This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 181 Some people abandon it like worn-out shoes, while others are happy to eat it.

Chapter 181 Some people abandon it like worn-out shoes, while others are happy to eat it.

Lilith looked back at Bai Bin with shocked eyes.

She didn't remember any interaction between Bai Bin and King Hasanti of the Zion Empire.

But just after breaking up with the Holy See, the king invited him over again. The signal this sent was extraordinary!
As we all know, the Illuminati Religion is the state religion of the Zion Empire and has a close relationship with the royal family.

This time Bai Bin showed favor to the Guangming Sect, and now he is invited by the king again. The deeper meaning is worth pondering.

Whether it was a face-to-face warning or something discussed with Bai Bin, no one could guess, no one knew.

Even the royal guards who came to issue the king's orders did not know what King Hasanti was thinking.

The crowd who followed Bai Bin were all confused at this moment.

The palace... this place is not suitable for ordinary people to eat melons!
The informants of all the forces were scratching their heads in anxiety.

The next place is not a place they can go to, and they can only ask for higher-level support and connections.

I thought I could eat more melons, but now it stopped abruptly. It gave people the feeling that I was halfway through the sprint and was on the way to the top of the mountain when I suddenly stopped.

Lilith turned to look at Bai Bin in the carriage, waiting for Bai Bin's response.

"Since it is His Majesty who invites us, we must give him face. Let's go."

Bai Bin was also curious about what King Hasanti meant by calling him at this time.

However, judging from Lord Langdon's notes and information, this old king was also very heroic and mighty when he was young. He was a heroic figure, but he doesn't know what he has become now.

The leader of the Royal Guards nodded and then led the way for the carriage.

When entering the palace, there was not even an interrogation or inspection, and there was no requirement from the Central Holy See not to allow the Sirens to enter. Instead, they were allowed to enter the center of power of the entire Zion Empire.

The crowd following the carriage finally stopped and stopped outside the gate of Constantine's palace.

Separated by a wall, what happens next is beyond their ability to guess.

But Bai Bin was able to set off such a big wave just after he arrived, which was really unexpected.

From the unbelievable demonic achievements of a carriage, to the rejection of the Central Holy See, suspected severance, and finally the summons of King Hasanti.

Every step is in a place no one expected.

But everyone has a consensus, that is, Bai Bin's arrival has caused considerable ripples in Constantine, which was originally a backwater.And no one can predict what kind of shocking waves these fluctuations will eventually cause.

The carriage did not stop and was guided all the way to the palace garden.

Those in power like this tone.

I don’t know if I have to listen to reports and reports from various ministers every day. I have experienced too many formal occasions, and I am naturally resistant to being polite.When meeting private guests, I prefer to be in places where I feel comfortable.

He was directed to a hidden courtyard in the garden.

Before he even got off the carriage, Bai Bin heard the sound of metal banging in the courtyard.

"Your Majesty is inside, please three of you!" The Royal Guards who led the way stood at the door and motioned for the three of them to enter.

Such a comparison has already shown the level of the pattern.

The high priest was arguing with Bai Bin at the door over whether the sirens and sea monsters could enter.

It’s not that he is stingy, it’s just that his behavior is too old-fashioned. This is also the real shortcoming of the Holy See today.Bai Bin got off the carriage and walked into the small courtyard with Lilith and Helen.

As soon as I walked into the small courtyard, a wave of heat hit my face, which was suffocating.

If you look closely, you will see that there is a large furnace burning in the yard. The flames and heat waves are mixed together, and the heat and red flames are constantly coming out.

In front of the stove, there was a shirtless old man, wearing only a blacksmith's blouse to protect his upper body from the heat, and he was hammering away at the forging in full swing.

The gray beard is trimmed properly, but it is soaked in sweat and dripping with sweat.

The strong body is extraordinarily plump, and the stretched skin is extremely plump.

There is no hint that this is the body of an elderly man.

The old man's forging technique is also extremely skilled. He holds a piece of red-hot iron with iron pliers in one hand, and hits the iron block rhythmically with the hammer in the other hand, stretching and extending during the knocking.

Bai Bin had seen Edward's forging skills, and compared with them, the old man in front of him was more skilled.Everything next to the forging furnace is placed casually, including changing the size of the hammer and the size of the blower's firepower. No outsiders are needed at all. Everything is controlled by myself, and all aspects are handled with ease.

But except for the white-haired blacksmith, there was no other person in the courtyard.

"Huh? Didn't you want to meet His Majesty the King? Why is there only one old blacksmith here?" Lilith asked doubtfully.

Bai Bin smiled and shook his head and replied: "Is it possible that this old blacksmith is King Hasanti?"

"Ah?" Lilith opened her mouth wide in disbelief.

The Zion Empire is vast, with four provinces and countless residents.

A monarch who can control such a huge empire must be extraordinarily heroic, exuding the aura of a superior person, and every move he makes can create great pressure on people.

But the old man in front of him, although his muscles were strong, could not hide his age and the tiredness in his eyes.Looking at his proficiency in blacksmithing, he is obviously a skilled old blacksmith!It has nothing to do with the imperial monarch at all.

Bai Bin looked at the knight sword that was gradually taking shape, and did not choose to step forward to interrupt. Instead, he took Lilith and Helen to a shady place aside and sat down to wait for the forging to be completed.

Zi la la!
With a quenching sound, the entire knight's long sword was submerged into the quenching liquid. The hot red blade came into contact with the solution, rolling and boiling, and the surface quickly condensed, turning into the original silver-gray color of the metal.

At this time, the old blacksmith pulled the knight's long sword out of the quenching liquid and carefully looked at the long sword that had not been sharpened and polished.

Then he turned his attention to the three people and showed a surprised expression: "You are here, why didn't you call me, causing me to neglect three distinguished guests?"

Hasanti looked at the three very special people, a succubus who had turned into a holy light, a siren siren, and the person he was most interested in - Pastor Baibin of Landenburg.

"His Majesty is obsessed with forging, and this knight's sword has reached the final stage. If you interrupt it, it will have to be smelted and forged again. It doesn't matter if you wait." Bai Bin explained.

It was the first time for both of them to meet.

While it talks about forging, it's actually pulling.

Hasanti walked to the polishing workbench, turned on the water flow, and then began to sharpen the edge of the knight's sword.

"Pastor Bai just came to Constantine, and he made such explosive news! Now that you are attacking the Holy See in public, have you thought about the future?" King Hasanti asked.

Let’s get to the point.

Bai Bin smiled and replied: "It's not that I need the recognition of the Holy See. It's that the Holy See invited me in in order to maintain the interpretation power of the Lord of Light and the advancement of the Light Religion. Now that we've broken up, people won't call me Bai Bin. If you don’t understand current affairs, you will only say that the Holy See is nothing more than this.”

(End of this chapter)

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