This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 168 You devils, help me advance to become a butler!

Chapter 168 You devils, help me advance to become a butler!
When the black energy dissipated, revealing their strong and domineering figures and appearance, they all looked fiercely at the surroundings covered by the thick fog.

Just like what Lilith discovered, there are six high-level demons like Wojuk, lords of hell.

The hand-held weapons vary from flaming swords to bolas to spears and heavy axes.

The last Hellboy has a completely new state and appearance.

His skin was fiery red, and he was bound with rusty chains, wrapping around his whole body.

The ends of these chains are hung with flying blades or hooks, which look extremely dangerous.

Beyond this, a pair of crazy eyes caught Bai Bin's attention.

Under the cover of the chain, the Hellboy only revealed a pair of crazy eyes looking for prey, as if he wanted to see through the fog and lock the target.

Bai Bin had seen the description from Landenburg's Illuminati books. The Hellboy in front of him was a chain demon. He mainly used long-range attacks. Compared with the hell lord, he had higher intelligence and could also summon chain demons. Like the auxiliary combat, he is an extremely difficult guy.

The Chain Demon, like the other six hell lords, is a high-level demon himself.

It's just the level of contribution in hell that makes them distinguished by lords and barons.

Lordship is a height that ordinary high-level demons only dream of.

After becoming a lord, he can command low-level demons alone and also have his own power of hell minions, similar to human knights.

Only when you complete a major mission or achieve major achievements will you be selected by the Demon King and promoted to Hellboy.

Becoming a baron meant being promoted to the nobles of hell, a serious ruling class.

It is impossible for the Demon King to cover everything. The hell territory and various affairs he rules will be distributed to his subordinates to deal with them.

Nuno Rusty Chain had made many meritorious deeds and performed outstanding feats for Demon King Belial in the internal war of hell, so he was promoted to baron and guarded one side.

This time, Belial arranged for Nuno Rusty Chain to be the core and led the other six hell lords to forcefully enter the human world in order to eliminate Bai Bin and Lilith in one fell swoop.

It is not only the finale to deal with Bai Bin, but also the command of this operation.

"It seems that we have been discovered!" Rusty Chain felt the thick fog. In this case, dark vision did not work at all, and the hidden fog also obscured the breath of the caster.

Once you enter the hidden fog range, your orientation and perception will be greatly compromised.

But if you don't enter the hidden fog range, there is no way to deal with the opponent.

Once the time is delayed until morning, the strength of the hell demons will be weakened by the sun. In their extremely weak state at that time, they will not besieging Bai Bin, but being chased by Bai Bin.

"Fire Blade, try to use your flaming sword to disperse the thick fog!" Rusty Chain immediately gave the order.

The Lord of Hell waved the flaming sword in his hand, and the flames on the sword whirred. After swiping, two piercing holes were made within the range of the Hidden Mist Technique.The sporadic hidden fog spells were dispersed by the flames, but were quickly filled with new dense fog.

The Hell Lord shouted loudly, holding the flaming sword in both hands, and struck the air three times.

The flames actually separated from the sword as if they were powerful, and suddenly flew out. The wave of flames flew out like a piece of fiery red silk.

Three fire curtains flew and slashed, immediately cutting out three wide paths.

The mist on the path was heated up and dissipated.

As for the Hell Lord holding a flaming sword, the flames from the sword were also transmitted to his body.

From his forearms to his chest to the devil's horns, they were all covered in flames, making him look like a semi-evolved Balrog with a fierce look.

The fierce fire from hell is particularly powerful.

Just as the Fire Hell Lord stood here, the surrounding fog rose and dissipated, forming a thick fog "vacuum zone" of about three to five meters.

Bai Bin frowned slightly, taking in everything.

After the Hidden Mist is released, the total amount is fixed.

If some of it is destroyed, the overall concentration and amount will be reduced.As long as it continues, the Hidden Mist Technique will be burned out by the fire of hell sooner or later.

This time we sent a lineup of six Hell Lords plus one Hellboy. This was a huge investment!
The seven hell messengers had just shown up in Dawn Village yesterday, and today they sent out such a heavyweight lineup, making it clear that they did not intend to let Bai Bin enter Constantine.

As for the reason, Bai Bin also figured it out.

Lilith's transformation into the Holy Light is an unknown fear to the demons in hell.

Being able to transform a demon into something that is compatible with the Holy Light is equivalent to directly changing its most basic nature.

Originally, demons were wreaking havoc in the world, and the most they could do if they were killed would be to send their souls back to hell.

After another ten or eight years of dormancy, he became a hero again.

But once Bai Bin makes his ability to transform demons known to the public, and demons come to the world in the future, if they are caught and forced to transform, they will completely change their alignment and no longer belong to hell.

The breaking of this balance is the most terrifying thing.

Therefore, Belial paid an extremely serious price and brought the seven messengers of hell to the world in their entirety to completely eliminate Bai Bin and Lilith.

[Mission: Seven Demons Gather at Fengyunding

Mission description: You discover that the Demon King of Hell has sent seven hell messengers to pursue you with high intensity and prevent you from going to Constantine.
Mission objective: Reach Constantine alive while being pursued by seven hell messengers, or kill seven hell messengers

Mission reward: a large amount of experience points (escape reward), a random priest spell (escape reward), designated field token x1 (kill reward)]

Originally, Bai Bin planned to find an opportunity to escape with Lilith and Helen.

Although there are seven hell messengers, there is still a good chance if you want to escape.

With Bai Bin's methods, if he really wants to run, this "hell-heaven group-level" lineup really can't stop him.

But after seeing the mission reward, Bai Bin changed his mind.

Domain token, this is a rare and rare thing!
All priests can choose to activate a field after advancing to Deacon.

By worshiping the corresponding gods, you can obtain the corresponding power.

These deities must conform to alignment and energy characteristics.

For example, if you believe in light, you cannot worship the god of darkness.

In Constantine's central church, there were also some gods worshiped by clergy, but they were basically related to light, medical treatment, protection, and order.

But the reward for this mission is a designated domain token, so the scope is quite large!

In addition to positive fields, some neutral or even rare fields can be chosen.

This can definitely help Bai Bin create an unprecedented and unique personal system!

Bai Bin's eyes were shining, and when he looked at the seven hell messengers, he seemed to be looking at some incredible treasure.

It seems that it is not impossible to deal with seven hell messengers...

As a human being, the most important thing is the challenge.

If you don't give it a try, how do you know you can't do it?

What if?
Even if he is defeated, Bai Bin is still confident of escaping.


'I want you demons to help me become a butler! 'Bai Bin's eyes were full of fighting spirit, and his whole state was different.

(End of this chapter)

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