west of Landenburg, and sirens occupy the ocean on the eastern coast.

As long as the Lyme River is defended, the entire province of Ontario can be said to be impregnable.

The longer the chaos in the Zion Empire continues, the more ready Samarkand in the north will become.

Under Bai Bin's arrangement, Ontario Province was the first place in the entire empire to be completely free from the harassment of demons and dark creatures.Now it is natural to seize every time and opportunity to develop.

From Bai Bin's perspective, the situation between the Zion Empire and Samarkand is already tense.

As long as the Shaman High Council in Samarkand is not cerebral palsy, it will start to call for organizations and start deploying troops to the border.

When the Zion Empire was stretched thin and civil strife spread, they immediately sent their troops south.

This must have been foreseen by the top leaders of the Zion Empire.

But Bai Bin's current influence is not enough to affect Constantine.

What Bai Bin can do is ensure peace and stability in the territory under his control.

On this basis, once the war with Samarkand begins, Bai Bin will have the opportunity to steal Samarkand's asshole!
Soldiers are extremely fast, and the sword pointed at them can kill for thousands of years!

The main battlefield between the Zion Empire and Samarkand must be the Twin Towers of Moria.

Large-scale deployment of troops and generals will definitely leave the rear empty!
No one would have thought that Langdon's troops could break through the Darkwood Forest and sea lanes and directly enter the empty and uninhabited east of Samarkand by surprise.

'Hey, if you want to lie flat, you have to consider all possible scenarios and make preparations and precautions in advance. '

Bai Bin didn't want this either, but now he has been pushed to this position.

Instead of waiting for something to happen and then hastily making amends for it, Bai Bin is more accustomed to taking precautions and making all preparations before something happens.

When things really happen, he can drink tea quietly and let his subordinates solve the problem according to the plan.

Therefore, the Siren Siren is an important part of Bai Bin's plan and must be captured.

For this reason, it is difficult for Helen to take care of her at the moment, and Bai Bin only has the word "tolerance" in mind.

The carriage continued to move forward, and after passing the Lyme River Bridge, it took a day and a half to reach the next destination - Yamashita Town.



Lava gushes from Mount Doom, and a strong smell of sulfur rises from the scorched earth.

Screams came from the rift valleys and towers of hell, making people tremble with fear and feel numb.

And in the hell lair, a black shadow covered it like a shadow, making the evil spirits present silent and trembling.

As failures in the mission, their bodies dissipated in the world and their souls returned to hell.

"Can anyone tell me what's going on?" The voice of the shadow on the high position was low, and the flames of the lava rose and fell. A powerful low pressure swept across the entire place, and the souls of some evil spirits from hell even cracked. signs.

The demons standing on both sides with weapons in their hands made crackling sounds all over their bodies. Their bones were broken, their skin was torn, and they fell to their knees on the ground.Just the breath can crush the soul and cause physical injuries to the physical demon, which is terrifying.

"Where are the Ulysses?" The Demon King glanced around, but did not see the Mind Flayer.

As the commander-in-chief of the Ontario Province of the Zion Empire, the Demon King is particularly optimistic about this pioneer who seeks a home for his race.

Not only because of his ability, but also because he has the handle.

But now, the highly optimistic commander-in-chief is not present.

"Report... Lord Demon King, Ulysses was killed during the battle with Landenburg." The evil spirit from hell said tremblingly.

"It's Bai Bin! Bai Bin used explosives to blow up the entire mountain. Our remaining demons and the dark minions of the Darkwood Forest were not spared. They were all buried alive by the collapsed mountain. Ulysses, in this battle, In the middle, he was killed by Bai Bin."

The pressure on Black Shadow was even greater.

Bai Bin!

It’s Bai Bin again, it’s still Bai Bin, it’s always Bai Bin!

This guy transformed the succubus and stopped the demon's advance. Now he had eradicated all the demons in Ontario and killed the promising Ulysses without leaving any trace behind.

The plan on the Eastern Front was completely thwarted because of an unknown person.

"Are all the demons sent by the Province of Ontario dead?"

You must know that the province of Ontario is remote. In order to create a situation surrounding Constantine and Jerusalem, many demons were put here.With the abilities of skin-flayers, goblins, and mind-flayers, it is easy to cause trouble and escalate the situation by changing their appearance.

"After counting the souls that have returned, there are indeed a few souls that have not returned. I don't know if they are alive by luck..." one of the evil ghosts replied.

The dark shadow of Demon Lord Belial remained silent, and this silence made these evil spirits from hell feel heartbroken.

This time Ulysses led the team and made such a big splash. In the end, they only killed Lord Langdon and failed to achieve other goals.

The bloodline of the Langdon family was not completely wiped out, and the honor killing against Lilith was also unsuccessful.

On the contrary, the demons and dark minions sent out have all become Bai Bin's achievements and become a highlight on his resume.

Of course, what worries Demon King Belial the most is the first point.

The unresolved bloodline of the Langdon family will have a great impact on the next plan...

At present, Ontario suddenly became an information vacuum zone, and no news came.

This also made Belial, the demon king who was good at conspiracy and scheming, blind and deaf.

But if you continue to release hell creatures according to the previous population and method, I am afraid it will still have the same effect.

"How is the western battlefield?" Demon King Belial asked again.

"News of evil spirits came, and the western battlefield suffered heavy losses. Wrathion's descendants were particularly brave and killed many of our people, making the western part of the Zion Empire impregnable and completely impenetrable to our personnel!"

Demon Lord Belial rubbed his hand on his chin and said after a moment: "Continue to increase the number of hell creatures in the west. The east..."

"There is no room for error in my plan. Langdon's bloodline must be exterminated, and Bai Bin and Lilith must also die!"

Demon King Belial crossed his arms, looking particularly gloomy in the shadow state, with the smell of conspiracy flowing in the air.

This time, the Demon King Belial is ready to give them a big gift!
(End of this chapter)

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