This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 179: Heresies?Fallacies can transform succubi!Can you?

Chapter 179: Heresies?Fallacies can transform succubi!Can you?

Bai Bin put his hands on his cane and looked directly at the great priest Galian. There was no wave in his eyes, let alone any stage fright, as if he was facing someone of the same status as him.

"Does the great priest want to exclude a believer who wholeheartedly worships and pursues light?" Bai Bin did not answer directly, but kicked the ball back.

But the high priest was obviously prepared and responded: "We welcome with open arms any believer who pursues light. There are three open days of the Central Holy See every month, and believers can visit during these three days. But usually I'm sorry but I won't entertain you."

Bai Bin smiled instead of getting angry, and said to Lilith beside him: "Did you see it? Is it the same as what I said? Even the Central Holy See is full of decay and rigidity." Bai Bin looked up at the magnificent Central Palace Church, murmured: "Behind this brightness and magnificence, there is silence, dullness and terminal illness. Such a light religion will not have any vitality, nor will it create anything new..."

Bai Bin criticized the current situation unceremoniously and said that the Central Holy See was worthless.

Although there was no change in Galian's face, his heart was already in turmoil.

'How dare this kid?I just told him the rules of the Central Holy See, but he actually criticized the Central Holy See in front of so many people!Do you still want to be a pastor in the future?Do you know that he is responsible for the personnel changes of priests across the empire?As long as he puts some eye drops on Bai Bin, he can stay in a remote country for the rest of his life! '

"New people are promoted every year in the Central Holy See. A large number of fresh blood from various places bring different atmospheres and ideas to the Holy See. There have been many breakthroughs in the research, creation and improvement of divine arts. How can we say that there is no vitality and no new creations can be created? s things."

The high priest argued hard, and it seemed that the two of them were going to have a debate about light faith at the door of the Central Holy See.

"The fresh blood mentioned by the great priest should refer to humans, right?"

Bai Bin spoke calmly, and completed the counterattack with just one sentence, leaving the great priest speechless.

It's just that Bai Bin is not a good man or woman.

If you want to take advantage of him, you must be prepared to be "counterattacked" by Bai Bin.

The subtext of these words is that you are only qualified to train humans, and Bai Bin pioneered the transformation of hell succubi into believers. It goes without saying who is higher and who is lower, right?
Bai Bin didn't wait for the great priest to prepare an answer, and pursued the victory: "Lilith, you have now seen with your own eyes the attitude of the Central Holy See. Their narrow ideas of light are against all foreign creatures' belief in light, and they regard themselves as the spokesperson of light, controlling The interpretive authority of the Lord of Light..."

Lilith was also smart, and immediately let out a long sigh: "It's me who thinks highly of the Central Holy See. When I first read the Gospel of Light passed down by the Lord, I had a good impression of this sect that spreads the concept of the Lord of Light, but now it seems that the Lord is Lord, the Illuminati Sect is the Illuminati Sect. Such a sect does not correctly understand the Lord’s love for the world and the equality of all living beings, so it’s okay not to join!”

Bai Bin and Lilith sang and harmonized, and they directly separated the Light Sect and the Lord of Light.

The great priest was not stupid. He took a deep breath and couldn't help but tremble slightly.

I just set the rules for Bai Bin, but this guy is really going to kill him!

The reason why the Light Sect has a transcendent status is because it has the right to interpret the Lord of Light and various holy scriptures. It is firmly tied to the Lord of Light and claims to be the spokesperson of light in the world.

Create a perception for the world that the Light Religion is light.

However, these few words of Bai Bin directly deconstructed the Guangming Sect and directly separated the Guangming Sect from the Guangming.

This... this is digging into the roots of the Illuminati Sect!
If this spreads, or ferments, and the Illuminati Sect loses the final right of interpretation, how many people will still believe in the Illuminati Sect?
This guy Bai Bin is playing with fire!
However, this acting pairing is not enough.

Lilith simply took off her hood and untied the two buns on her head, revealing a pair of dark brown horns, which were particularly obvious.

With purple skin, black horns, gorgeous lips and a proud figure, anyone can tell who the opponent is as a hell succubus.

But unfortunately, this succubus was wearing a black nun's uniform, with a crusader hanging on her body, and holding the Gospel of Light...

Such a contrasting image left the onlookers wondering whether they should be afraid of Lilith's identity as a succubus, or lament that a succubus could wear a cross and hang a gospel book in front of the most sacred central church door, without being affected at all. Holy light influence.

Not to mention the melon-eating crowd present, the expressions of the high priest and the clergy and waiters behind him were even more exaggerated.Succubus! ?
nun! ?
How do these two identities achieve both opposition and unity in Lilith!
The Holy Light of the Central Holy See shines in all directions, and ordinary demons are impacted by the powerful light energy, and cannot even enter the city gate.

But not only did Lilith come in, she even stood in front of the Central Holy See without any hindrance.

There is no need for any verbal descriptions and explanations. What they see now are facts that are as solid as evidence, shattering all the concepts and rules they have formed.

Thinking back to what Bai Bin and the high priest said before, the Holy See only absorbs humans.

Compared with Bai Bin who transformed hell demons into nuns who are friendly to the Holy Light, it is a proper dimensionality reduction attack and a blast!


No further elaboration is needed, the picture in front of me explains everything.

One is the Illuminati Religion, which can only teach humans to believe in the Holy Light.

One is Bai Bin who can transform hell creatures into light.

Even children whose deciduous teeth have not yet receded can tell whether the level is high or low.

"Light exists in everyone's heart, and no one company has the right to interpret or monopolize it. The Lord of Light will not abandon millions of creatures who pursue the light because of a Light Religion!
Bathed in the light, all creatures are born equal, only in order, regardless of high or low! "[Justice value +1000]

Bai Bin's words were sonorous and irrefutable.

It also sublimates the light to a higher level.

The common people present, or spies from various major forces, all felt a ball of air rising in their chests under Bai Bin's impassioned words.

"Good! Well said!"

"Yes! On the way to the pursuit of light, there is only priority, no distinction between high and low!"

"This is the truth of light! When bathing in the light, there is only order, no hierarchy. The same is true for race. As long as you have the heart to pursue the light, you should not turn it away."

Bai Bin just said a word, which directly ignited the scene, and he was happy to mention a thousand points of justice.

On the surface, Bai Bin spoke righteously and looked serious.

But my heart was already smiling.

He really hoped that the old master, the great priest, would stop being cowardly and say more!

In this way, his justice value will not be less!
 The world's number one mid laner who fought hard to win the Triple Crown only ended up with injuries.

  Relive your life, you can play games, but you can't touch your career.

  If you are a master of one thing, what can you do without financial freedom?

  The mission of rebirth is to become famous through live broadcasts, make money and flirt with girls, and live a cool life.

  But when Chen Yian appeared on the stage of the S10 Global Finals, Chen Yian just wanted to ask, why is the whole world forcing me to play professionally?
(End of this chapter)

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