This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 185: Rebirth: I am a tool of the royal family

Chapter 185: Rebirth: I am a tool of the royal family
Bai Bin was suddenly announced as a royal adviser, and the two princes were most affected.

There are three powerful ministers who are eligible to vote, Bai Bin, the Chancellor of Finance and the Countess.

Suddenly one more person will naturally become the target of attraction between the two parties.

At the moment, the two main leaders have not yet taken action, but the supporting members are already preparing to make a move.

Summary information about Bai Bin was presented to the desk of Finance Minister Frank.

Compared with someone who has many connections and uses prophets and diviners to divination and pry, Finance Minister Frank is more accustomed to using money to solve everything.

As long as you have money, there is no news that you cannot buy.

At the moment, everything about Bai Bin has been laid out in front of him.

But when he looked at the relevant contents one by one, Finance Minister Frank's expression became more solemn.

This guy... you can tell by looking at his resume that he is not an unknown person!

From the trainee priest in Snowfield Town, to the official priest in Landenburg, and then to this time applying for the priest.

Every promotion is accompanied by magnificent trends.

In the wave of the times, we will become the first to ride on the tide.

"It's going to be dangerous. This person is obviously not a simple person. At this juncture, taking over the important task of royal adviser, does His Majesty feel that time is running out and he wants to bring competition to the table? And Bai Bin, who is in Constantinople Will a person with no roots in Ding be the ultimate embodiment of His Majesty’s will and ideas?”

Frank, the finance minister, analyzed carefully. If Bai Bin hadn't been staying in the palace tonight, he would have invited him to talk and have personal contact with him.

Right now, the only chance to get in touch with Bai Bin is tomorrow's reception banquet.

Come to think of it, Countess Margaret, who is standing in line with His Highness the Second Highness, will not miss the opportunity tomorrow.

What seems to be a welcoming banquet to welcome His Highness the Second Highness is actually a new starting point for both parties to contact Bai Bin from the same starting point.

And this starting point heralds the start of the Zion Empire's crown prince battle.

The same situation also occurred in various institutions or power offices in Constantine.

It's just that their vision is far from reaching the level of Finance Minister Frank. They only think and make judgments about the royal family and the Holy See, and are far from reaching the level of formal competition for the throne.

But they were all looking forward to the reception banquet for the second prince the next day.

This time, the second prince has achieved outstanding results on the Western Front, and there are even many shadows of His Majesty Hasanti in his youth.On the other hand, for the eldest prince, the war in the southwest was stalemate, and he did not feel that happy and joyful. Instead, he seemed to be stuck in a quagmire and unable to extricate himself.

However, in terms of domestic affairs, the new economic trade promoted by the eldest prince has given the empire a boost. Economic activities have become more and more enthusiastic, driving the economy of the entire empire to flourish. In recent years, the national treasury has been full.

Both of them have their own advantages and disadvantages, and it's hard to tell the winner.

Each of them roped in a powerful official to rely on.

Now, suddenly there is a variable named Bai Bin.

The royal adviser who had been vacant for more than [-] years returned to his post. He was a man who had never appeared in the public eye and had no roots in Constantine or Jerusalem!
Winning over Bai Bin will be the last test for the two princes to become crown princes.

"I see……"

While everyone was investigating Bai Bin, Bai Bin was also looking through the palace documents and records from various years in the palace.

As a party involved, Bai Bin also wanted to find out what kind of tool he had become.

After King Hasanti instructed his men to announce the matter, Bai Bin immediately had various powers in the palace.Lilith and Helen were playing in the hanging garden of the palace, and Bai Bin simply used the power of the royal advisor to look through the palace documents and records.

As a result of this investigation, Bai Bin really found something.

As Bai Bin thought before, neither of Hasanti's two sons is a fuel-efficient lamp.

But Bai Bin has now thought of a solution.He is just a tool with no emotions. Hasanti's will and thoughts are his thoughts.As for the benefit of winning over the two princes during this period, it was the appearance fee for his tool man.

Compared to the two princes, Bai Bin was more curious about the inside of the Holy See.

As soon as this news was announced, I'm afraid the Vatican also started scratching its head.

The high priest frequently makes mistakes. If this matter is not resolved and allowed to ferment, it will only divide the believers and shake the foundation and voice of the Holy See.

If nothing goes wrong, the Holy See will take action at tomorrow's banquet.

When the time comes, it will be really exciting...

Bai Bin originally planned to write a letter to Weier to report that he was safe, but he gave up the idea when he saw the name of Sandro, the head of the Assassin family, on the invitation letter for tomorrow's banquet.

Bai Bin couldn't resist the anger of Sandru and Lilith at the same time.


The next day, the palace was extremely lively, and the attendants were busy making final preparations for the banquet.

The second prince's team returned from the Western Front, covered in dust.

When he saw the city of Constantine, a trace of emotion appeared on his face.

He had been away for months, trying to resolve unrest in various places and fending off Samarkand from the north.

Right now, he has achieved amazing results.

Many people have said that they see in him the shadow of His Majesty Hasanti in his youth, the fierce figure of the iron-blooded emperor.

Such an evaluation will greatly increase his hopes of winning the reserve!
In addition to the Skinned Demon, Sinking Demon, Imp, Evil Ghost and Demon Guard, the number of hell demon corpses in this car totaled more than 30, and there were even two corpses of Hell Lords among them!

This is definitely the largest hell invasion that the Zion Empire has solved in the past 20 years.

And these trophies will become his glory.

He could even think of himself entering the city, walking from the streets to the palace, and seeing the eyes of the citizens in amazement and admiration, as well as their sincere praise.

Comparing this with his stupid and simple brother's hesitation on the Southwest Front, Lucas even had a feeling that the throne was in his hands.

This time, he will get the support of all the people and reverse his low reputation in the past.

Coupled with the comparison of victory in the war, how could Joshua fight with him?

With longing in mind, Lucas waved his hand and ordered everyone to speed up and enter the city as soon as possible.

He couldn't wait to enjoy his moment of glory.

The huge horn on Constantine's tower made a heavy and loud sound to welcome the team returning from the expedition.

Lucas slowed down his mount, held his head high, and seemed to have seen the residents on both sides of the street spreading flowers and paving the flower path to welcome the heroes who came from afar.

But when Lucas entered the city, the scene he saw with his own eyes was very different from what he imagined.

Although there were also citizens lined the streets to welcome him, most of them were family members and relatives of the expeditionary force.

The citizens did not react much to Lucas' arrival.

Even when he looked at the trophy carriage with the devil's body stuck in it, there wasn't much emotion in his eyes.

'etc!It shouldn't be like this...'

 Thanks to Jianguang Ruwo for cutting off the bullshit and discovering a hundred ways for men to lie!
(End of this chapter)

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