This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 169 It’s my first time to be on full fire!

Chapter 169 It’s my first time to be on full fire!

Bai Bin plugged in the earplugs, then raised his hand and put it on Helen's shoulder, saying: "Helen, I won't stop you today and allow you to use your full strength. Let all the anger, resentment, unwillingness and grievances you have accumulated for a long time be vented. Come out!"

Helen's eyes lit up, is there such a good thing?

When she was in Siren Siren, she was bullied by everyone, and no one stood up for her.

She was exiled to the Lem River, but this group of people still refused to let her go, and even the Siren Royal Family sent people to execute her!

If it had not happened to meet Pastor Bai and Sister Lilith, Helen would be a corpse lying in the Lime River.

Restraint and concession are the summary entries of her previous life.

Now, Pastor Bai asked her to vent everything. Helen didn't hesitate at all, and she didn't even need to adjust her emotions. All the grievances stored deep in her heart were released through her voice.

what--! ! !
A burst of sharp singing voice came from Helen's mouth, and the resentment generated and the terrifying power of the singing voice itself spread rapidly in the form of high-frequency sound waves.

Even the thick fog of the Hidden Mist Technique shook outwards and spread like ripples.

The sharp noise had an immediate effect.

The hell lords who were exchanging glances with each other and preparing to burn the thick fog with the hell fire all showed painful expressions.

It's not like they haven't heard of some sonic attacks.

But in front of the annoying singing voice, everyone has to lean back.

Singing of this level is no longer just called noise.

This is not a simple sonic attack, this is a spiritual shock!
Even scarier than the hell banshee's scream of agony.

As the conductor, Xi Lian looked shocked and showed an expression of horror.

I originally thought that the girl who followed Bai Bin and Lilith had no special characteristics except that she was good-looking, but now Xi Lian understood that it was impossible to follow Bai Bin without two brushes.

"This is the deadly singing voice of the Siren Siren! It itself has a confusing and attractive effect, making people confused. Now at this level, it is completely... the noise of death, which makes people unbearable mental torture.

Even looking at the entire Siren Sea Monster, this is quite outrageous! "

One of the knowledgeable hell lords gritted his teeth and said.

The fatal singing voice, which mainly focuses on the temptation of hallucinations, has completely evolved into another way, causing double mental and physical damage, directly turning a control skill into a damage skill.

Chain Demon Rust Chain was extremely shocked: 'Is this the magic of Bai Bin... He can transform the Hell Succubus into the Holy Light Sister, and even the abilities of the Siren Siren can be alienated and improved. '

In Xiulian's mind, Bai Bin's evaluation was even higher.

When he first got the assignment, he scorned this lineup.

I think Lord Belial is reacting to stress and making a fuss out of a molehill.

But looking at it now, this lineup is so smart!
Just the "death song" of the Siren Siren has already made them miserable. Who knows what other tricks will be difficult to deal with in the future.

The chains on Nuno Rusty Chain made a clanging sound, and the chains were like flexible snakes on the ground, forming a strange shape.

The blood on the rusty chain flows all the way along the chain, soaking the graphics and moistening them, and outlines clear blood stains on the ground.

Suddenly, a dark red light emitted from the chain, filling the magic circle on the ground.

In the bright red aperture, a constructed creature slowly rose.

The whole body is made up of dull black-red rusty chains. At the ends of the chains are hung hooks, spikes, cross nails, meteor hammers and other weapons, just like a weapons platform.

The outline made of chains all over his body is like a legless ghost, and the chains are spread out like octopus tentacles.

Chain Golem!

A construct summon created by Chain Demon himself.

Not immune to mind, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, death, and necromancy effects.It also has the trait of [Magic Immunity], resisting all spells.Only electric attacks and fire attacks can cause effects and damage to it.

"Go and solve this problem!"

Nuno Rusty Chain pointed in the direction of the sound and issued an order to the Chain Golem.

Currently, only the golem construct is completely immune to the siren's death song.

The chain golem raised an arm made of chains, with an underhook and a bolas hanging at the wrist.

clang clang!
The chain dragged on the ground and made a clanking sound.

Mixed in Helen's death song, it was even completely undetectable.

The chain golem raised its arm and pointed it at the source of the sound.

The chain on the arm flew out like a flying snake, twisting in the air and attacking Helen.

The undercut is sharp, like the fangs of a poisonous snake.

The meteor hammer that followed was even more powerful and heavy, serving as a backhand to deliver a fatal blow to the enemy.

One after another, it is difficult to resist, vicious and vicious.

Helen was obsessed with relieving stress, and with the thick fog covering her, she didn't notice the danger approaching.

But using the Hidden Mist Technique, Bai Bin, who was fighting at home, could see it clearly.

Standing in front of Helen, he raised his soul-sucking cane and struck back the first attacker as if he was swinging a baseball.

Then he turned around gracefully, charged up his strength again, and swung out the meteor hammer from behind.

All parts of the chain golem are part of the main body.

During this first encounter, two words suddenly popped out of the Chain Golem's mouth: "Mithril."

As a chain golem made of chains of hell's resentment, its strength is extremely high.

Hell's Resentment Chain is a collection of Hell's unique Resentment Ore, cast from the magma of Doomsday Volcano, and is named after the resentment of the soul attached to it.

After being restrained by such chains, the soul will be infected by the resentment and become a wraith or a vicious creature from hell that has lost its rationality.

The Chain Demon used this chain as his own weapon, and at the same time used secret methods to build the Chain Golem.This is the chain demon's secret.

Hearing this, Nuno Rusty Lian's eyes flashed with excitement.

But looking left and right, the hell lords around him also had their eyes gleaming.


A super-hard metal with magical conductivity. It is rumored that its strength can compete with dragon scales. It is extremely rare!

It's really surprising that Bai Bin still has such a rare thing in his hand.

"Don't worry, you've got your share, don't forget the tasks assigned by the adults!" Xiluan said through gritted teeth.

Being told by the chain golem without intelligence, he had to express his opinion and everyone had a share. Otherwise, given how precious Mithril was, these guys would all be holding Xiao Jiujiu later, and it would be even more difficult to kill Bai Bin and Lilith. .

Bai Bin heard this group of people popping champagne in the middle of the fight, and they were already thinking about dividing their soul-sucking canes even before the fight. He couldn't help but sneer: "I, no matter if I fight with Woyuk or the mind flayer Ulysses, Never used full force.”

"But this time, Belial gave me a great gift!"

"Let you guys be the most solid stepping stones on my way to becoming a deacon!"

"Let me also show you how the heyday-level priest looks like with all his firepower!"

 Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward!
(End of this chapter)

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