This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 192 Hell Priest

Chapter 192 Hell Priest
Bai Bin felt that the hairs all over his body stood on end and goosebumps appeared all over his body.

"Oh, I suddenly remembered that King Hasanti has something to do with me. I have to go there." Bai Bin used Hasanti as a shield and wanted to slip away.

As a result, Wei'er's soft voice sounded faintly: "But when I came, His Majesty said that you have plenty of time for follow-up, and there is nothing important..."

Bai Bin's steps suddenly stiffened.

Now he finally understood what was going on with the smile on Hasanti's face before.

I bet this old king is as fond of gossip as the old ladies in the village!
Waiting for him here!

Bai Bin turned around and sighed softly: "Well, I remembered wrongly. His Majesty is busy at the moment, so I have to go find him later."

Bai Bin observed Lilith and Weier carefully, while Helen simply ignored them.

This girl grinned almost from the corner of her mouth to her ears, with an expression on her face as if she was watching a show.

'I'll show you, when you get to the Holy See tomorrow, you will cry! ' Bai Bin thought in his mind.

As for Lilith and Weier, their breathing was steady and even, and there was no flush on their faces due to emotion, which was enough to prove that there was no quarrel before they came.

It would be nice if there were no quarrels or disagreements.

If there really was a quarrel, Bai Bin really didn't know where to help.

There is still room for saving now!
Bai Bin walked over with a smile and asked, "Weier, why are you here? Why didn't you see your father at the banquet today?"

Wei'er chuckled. Yesterday, his father received an invitation from His Majesty, inviting him to Constantine to attend the reception banquet of the second prince. At the same time, he would announce that Bai Bin would become a royal adviser.

Sandro was not interested in Lucas' reception party, and originally planned to send his men to deal with it.

But after learning that Bai Bin had become a royal adviser, he immediately became interested and chose to come in person.

When Weier learned that Bai Bin had arrived in Constantine, she pestered her father to follow him.

"That is to say, you and your father have met His Majesty earlier, and His Majesty entrusted the head of the Sandro family to investigate some matters, so that's why you didn't go to the banquet?"

Weier nodded: "I originally planned to hide where you live to give you a surprise, but when I arrived, I found out that it was you who gave me a big surprise."

Weier learned a lot about Lilith from Zora Feiying.

After arriving in Constantine today, I learned that this succubus was the first succubus of light in the history of the Illuminati, a nun, and I couldn't help but feel strong curiosity.

Finally, when I came to the place where Bai Bin lived, I not only met Lilith, but also the siren sea monster Helen.

Good on you, Baibin!
I waited eagerly for you to come to me in Jerusalem, but instead you hugged me from left to right, so unhappy!
Bai Bin smiled and suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

"Is the big surprise you're talking about Lilith? When we were fighting zombies in Snowfield Town, Lilith was studying the Gospel of Light in the Ossuary. We had a chance to meet, but unfortunately we missed it." Bai Bin mentioned old things again, It not only brings Weier back to the good old days, but also reminds Lilith of the relationship and allows her to find her own position.

Sure enough, after confirming this matter, Lilith's originally unkind eyes became excited.

As a succubus, there is nothing more exciting than a man seducing other women.

Wei'er also thought of the time when she and Bai Bin fought side by side in Xueyuan Town. It was so nostalgic...

One sentence triggered a switch for both women.

I have to say, there is no one else.

Seeing that the two men had softened their attitude towards him, Bai Bin continued to ask: "How long do you plan to stay in Constantine this time?"

"After my father completes His Majesty's mission and I attend your coronation ceremony, it's time to go back."

Before Bai Bin could ask her how she knew she would be reconciled with the Holy See, Weier smiled and answered in advance: "Your Majesty said it~"

Thinking of his own secrets and King Hasanti's cryptic attitude, Bai Bin felt like he was in a huge fog.

The identity of the royal consultant could not be found. After meeting Weier, Bai Bin suddenly had a new idea.

Perhaps, we can use the help of the Temple Assassins to start to understand something?
Bai Bin bent down, approached Weier, and said with a serious expression: "Weier, maybe you can help me with something..."

The best way to find someone to help is to drag this person into the water too.

For Weier, Bai Bin knows this very well and is very familiar with it. …

The next day.

Bai Bin came to the Holy See under the warm invitation of the great priest Galian.

Also traveling with them were Lilith and Helen.

Not only did the three of them not encounter any obstruction this time, they were also treated with great courtesy.

The red carpet of the Holy See greeted Bai Bin a hundred meters away. The great priest Galian was riding beside Bai Bin. The bishops, priests and elders of the Holy See all lined up at the door to greet him.

The splendid scene was as grand as the presence of His Majesty the King himself.

But there was no anger or displeasure on the faces of these old guys. They all showed happy smiles. Some of them could even see their gums.

Who would have thought that such a formation would only greet a person whose position is a pastor.

Of course, everyone can comfort themselves psychologically.

This battle can be used to welcome priests or royal advisors.


One of them, dressed in red and held in the center by the stars and the moon, is Archbishop Bip, the administrative red-clothed archbishop of the Holy See of Light in the Zion Empire and Gallian’s mentor.

"Advisor Bai's visit to the Holy See has made the Holy See shine!"

Bai Bin held hands tightly with Archbishop Bipp and said with a smile: "When I was at St. John's Seminary, I was exposed to the style of the red archbishop. Today I finally got to meet him. It is a blessing for students."

The red archbishop is a priest with level 8 strength and a superb spellcaster with 8th level spells.

Spells of this level are extremely powerful and would be called "miracles" from the perspective of ordinary people.

"Graduated from St. John's Theological Seminary, counselor Bai will not mind if I mistakenly call him a junior, right?" Cardinal Bipu and Bai Bin walked into the Holy See side by side.

Lilith and Helen followed behind, already shocked by the battle and the fluctuations in strength produced by these clergy.

These people around me are all powerful men and mainstays of the Holy See.

Any one of them has at least the strength of an elder level.

Lilith did a lot of mental construction before coming, but at this moment there are only three words left in her mind - don't dare to move, don't dare to move at all!

Cardinal Bip had a kind attitude, and the smile on his face never left his face after seeing Bai Bin.

"Sure enough, Your Majesty is still wise. The priest position that was previously decided is indeed no longer suitable for Counselor Bai. In terms of strength alone, you are already at the level of a deacon. Now with the improvement of psychic weapons and spells, as well as the epoch-making achievements, even if There’s nothing wrong with the bishop either.”


Bai Bin's eyelids twitched wildly, the bishop started too high.

Moreover, the bishop of the Illuminati Church needs to conduct research and work in the Central Holy See of Constantine.He also has to lead his apprentices to produce results, which tends to be in the research direction.

Bai Bin still had to return to Landenburg. It was outrageous to bear the identity of a bishop.

Red Archbishop Bip seemed to have guessed Bai Bin's thoughts and said with a smile: "But considering that Advisor Bai has to return to Landenburg, and he has to assist the small lord in managing Landenburg, he must not have free time to take care of his disciples, so then Consultant Bai, what do you think about appointing a priest?"

"Then what is the name of this priest..." Bai Bin asked.

You know, priests all have names.

The great priest of Gallian is the head of all the priests and is responsible for the personnel changes of the entire Holy See.

Bai Bin is now awarded a priest, so he must have a suitable title.

"Priest of Hell. Counselor Bai shocked hell and killed many lords of hell, even barons. In the history of the Zion Empire and the Holy See, there has never been a warrior with such achievements and achievements. Priest of Hell is the most suitable person."

 Please give me a monthly pass, the double monthly pass period will end soon, and the goal of adding more updates will be achieved!
(End of this chapter)

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