This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 186 Isn’t this my reception banquet?

Chapter 186 Isn’t this my reception banquet?
Lucas is a little confused now.

Before he came, he had arranged for a messenger to come to the city in advance to report the victory.

As a hero of Constantine and even the Zion Empire, he should not be treated like this when he returns!
On the surface, Lucas maintained an elegant and humble posture and kept waving to the residents around him, but he was filled with confusion in his heart.

Logically speaking, the reception should be very grand. At least the residents' reaction after seeing so many corpses of hell demons should not be so dull.

What happened to Constantine during his absence?
But soon Lucas got his answer.

While crossing the street, I heard a conversation between children on the side of the road.

"The second prince has a lot of loot this time, and he actually killed so many demons!"

The kid on the side didn't take it seriously, and snorted softly: "These are just some insignificant little devils. The ones with big horns are the devil guards and the two hell lords. They are completely incomparable to Advisor Bai's!"

"Who said that! Look at the number of demons in hell. There are thirty or forty in total. They are obviously very powerful! My dream is to be like His Highness the Prince and go to the front line of the Rhine Province to fight against the demons and the traitors in Samarkand. They!" The little boy was extremely dissatisfied that his friends looked down on the second prince.

"You can't kill demons just by the number of them. There aren't many trophies on Advisor Bai's carriage, but they are all extremely powerful hell demons. There are seven hell lords and even a hell boy. When converted into priests of the Holy See, there are also all It is the level of deacons and elders.

Think about it, ordinary clergy, deacons and elders, which one is more important? "

The child who had previously supported the second prince was immediately speechless.

Even children know that thirty low-level demons cannot be combined into one high-level demon.

Lucas frowned slightly.

Counselor Bai, he had never heard of this person in Constantine.

Also killed seven Hell Lords and one Hellboy?
This kind of record is a joke, right?
Lucas got off his horse, walked to the two children, knelt down, and said softly: "Children, what are your names?"

The two little boys were surprised and speechless when they saw the second prince walking in front of them and being so friendly to the people.

"My name is Xiaoshuai, and this is my friend Xiaozhuang." The two children were flattered and a little at a loss.They never expected that they would be favored by the second prince and dismount from his horse to talk to them in person.

"I haven't been in Constantine for a few months, and I haven't heard of any White Counselor. Can you guys tell me something?" Lucas said softly.

The child who had just praised Bai Bin immediately showed an excited expression and said, "Pastor Bai just entered the city yesterday. When he entered the city, there were many corpses of hell demons on the carriage, all of them were hell lords, and there was a The corpse of Hellboy shocked the whole of Constantine!"

"After that, everyone said that Pastor Bai had a quarrel with the Holy See, and when he was about to leave, he was called into the palace by His Majesty. Not long after that, Pastor Bai was announced as a royal consultant, so we all called him Consultant Bai."

Lucas' eyelids jumped wildly after hearing this.

A priest who had just entered the city had some dissatisfaction with the Holy See and was called into the palace by His Majesty to become a consultant?
Any one of these pieces of news is quite explosive, let alone all the elements put together.

The key is!

The position of Royal Advisor, which has been left alone for 20 years, has now been filled by His Majesty.

No one knows what this means better than Lucas.

The battle for the throne has begun!

He and Joshua were each supported by a minister.

Joshua was accompanied by Frank, the finance minister, who had the support of the countess.

Now that the third vacancy has finally been filled, obtaining the third vote of Consultant Bai will become the most critical link in the battle for the crown prince.

"Thank you for the introduction. You can take these candies and eat them." Lucas took out a handful of candies from his arms and stuffed them into the thin hands of the two children.

The two children had nowhere to put so many candies in their hands, and many of them fell to the ground.

While quickly putting the candies into his pocket, he lowered his head and bent down to pick up the ones that fell on the ground. He was very busy.Lucas chuckled, rubbed their heads, turned around, mounted his horse, and continued moving forward.

After leaving, Lucas casually summoned the cronies around him and whispered: "The one named Xiaoshuai, take care of it as appropriate. As for the Xiaozhuang next to him, I think he seems to lack fatherly and motherly love. It's time for their parents to take care of themselves. Take a break, you know what I mean?"

The confidant nodded repeatedly, this was not the first time, how could he not understand.

Taking a break means putting that child's parents out of work so that the child's parents can spend time "with their children."

After the cronies retreated, Lucas continued to smile and wave to the people around him.

The surface work that needs to be done must still be done.

But Lucas's heart has long been anxious to fly to a distant place.

The stupid eldest brother who became the royal advisor yesterday is in Constantine. I don’t know if there was any advance contact between them.If contacted in advance, he would be at a disadvantage!
He couldn't wait to see the Countess now and ask about the current situation.

With their thoughts in mind, the victorious expeditionary force arrived in front of the palace.

The countess and followers who supported Lucas were waiting here. Among them, the countess had a bouquet of flowers in her hand and handed it to Lucas.

"Don't worry, they didn't contact us in advance. The reception banquet later will be the highlight." Countess Margaret said in a low voice.

Then another piece of information was handed to Lucas.

"After reading it before going to the banquet hall, I could only find out this basic information and situation. Yesterday, I asked fortune tellers and prophets to detect deeper intelligence, but they all ended in backlash. This consultant Bai... is better than what can be found now It’s much deeper, so you have to pay more attention.”

Lucas opened the information, and the more he read, the more thrilling it became.

This guy's sudden rise to prominence is too fast.

Moreover, Bai Bin's record was so dazzling that even Lucas, who performed exceptionally well, could not succeed.

Moreover, it only took two or three months to go from graduating from St. John's Theological Seminary with a failing grade to Landenburg covering the sky with one hand.

"Is this guy hiding in hiding before? He was transferred to Xueyuan Town on purpose?"

This was Lucas' first reaction after reading it.

Combined with Bai Bin's exaggerated resume and achievements, anyone would think that his previous overly stretched performance was all about hiding a low profile, or even deliberately making a fool of himself!

A reluctant smile appeared on Lucas' face.

"Before I came here, I thought this was a feast for my attention. But now it seems that I have been reduced to a supporting role."

That's right.

Everyone collected information about Bai Bin, all of which were similar.

This actually aroused their interest and curiosity even more.

So much so that the original purpose of this reception banquet no longer attracts attention.

"If he is just a consultant, it will be easy to handle. What I am worried about now is that if he is not just a consultant, it will be really difficult..." There was a trace of sadness on Countess Margaret's eyebrows.

She just wanted her judgment to be wrong.

Otherwise, this crown prince battle will just be a farce.

(End of this chapter)

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