This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 172 Impossible!You are a light priest, how can you know dark spells!

Chapter 172 Impossible!You are a light priest, how can you know dark spells!
Bai Bin saw everything.

Looking at the chain golem in front of him who was still grabbing him forcefully, he said, "Your master will soon be blocked and killed in the same way. I wonder what you think?"

Bai Bin's words were completely heartbreaking.

But these words were not so much addressed to the low-IQ Chain Golem as they were directly mocking Nuno Rusty Chain.

The chain golem wanted to use this method to directly strangle Bai Bin, but failed.

Now the penitent is using the same method to strangle the rusty chain. Is there any way for him to break free?

There were more and more chains on the penitent's arms, and his feet even made two deep marks on the ground.

But this still doesn't stop him from getting closer and closer to the penitent.

The activated magic chains are originally four activated spine chains that are a mixture of his body chains and nerve spine. They are infinitely powerful and connected to the body. Whether it is reaction or control, they are extensions of the limbs and are faster.

But now, the captured activated magic chain has become the culprit of the rusty chain's death.

Because it is spinal fusion, it is the most vital and critical link of the rust chain and cannot be separated from the body.

Once severed, the chain demon who has lost his spine will also lose control of his body.

But at this moment, he was completely crushed in strength. Faced with the approaching penitent, Rusty Chain was helpless.Like a dying insect trapped in a spider web.

Rusty Lian began to chant, and black precipitated gas seeped out from his mouth and nose, spreading to the ground.

These black energies gradually swirled and condensed, from general to blurry, to outlining details, and a clear human figure appeared.

This is a monk holding a staff and wearing a robe.His eyes are extremely passionate, and his movements are as enthusiastic as his expressions.

He strode toward the penitent.

This is Rusty Chain's "Mask of Disquiet" ability, which creates an illusion.The vision is caused by the memory of the target of the release, either a deceased loved one, a closest friend, or a hated enemy.

Once affected by the illusion, you will fall into panic.

This is the last hope for the rusty chain.

When Bai Bin saw Hellboy using this method, he couldn't help but laugh.

As a builder of constructs, how could he not know that constructs are most likely immune to illusions and hallucinations.

Using this move is actually equivalent to being at the end of his rope and having no choice but to gamble with his last resort.

It is a pity.

Once it comes to gambling, it means failure and destruction.

The black fanatical monks fell upon the penitent.

In the end, it disappeared like a mantis holding a chariot, without any reaction from the penitent.

Xi Lian's face was full of despair. He thought that the Demon King's dispatch of so many people this time was just making a fuss out of a molehill, but now it seems that he even lacks firepower!
It's just that there is no regret medicine in the world. The only way right now is...

The chain golem that blocked Bai Bin suddenly loosened, and all the chains that tightly bound Bai Bin were loosened in an instant, and he turned towards the penitent.

The power of the Chain Golem is the same as that of the Chain Demon. At present, only by combining the power of the two can it be possible to stop the penitent's actions.

This is the last chance for the rusty chain!

"Come if you want, leave if you want?"

Bai Bin waved the golden furnace, entangled the chains of the chain golem, and was brought closer by its huge power.

This is exactly what Bai Bin expected.

Just when the chain golem was about to pounce on the penitent, the self-soul-absorbing cane burst out with a brilliant light.

The huge ball of light expanded from the top of the wind and cloud, illuminating the entire plain and the sky in an instant.

drive away all darkness.

The three hell lords at the foot of Fengyunding Mountain originally wanted to resist this illumination technique.

But this ball of light is too big!

The power of light is still expanding!

Cover them completely.

The energy of the Holy Light was omnipresent, hitting them like thousands of fine needles piercing their skin, looking for every corner it could invade, penetrating everywhere.

The tingling sensation spread all over their bodies, making their bodies tremble uncontrollably. "What kind of ghost magic is this! How can the range and effect of light magic be so terrifying?"

"This guy is ridiculously strong!"

The rusty chain, which was the target in the center of the illumination spell, was burned by this holy energy. The chains wrapped around the body, as well as the chain golem, emitted black smoke under the direct sunlight of the illumination spell.

These black smoke are the resentment after killing living creatures.

At this moment, everything was stripped away from the chain, disappeared into thin air, and became invisible.

And Xiulian's eyes were disturbed immediately.

It was as if two wooden pestles had been inserted forcefully, causing him unbearable pain.

"Your Chain Demon's construct skills are still too poor, and the level is far from there! Remember, the gap between you and me is the gap between your construct and mine!"

Bai Bin is murdering someone but also killing his heart.

Because he had seen through early on that the Chain Demon's Chain Golem required the summoner's main body to be distracted and controlled.

As soon as the illumination spell came out, the chain demon completely lost its vision. The chain demon itself did not have any autonomy and intelligence. The movement to rescue him stopped instantly and fell into vain.

The penitent took advantage of the enemy's complete loss of behavior to hold the rusty chain in his arms and stuff it into the cockpit.

The armor on the chest is completely closed.

A heartbreaking scream came from the penitent's body.

All the spikes of the Iron Maiden were inserted into the Chain Demon's body.

These endless screams echoed in Fengyunding, and also made the three demons at the foot of the mountain tremble with fear.

Bang bang bang!
A dull thumping sound came from the penitent's body.

But compared to the penitent's solid body, those knocking sounds were all filled with despair.

Bai Bin has seen the internal driving structure, and the iron maiden is almost everywhere on the body.

This guy was hammering the armor almost against the piercing wound of the Iron Maiden's spike.

But the hammering sound is getting smaller and smaller, and the frequency is getting slower and slower.

There was even a large amount of black blood flowing out of the cabin and dripping onto the ground.

When the illumination spell dissipated, the chain golem seemed to have its spine and all its strength pulled away, and it fell to the ground with a clatter, literally turning into a ball of chains.

"Hellboy, that's all."

The light spell also dispels the hidden fog spell.

Even the thick dark clouds in the sky have dissipated a lot.

The three demons at the foot of the mountain slowly opened their eyes, and the skin on their bodies appeared to be severely burned, blistered, and even scorched.

It's just an auxiliary 0-level spell, but the effect is so terrifying that it makes people's hearts sway and they completely lose their will to fight.

When they looked around, they saw no sign of Lilith escaping in a carriage.

"Don't look, you're not running away at all." Bai Bin looked down at the three people who were as confused as headless flies.

The three demons looked up and saw Bai Bin, Lilith and the siren sea monster Helen on top of the storm.

At this time, the three people suddenly realized that what they said in the fog just now was just Bai Bin's plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain!

Bai Bin slowly took out the soul-sucking cane and said calmly: "Your leader and three companions have gone back to hell to return to their lives. Considering that they did not bring any valuable information back, I decided to give this opportunity to For you three..."

As Bai Bin said this, he picked up the soul-sucking cane and used the "Plague Technique" on the three of them.

When seeing this scene, the three hell lords were all dumbfounded.

It was like seeing some doomsday scene.

They originally thought that the disease spell was issued by the siren sea monster.

But now I saw Bai Bin perform it with my own eyes, and I felt a strong discomfort coming from my body.

Something called rules, concepts and beliefs are rapidly collapsing and being destroyed.

"Impossible! How can you, a light priest, know dark magic?"

(End of this chapter)

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