This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 183 Constantine’s ultimate earthquake!

Chapter 183 Constantine’s ultimate earthquake!

"Your Majesty, don't you think that such power is a bit too much for someone you have only met once?" Bai Bin laughed.

Even though he is said to have "nothing left to do", he never expected that his first meeting with Hasanti would lead to the current situation.

Judging from the description alone, the power of this royal advisor is staggering.

For Bai Bin to be an outsider who has only just met each other, that is even more outrageous than a fairy tale.

Hassanti still had that determined expression: "I said that before you came to Constantine, I had done a detailed investigation. Based on my judgment, you are the only candidate for this position."

Bai Bin burst into laughter, not knowing whether to praise Hasanti for being wise or powerful, or calling him arbitrary.

It feels like a complete child's play to dare to hand over such important power to him based only on the information he has investigated.

Hasanti seemed to have seen through Bai Bin's inner thoughts, and said meaningfully: "Some things cannot be said. You need to taste and understand it yourself. As for the reason, you will understand it when the time is right."

Several black lines fell off Bai Bin's forehead.

Why are you still talking about this?

But judging from Hasanti's attitude, even if Bai Bin refused on the spot, given his character, he would probably be able to announce the decree before he even left the palace.When the time comes, the mud falls off the crotch, not just the shit, but also the mud.

You can't just say to everyone that you refuse and don't agree. Everything is done by His Majesty the King, right?

I'm afraid no one believed it, and thought Bai Bin was playing some trick to paralyze everyone.

That being the case...

Bai Bin thought for a while, and since he couldn't refuse, he simply accepted without hesitation.

"It would be impolite to refuse again." Bai Bin replied with a smile.

Hasanti then smiled happily. It was better for Bai Bin to agree in person than to force him to do it.

Hasanti returned to the cheerful old man's expression before, and shouted loudly: "You have all heard it, why don't you go prepare the decree and announce it!"

Sure enough, Hasanti was already prepared.

Regardless of whether Bai Bin agrees or not today, this order will be spread from the courtyard.

From the moment Bai Bin agreed to this meeting and entered the palace, he had already fallen into Hasanti's trap.

Bai Bin sighed in his heart, ginger is still spicy when he is old.

While joking, he had already arranged everything for him.

This method is much better than the high priest of the Holy See.

He is indeed a man who holds the power of the empire.

"You will stay in the palace today and get familiar with the environment. Tomorrow, the second child will return from the Western Front. I have prepared a reception banquet. At that time, Advisor Bai will be officially introduced to the ministers and nobles of the empire."

As soon as Hasanti finished speaking, the knight's sword in his hand had been polished and sharpened. The knight's sword, which was originally dim and dull, could now reflect the cold light, even reflecting the details of a person's face like a mirror.

At the same time, there are several runes engraved on the sword body, making this knight's sword exude a mysterious and simple color.

"How about this sword?" Hasanti asked.

Bai Bin's level of forging was limited to Edward's "Anatomy Hand" magic forging, but judging from the steps and results, the forging skills of King Hasanti in front of him were only higher than Edward's. "I don't know about forging, but judging from the finished product, no matter who uses it, it will be a knight's sword that is invincible on the battlefield and has achieved meritorious deeds." Bai Bin doesn't know about forging, but he understands "Emotional Intelligence". At this time Subtle compliments are much classier than outright flattery.

The user is blurred, or even universalized, but he can be invincible and achieve great achievements. Doesn't it mean that the forger's skill is so strong that there is no need to select the user?

This kind of implicit and sincere compliment is simply in the air.

"Hahaha! You are discerning! It would not be an insult to follow you with the Royal Sword. After I finish processing the hilt and make a sword bag out of suede, I will officially give it to you."

King Quan Sword...

Bai Bin was really dumbfounded now.

From the name of this sword, you can hear Hasanti's thoughts.

This sword is called King Quan, and the wielder means to control and supervise the king's power.

Combined with Hassanti's appointment of Bai Bin as a royal adviser, it is obviously meant to supervise the internal inspection of the royal family.

But now that the Zion royal family has withered blood, except for the two princes, there is not even a princess, so they can no longer be called "two or three kittens".

Bai Bin already had doubts in his heart, and now he needed to know more to confirm what he was thinking.

"Then this sword may have become dusty. As a priest, I usually just use spells, and I don't have the opportunity to go into battle to kill the enemy. This sword is in my hand and may never be unsheathed. Your Majesty, you should think about it. , give it to someone more useful.”

Bai Bin agreed to be the royal adviser, but that didn't mean he had to do the thankless task of supervising the royal power.

When the old king dies, one of the two princes will surely ascend the throne and be crowned king. By then, Bai Bin will just do as he pleases.

Supervise, take the lead in supervising?
However, King Hasanti just smiled and said meaningfully: "You will always have a chance to use it."

Bai Bin always felt like he had fallen into a big pit again, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Just as Bai Bin was talking to King Hasanti, the royal guards at the door had already taken a step forward to convey the king's will. Bai Bin was appointed as the royal adviser of the Zion Empire, with overall supervision of all royal activities and command. The power of the royal guards is that they are the second-ranking leader of the guards after the king.

The formal awarding ceremony will be held at the ceremony the next day.

When this news was released, Constantine was directly hit by the ultimate earthquake!

When many people didn't know who Bai Bin was, he suddenly became a royal adviser!
You know, the position of royal adviser has been vacant for 20 years since the previous one resigned!

As the only three positions with significant voting rights in the empire, the royal advisor, the minister of finance and the representative of the nobles, the three positions respectively correspond to the internal opinions of the royal family, the financial support of the empire, and the meritorious interest groups represented by the nobles.

At the same time, these three positions are also regarded as the voting criteria when the king dies and the old and new powers take over.

After the death of the previous king, these three representatives will elect a royal member with both ability and political integrity to succeed the king.

This is how King Hasanti took office.

However, after King Hassanti took office, the position has been vacant for more than 20 years after the previous highly respected royal adviser resigned due to his age.

Now this position has been used again, and the person taking up the position is still a white guest who has never heard of it, which instantly aroused people's curiosity.

But when people went to pick up Bai Bin's experience and were curious about why he suddenly assumed an important position, they happened to "bump into each other" with the crowd who had gathered to watch the food.

You want to know the gossip, I just have it!
For a time, there was a lot of news about Bai Bin, and there were different opinions.

 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie!
(End of this chapter)

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