This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 173 The new discovery of the Penitent’s “Blood Furnace”!

Chapter 173 The new discovery of the Penitent’s “Blood Furnace”!
The three people's disease symptoms are different.

Rotten flesh, epilepsy, bleeding.

None are blind.

Bai Bin did this on purpose, just to let them see clearly the scene of him casting dark spells without missing any detail.

"Absolutely impossible! If you cast dark spells, all light spells will be broken and abandoned by the Holy Light!" The Lord of Hell said categorically.

As hell lords who have been fighting against the Illuminati for a long time, how could they not know the methods of the Illuminati's clergy?

Although the power of light is the most restrained to the demons in hell, it only takes effect because it is blessed by the Lord of Light, so it must abide by the rules of light.Once this code is broken, or evil thoughts occur, the light force will abandon the user.

Therefore, although the pastors of the Illuminati Sect are difficult to deal with, they are definitely not afraid of their conspiracy, sneak attacks from behind, or the like.Therefore, even if the perfect body does not come to the world, the demons in hell are still capable of fighting against the priests.

But the appearance of Bai Bin completely broke their understanding.

The terrifying magical power is almost unprecedented.

Even if they were allowed to open their minds and imagine boldly, it would not be more extreme than what they see in front of them.

The most outrageous thing is that this guy can actually cast dark spells.

This completely breaks their inherent common sense and experience of fighting against the light system for hundreds of years.

The brains of the three hell lords were completely shut down, and they could not figure out what kind of trick Bai Bin used to achieve the effect.

Just when the three of them fell into shock and confusion, the disease spell began to take effect in the body.The Penitent also stood on the edge of the cliff of Storm Peak, dragging his spiked hammer.

The dark clouds in the sky dissipated, and the moon hidden behind it was like a shy little girl, half-hidden, revealing her dignity.

The moonlight shines on the penitent, outlining the metal shell and giving off a faint glow.

However, the abdominal cavity and the spiked hammer were filled with dark blood and the fragmented tissue of the Hell Lord, which immediately made people suffocate and make their liver and gallbladder burst.

In the past, when these hell lords came to the world, they were enough to cause riots among the residents of a town.

But now in front of Bai Bin, they were the frightened and helpless people!

This is a mentality that can only appear under the deterrence of the Demon King's aura, but now it takes effect on a "little" formal priest and his construct. Anyone would just think it is a fantasy.

The penitent's body is stained with Hellboy's filthy blood, and his whole body is full of evil spirits.

Hellboy's resentment and malice before his death now become the energy of the penitent's "blood furnace".

"Hell's bastards deserve to die!" The penitent muttered in a low voice, then raised his spiked hammer and jumped up, jumping directly from the top of the wind and clouds dozens of meters high.

Just then the dark clouds in the sky dissipated, revealing the full moon.

In the eyes of the three hell lords, the figure of the penitent coincided perfectly with the full moon, like a holy armor descending from heaven, falling from the sky.

The Penitent's attacks became more and more fierce, not simply sweeping across the four directions with the brute force of the spiked hammer, but in a way that was close to killing, breaking the neck of the hell lord, or tearing the opponent to pieces, and the body was torn from the waist into two sections.

The last one used a spiked hammer to attack.

Only this time it wasn't one hammer, but more than a dozen hammer blows, almost turning it into a pulp, and its appearance was indistinguishable.

Bai Bin could see that being stuffed into the iron maiden by the penitent and piercing the rusty chain of Hellboy who bled to death still had a lot of impact on the penitent.

However, it also brought new inspiration to Bai Bin.

Originally, the Penitence Armor needed to be driven by the "Blood Furnace", usually a fanatical priest or blood knight with extremely strong endurance.But now the Penitent has been spiritually weaponized, and is an intelligent construct creature that can be activated without a "Blood Furnace".

However, if additional energy is added to the "Blood Furnace", the properties and status of the energy will increase the penitent to varying degrees, and will be affected by energy fluctuations and properties. 'Perhaps, in the future, we can try to add some unique cores to the Penitent to create different environmental tactics? '

Bai Bin marked it in his mind as a direction and research point for upgrading penitents in the future.

At this point, the seven messengers sent by hell have all become deceased.

Of course, this siege was not without success. At least the fact that Bai Bin, as a clergyman, could cast disease spells was enough to shock hell for a whole year.It will definitely make the devils of hell, including Demon King Belial, immerse themselves in research for a long time.

Of course Bai Bin is not aimless.

He had his own considerations and thoughts in leaking this news.

Right now, this news is only revealed to the devils in hell.

Then where will I hear this news next time, it will only mean one thing...

Bai Bin turned around and praised Lilith without hesitation.

Although they had not practiced in advance, the excellent tacit understanding and tacit cooperation with Lilith created the possibility of the most exciting division of troops in this battle.

Bai Bin retreated, and Lilith immediately responded and deceived the three-headed hell lord into the top of the wind and cloud. This created the classic scene of dividing the troops.In fact, Lilith and Helen only made some noise throughout the whole process and did not move a single step.

"Hmph~ That's natural. Which one is more subtle, this cooperation, or your cooperation with Wei'er at the Xueyuan Town Reservoir?" Lilith's angle was also particularly tricky.

But having just experienced a big victory, it was naturally impossible for Bai Bin to say depressing words that would embarrass everyone.

"Of course it means working more closely with my exclusive nun, so close that there is no air at all, completely fitting, completely seamless..." Bai Bin responded with a standard scumbag smile.

Wei'er wouldn't know anyway. Even if she did, just say that she was forced to do it.

I believe that Weier will not only not blame herself, but also comfort him.

If you want to be a good scumbag, the first thing you must learn is to assess the situation and not do anything that makes the atmosphere embarrassing.

When Lilith heard Bai Bin's words, her lips almost reached her ears.

This is undoubtedly the greatest reward for her.

Helen on the side was blushing and her cheeks were hot. this something a transparent person like her can hear?

This is... too exciting!

But when she saw Pastor Bai walking towards her, Helen was so frightened that her legs went numb and she couldn't move even half an inch.

He swallowed nervously and cursed in his heart: Shouldn't he be punished for killing a donkey or murdering a person and silence him?

Bai Bin raised his hand, just about to pat Helen on the shoulder to encourage her.

Unexpectedly, Helen stretched out her hand to block her face and said quickly: "Pastor Bai, I was wrong! I will never tell anyone about your relationship with Sister Lilith. If you violate it, I will be unable to speak for the rest of my life!"

Lilith was in a good mood. Seeing Helen huddled up like a timid hamster, she stepped forward and hugged her. She gave Bai Bin a hint with her pretty eyes, intending to tease Lilith.

Lilith's eyes were as charming as silk, and her voice was terrifying: "Tell me, what is the relationship between Pastor Bai and I..."

 The new work of a veteran driver, extremely explosive, skilled in driving, sufficient foreplay, powerful in the middle, and extremely hard in the later part. If you don’t want to see you screaming, come to me, Shushu!

(End of this chapter)

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