This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 180 No matter who causes chaos in the Central Holy See, I, King Hasanti, will definitely hel

Chapter 180 No matter who causes chaos in the Central Holy See, I, King Hasanti, will definitely help!
High Priest Galian was a little confused listening to the sounds around him.

and many more!

At first, he just wanted Bai Bin to abide by the rules of the Central Holy See and not allow the Sirens to enter the Holy See.

Why do these few words lead to the conclusion that the Guangming Sect is not the spokesperson of the Lord of Light!

As a result, the people around him were all bewitched by Bai Bin's words and began to cheer for him.

It’s broken, it’s really broken now!

With just a few words, the foundation of the Guangming Sect was shaken. This guy's sharp tongue far surpassed all the clergy that the high priest had ever seen, and was even more deceptive than some of the sycophants who made slanderous remarks around the monarchs and kings.

If this continues, word-of-mouth will have a chain reaction, and the Guangming Sect's status and reputation in the minds of the masses will gradually disintegrate and collapse like a thousand-mile embankment destroyed by an anthill!

The high priest already regretted it at this time.

Seeing that public opinion was fermenting, he was no longer as relaxed and indifferent as before.

"We have different interpretations of the Lord of Light's classics, but this does not affect the fact that the Illuminati is the organization with the greatest influence and the most believers of the Lord in the world. In this process, we can put aside disputes and seek common ground while reserving differences. So... Pastor Bai and You two, let’s go inside and discuss it in detail.”

The high priest shifted his position and raised his hand to signal the three of them to enter.

To be able to make the great priest of the Holy See condescend to admit defeat is, to some extent, a bow to Bai Bin.

This scene was just as shocking as before.

The senior clergy of the Holy See, the leader of the priests, the Galian High Priest, actually bowed to a local priest.

This was absolutely impossible before.

The Holy See is a symbol of status and respect, and it has the "final right of judgment".It is the absolute authority on anything related to light faith.

But now, the great priest actually gave in in front of so many people, which was really unexpected!

Bai Bin waved his hand, turned back indifferently, and said with a wave of his hand: "He is arrogant at first and respectful at the other. He doesn't even dare to adhere to the rules he has set. He has a flexible bottom line when facing different situations. How can such a Holy See give countless believers How to train qualified clergy by setting an example? The Central Holy See is so disappointing!" [Justice Value +1200]

This time, although there were not many cheers from around, the reward given to Bai Bin by the system showed everyone's true thoughts.

Cheers silently!
The high priest was completely shocked.

Is Bai Bin crazy?
Even though I gave him the upper hand, this guy still refused to give up, and even made his words even worse!

Are you planning to completely fall out?
Being arrogant at first and respectful at the end has no bottom line!Unable to produce qualified clergy.

Every time a hat is pulled off, the Holy See's transcendent status will be lowered!
Bai Bin turned around and boarded the carriage. Lilith and Helen also drove again, pulling the reins and preparing to leave without any nostalgia.

The high priest clenched his fists and hesitated.

Today, when Bai Bin leaves, the Vatican has completely become a clown.

Even Bai Bin, an unprecedented cleric who transformed into a succubus, couldn't tolerate it. The Holy See's tolerance was too small. Wasn't it all Bai Binyan's fault?

Look again at the corpses of Hell Lord and Hellboy on Baibin's carriage.

I'm afraid the huge Holy See can't achieve the same weight of results, right?
"Pastor Bai, don't act out of emotion!" Gallian's tone couldn't help but worsen.

The situation has gotten out of control. If Bai Bin leaves today, the news will completely break out, and both parties will be completely at odds.

This situation is a lose-lose outcome for both parties.

"If you are not crowned, you cannot serve as the presiding priest of Landenburg. Have you ever thought about what this means?" the high priest continued.

But Bai Bin didn't stop at all, and he didn't care at all about the "threat" of the great priest. "Even if you don't think about yourself, you still have to think about Landenburg and the residents of Ontario! They all believe in the light, do you want to abandon them?" The high priest even used moral kidnapping.

Bai Bin had already stepped into the carriage with one foot and stopped outside.

He stopped, turned to look at the High Priest Galian, and said with a smile: "High Priest, have you never been to a local church? You don't think that all the appointments and dismissals below are based on your order, right? Even if you don't have this order, , I returned to Landenburg one day, and the believers and clergy also listened to my orders.

Compared with the orders issued by the high priests who are far away, have never met, and are pampered, the grassroots clergy will only believe in who leads them to drive away the dark creatures and thwart the conspiracy of hell.The common people will only believe in those who lead them out of darkness and oppression and lead them to keep peace! "[Justice value +800]

Bai Bin's words were as resounding as those of Hong Zhong and Da Lu, delivering a fatal blow to the great priest Galian.

This great priest who had seen a lot of things in the world, his mind was blank and buzzing at the moment.

Even though his self-cultivation and self-cultivation skills were okay, his breathing became heavy at this moment.

But what angered the great priest the most was that he couldn't refute!
Even without the canonization from the Central Holy See, Bai Bin returned to Landenburg and was still the actual controller.

Even in Landenburg, he still has the status of Lord Father and Teacher, without any influence at all!

Let’s talk about strength. Who wouldn’t be convinced that he could lead Landenburg’s clergy to eliminate the demons and wipe out the footprints of the hell forces in Ontario?Even if a cleric is rearranged to take over now, he will be left empty-handed.

Lilith pulled the reins, and the carriage turned around under everyone's attention and left in the opposite direction of the Bright Avenue.

It’s not just talk, it’s really going!
This Pastor Bai is really tough!

It is a sharp criticism of the current ills, which is shocking and enlightening.This is the true pastor of light, who treats everyone equally!No wonder even hell demons can transform into nuns. With this level of strength, no one else can be found in the entire continent.

Alas, the Holy See lost an outstanding cleric because of its arrogance. This is the Holy See's loss, but it is Pastor Bai's great fortune.

Although everyone onlookers were whispering in low voices, these words were like steel needles, all piercing into the heart of the great priest.

He just wanted Bai Bin to abide by the rules of the Holy See and let the siren wait outside!

How big of a deal is this to actually cause the current situation?
It's just a chicken feather.

Bai Bin sat in the carriage with a cold expression.

But in fact, I was already smiling inside!

Three thousand points!
A full three thousand points!
He collected a full three thousand points of justice from the great priest Galian!
This is too cool!

Just as Bai Bin secretly rejoiced, the carriage drove away from the crowd.

Lilith turned back slyly, with an expression that said "please praise my performance", and asked: "We can't go to the Holy See now, where are we going now?"

But Bai Bin was about to answer.

Suddenly the two horses pulling the carriage stopped, and a group of well-equipped guards appeared in front of the carriage. They were full of heroism and had shining silver armor.

"Excuse me, is this Reverend Bai? We are the Royal Guards. His Majesty the King has invited us!"


find him?

Bai Bin frowned slightly.

This King Hasanti, the timing of finding him is so accurate...

As soon as he broke up with the Holy See, the King invited him to come. If you say it has nothing to do with it, even Bai Bin would not believe it!
PS: On the last day of the month, don’t forget to vote!The double monthly ticket event starts on November 250. You only need to cast 500 votes to count [-] votes. Two chapters will be added during normal times, and five chapters will be added at that time!
 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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