This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 187 Brothers are fighting against each other, the key vote

Chapter 187 Brothers are fighting against each other, the key vote

Lucas heard what Countess Margaret was saying.

This possibility shocked him, and he couldn't help but look shocked: "Isn't this...impossible?"

The countess glanced at Lucas meaningfully, with a look of pity on her eyebrows.

Lucas knew he had made a fool of himself, contrary to what the Countess had always taught him.

The rhetorical question just now revealed the innocence and ignorance deep in his heart.

"Everything is questionable before the result is confirmed! Even if this guess goes beyond your knowledge and common sense, don't deny its possibility!" Countess Margaret's voice was stern, while Lucas lowered his head. It's a quail, completely different from the one who directs the country on the western front.

Because Lucas lost his mother when he was young, Countess Margaret served as a teacher in the royal court, teaching him lessons, and at the same time filling the role of a mother that Lucas lost when he was young.

Lucas was full of respect for this countess with extremely tall wrists.

"If, as you guessed, I serve as a referee and participate in the game at the same time, the result will be a three-point tie..." Lucas felt a deep sense of crisis.

Unlike his eldest brother Joshua, Bai Bin's strength and record are undeniable and ridiculously strong.A person's wrist ability is top-notch, and the number of hell demons he has killed is extremely terrifying. In this regard, he is not as good as Bai Bin.

On the territory, Bai Bin, as the godfather and teacher of Landenburg Tinn, can easily control the entire Ontario Province, sitting on a quarter of the territory of the Zion Empire, and also has a solid bargaining chip in the table competition.

The last resort is the means.

How can a person who can defeat the Holy See and design an explosion to bury all the dark creatures in the Darkwood Forest be easy to deal with?

Bai Bin is like a hexagonal warrior, with no blind spots or weaknesses!
The more Lucas analyzed, the more stressed he became.

This sense of oppression was much stronger than that of his brother Joshua, making him almost unable to breathe!
But on the other hand, if Bai Bin is really just the third powerful official to vote, then if he can be brought under his control, whether it is the battle for the crown prince or his future rule, it will be as stable as a mountain!

With an uneasy feeling, Lucas handed Bai Bin's information to the countess, then he took a long breath, regained his mood, straightened his expression, and stepped into the banquet hall together.

In the banquet hall, Lucas saw many familiar faces.

Almost all the famous and prestigious forces in Constantine were gathered.

When Lucas and the Countess entered the hall hand in hand, everyone present stood up and applauded to welcome the return of the heroes of the Western Front.

A waiter has already come forward with a dinner plate holding wine glasses.

Lucas and the countess held champagne and red wine, nodded to everyone present, walked along the walkway in the center of the banquet hall, chatted with familiar people along the way, and walked slowly to the empty seats at the head table of the banquet.

This table is basically filled with the important forces and families of Lucas's family in Constantine.

And those who were echoing from a distance were the people of the eldest prince Joshua's line.

The two sides are separated by a walking trail, with clear lines, and it feels like they are fighting in the air.

Lucas looked around the banquet hall. The important ministers of the Zion Empire and the seats of some important family forces were all at the table headed by the leader.

At this moment, except for the High Priest Galian, the representative of the Holy See of Light, who looks uneasy, Frank, the finance minister who supports his eldest brother, and Countess Margaret, who shares his mother's support, the rest of the positions are vacant and have not yet appeared.Lucas picked up the wine glass and took the initiative to walk towards the table opposite.

Although I don't like it in my heart, I still have to behave like brothers and sisters in front of the public. This is a matter of tolerance.

"Brother, long time no see." With a bright smile on his face, Lucas stepped forward to clink glasses and hug.

The eldest prince Joshua was stunned for a moment, not expecting that Lucas would take the initiative to come over and say hello.

"you're good too."

After Joshua finished speaking, he spoke again: "I heard that you did well on the western front this time."

Lucas raised the corner of his mouth. He just wanted to come over and say hello, but since the elder brother was so ignorant about mentioning this, then it's not his fault.

"The war on the Western Front is okay. I have decided to drive all the cultists north of the Twin Towers of Moria to consume Samarkand's resources and let them fight among themselves. I believe that the results will be seen soon. But my eldest brother is here to take charge. Fort Valia in the southwest has financial support from the treasury, so why is the situation becoming more and more dire? Do you need some support from me?"

Lucas seemed concerned, but he was actually mocking Joshua for his incompetence.

Joshua did not change his expression because of his brother's criticism. Instead, he frowned and said: "Lucas, your method is too extreme. Although I believe you must have arranged back-up measures to prevent the cultists from defecting, but this method , what is essentially damaged is the foundation of the Zion Empire!”

Joshua paused and continued: "The reason why people are deceived is that the hardship of life makes them unable to see any hope of getting better. This is the root of hell's deception.

The Blood God Cult took a fancy to this, so they used their power to bewitch them, induce them to fall, and voluntarily give their blood.

It would be easy to drive them all out, but then, without these lowest-level civilians in the Zion Empire, many agricultural and commercial businesses would be stagnant, and it would take at least 20 years for the lost young population to be replenished.If they are killed every time they are captured, then the population of the Zion Empire will become smaller and smaller, and the entire empire will fall into a quagmire! "

Joshua objected to his brother's hasty decision.

"Hmph! Then how long will it take for your policies to help farmers, popularize education, and promote the Guangming Sect to be effective?" Lucas sneered. Maybe ten or twenty years can indeed change the current situation and quality of ordinary people and farmers. , but by then I am afraid that the Zion Empire will be destroyed.

Joshua was neither anxious nor annoyed, but said firmly: "This has to be done. As long as we continue to do it against all odds, the seeds of the Blood God Cult at the grassroots level will always be reduced, and the number of people who can bewitched and instigated will also be reduced." There will be fewer and fewer.”

Just when the two brothers were about to get angry, someone at the table next to them suddenly spoke.

"Is it possible that neither of your methods can completely solve the problem?"

Joshua looked at this unfamiliar face of his own age, not sure he knew the young man who spoke to him.

Lucas was not so good-tempered and snorted: "Who are you? What does our chat have to do with you?"

Just as Bai Bin was about to speak, the chief priest Galian saw this familiar figure.

He stepped forward quickly and said, "Counselor Bai, I want to apologize for what happened in the Holy See yesterday. There seems to be some misunderstanding between us."

Consultant Bai?
Is this Consultant Bai?
Joshua's eyes lit up, and the expression on Lucas' face collapsed.

 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie!
(End of this chapter)

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