This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 184 Bai Bin, isn’t he the king’s illegitimate son?

Chapter 184 Bai Bin, isn’t he the king’s illegitimate son?
Then, the gossiping citizens suddenly discovered that this Pastor Bai was amazing!
When he first came to Constantine, he did so many important things quietly.

First, there were the heavy corpses of hell demons on the carriage when they entered the city. It was rumored that they were the corpses and trophies of high-level demons.

Since its establishment, the Zion Empire has never achieved such a great advantage in the battle against hell, nor has it killed so many high-level hell demons.

Then he had a conflict with the Holy See, and had a dispute with the Holy See's high priest at the door about who had the right to learn light. He abandoned the Holy See and turned around and left in a rage.

According to the enthusiastic people at the scene, Pastor Bai successfully transformed a hell succubus into a nun who is friendly to the Holy Light, completing the first Holy Light process for hell creatures. At the same time, he explained that "all things can believe in the light, and beliefs are divided into priorities. But the ideological concept of “no high or low” refutes the Holy See’s narrow belief in light.

As soon as the front foot left, the hind foot was summoned to the palace.

In less than two hours, he was announced as a powerful official of the Zion Empire - a royal advisor.

All of this turned around so fast that even the crowd didn't realize it. Bai Bin became one of the most powerful men in the empire.

Everyone also has different attitudes and reactions to this news.

For ordinary people, it’s just fun.

As soon as the Central Holy See broke up with Bai Bin, Bai Bin became the royal adviser and could make decisions on all matters related to the royal family.

Now all the embarrassment came to the Holy See.

If there is any person or force that is a complete loser today, it is the Holy See.

First, because the Siren Siren shut Bai Bin out, he lost a supreme genius, which made people see the narrow-mindedness of the Holy See, which claims to be the spokesperson of light, and Bai Bin's noble idea that all things can aspire to the light.

I thought that Bai Bin was "unkind to others", so he was called into the palace on the back foot and was appointed to an important position by His Majesty.

Now the Vatican can be said to have lost all dignity and face, and has completely become a clown.

"Garyon, I'm very disappointed in you! We went to work well, but you ended up like this. His Majesty's decision is like a slap in the face, causing the Holy See to lose all face!"

In the closed-door meeting of the Holy See, an archbishop dressed in red spoke fiercely and pointed directly at Galian's nose.

Administrative Cardinal Archbishop Bip takes charge of all administrative affairs of the Holy See during the papal retreat.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is just talk and gossip after dinner.But for the Holy See, this is an unprecedented crisis of trust and reputation!
Bai Bin presented the strongest evidence that he could transform hell demons into creatures of light. This was a fact witnessed by countless people present.

Coupled with Bai Bin's sentence "Everything can aspire to light, but you, the Holy See, can only teach people light", it is simply explosive!

The Holy See could not provide any evidence to refute it, and it was unable to produce any evidence.

Let the creatures from hell transform into light. The Light Sect has been established for hundreds of years and has produced countless geniuses, but no one has been able to do it.The genius who could change the pattern of light and darkness was rejected by the great priest. Red Archbishop Bip clenched his fists and tried his best to control his anger.

If Galian hadn't been his apprentice, he would have really suspected that this guy was a spy sent by other forces!

Galian was also very aggrieved. He went to greet Bai Bin in person to show his sincerity and to show that the senior management valued his visit.He just followed the requirements of the Holy See and stated that non-clergy were not allowed to enter the Holy See, but it eventually caused chain problems.

Other archbishops also spoke: "The details of the incident have been sorted out and we have seen it. The discussion now is not about blaming Galian, but how to eliminate the impact of this incident.

As Bai Bin said, this matter is already shaking the foundation of the Holy See.If Bai Bin is really left alone, the Holy See will really lose its right to speak and the uniqueness of its bright faith. "

Then the archbishop turned to look at the priest stationed in the palace and asked: "What does your majesty mean about this matter?"

All the senior officials at the table also turned their heads and looked at the priests of the palace.

"I don't know what your Majesty means, but after he came out of the Forge Heart Furnace today, he looked extremely relaxed and visibly happy." Just one sentence was enough to make everyone present frown.

The time when His Majesty summoned Bai Bin to the palace was too ambiguous.

Just after Bai Bin rejected the Holy See and turned around to leave, he invited him back to the palace.

After staying there for less than two hours, Bai Bin's identity as royal adviser was suddenly announced.

At present, Bai Bin is responsible for all affairs in the royal court, and even has the power to mobilize the royal guards. Just thinking about it is staggering.

Does this mean that His Majesty is already very dissatisfied with the Holy See?Is this timing a retaliation?To embarrass the Holy See?
People who are not allowed to enter the Holy See and look down upon can enjoy top-notch treatment here, including powerful officials of the empire.Are you saying in disguise that the Holy See is short-sighted and misses out on talents?
It is possible!

No matter what counterattack the Holy See makes now, it will be regarded as angry or deliberately suppressing.

This is also the most difficult part of the whole thing.

Once they have any explanation, they will be considered to be using the pressure of public opinion and the power of the Holy See to suppress Bai Bin, which will in turn arouse the public's desire for confrontation.

Right now, the Holy See has only one way to go, and that is -

Red Archbishop Bip's eyes were firm and he said categorically: "Now there is only one way to re-absorb Bai Bin into the Holy See, at any cost!"

Bip once again focused his attention on Galian and ordered: "It's up to you to handle this matter. If you can't do it...leave Constantine and go to work somewhere."

Although his heart was extremely torn, Bip had to make this decision.

On the one hand, it is a punishment for the beloved disciple, but on the other hand, it is not a kind of protection.

As a person involved, Gallian cannot escape the blame and has directly become a sinner of the Illuminati.

While the Holy See was discussing, other forces in Constantine were also working hard to collect information about Bai Bin.

Some people even used some secret and inappropriate methods.

Use prophecy to perceive Bai Bin's past and deeds.

It's just that when the invincible spellcaster used the crystal ball to divine the prophecy, the crystal ball where the scene should have appeared was still foggy, and the fog was even stronger than before the prophecy was made.

The caster spat out a mouthful of old blood and looked pale.

"I'm sorry, Sir, Bai Bin's identity has been completely covered up by the strong man's evasion detection. This evasion detection is so powerful that it can't clear away the fog at all. I tried to check it, but I got a direct backlash!" The fortune teller's mouth was dripping with tears! He was stained with blood, looked in a terrible state, and his eyes had become dim. He was obviously seriously injured.

Extremely powerful evasion detection?
As a priest, Bai Bin is definitely not able to avoid detection, so there must be someone else helping to cover it up...

The woman is thinking.

Bai Bin's age...


Could this be the king's illegitimate son?

(End of this chapter)

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