This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 193 I, Sandro, would like to call you Bai Bin, the strongest priest!

Chapter 193 I, Sandro, would like to call you Bai Bin, the strongest priest! (400 monthly ticket plus updates)

Hell priest?

Bai Bin chewed on the name.

It is indeed a good name, which shows that these old guys from the Holy See have put their thoughts into it.

The priest who makes hell fearful, the priest of hell.

Cardinal Bip added: "At the administrative level, the Hell Priest ranks first among all priests, commands all priests, and is also a role model for the entire Illuminati Religion."

The occupations and positions of the Guangming Cult strictly correspond to each other.Several levels of priests correspond to corresponding positions.

But when Bai Bin came here, in order to firmly grasp him, he pulled this promising powerful minister of the empire and a rare genius of the Guangming Sect in a century into the chariot of the Guangming Sect.

The Central Holy See has opened the door to convenience from top to bottom.

Anyway, with Bai Bin's growth rate and ability, it would only be a matter of time before he reaches level 6 priest.

It is completely reasonable to give him a priest position in advance.

The Central Holy See is far more luxurious than the Landenburg Cathedral.

It covers an area as large as ten Landenburg Cathedrals.

The red archbishop led the three people to a beautiful mountain stream. The natural landscape can be completely reproduced in the Holy See. One can imagine the financial and material resources consumed.

"Archbishop Bip, shouldn't we go to the research area first to evaluate the power of improved magic?" Bai Bin said with a smile on his face.

Archbishop Bip pointed to Lilith and Helen, who had become relaxed in a natural environment: "Isn't this observation?"

Indeed, compared to improving psychic weapons and summoning penitents, the priests and bishops here are more interested in the illuminated succubus.

Although this place looks like a return to nature, the sun hanging above the head is actually not a real sun. The dome above the head and the sun are all artificially created, with a core of light exuding holy light energy, simulating sunlight.

It not only protects the Holy See, but also radiates the entire Constantine, making it difficult for dark creatures to move forward.

This place can be said to have the strongest light energy in the entire Constantine.

But when Lilith came here, not only did she not feel any discomfort, she even showed a relaxed and happy mood.

Even though the group of old guys in front of me were over a thousand years old in total, they couldn't help but marvel.

This is a serious succubus from hell!
Purple skin, a pair of iconic devil eyes, and small horns on his head.

But Lilith didn't feel any discomfort, and even had a comfortable and warm aura.

Open your eyes, really open your eyes!

Even the red archbishop Bip, who has seen all kinds of things in the world, also crossed himself on his chest at this moment and muttered: "Amen, the Lord of Light is above, let us witness the miracle with our own eyes."

You know, light and evil hell itself are opposites.

Since the first day when the Lord of Light spread ideas and beliefs into the world, all believers have been thinking about how to use light to dispel and restrain darkness and evil, so that the world can be bathed in light.

Although some people later tried to transform dark creatures, dark creatures would be severely harmed when they encountered the power of light.


Transformation becomes transcendence.

There are also people who try to recite various classics of the Illuminati religion around them every day after capturing hell demons, hoping to reverse them with the thoughts of the Lord of Light.But those dark creatures and demons couldn't stand such torture, so they either bit their tongues to commit suicide or chose to self-destruct.

At this point, the Light Religion, from the Pope to the trainee priests, have all determined one thing. Dark creatures and demons are naturally restrained by light. They cannot be transformed and can only be destroyed!
But today, they saw a hell demon who was not afraid of the Holy Light, an extremely standard succubus!

"A miracle, a complete miracle!"

"With the blessing of our Lord, the protracted holy war against hell can be declared over in advance!"

Everyone looked shocked, ecstatic and relieved.

Hell demons are not killed and their souls return to hell after death.After being nourished by hell, the body can be reshaped and come to earth again.This is what most despairs the clergy.

Not only will the demons not be completely killed, but more and more demons will be born.

However, there are always a few believers of light and clergy in the world and cannot expand rapidly.

This is an unequal war, and there is no hope for it in the long term.

But today, they saw a miracle!

The Lord must have heard their appeal and sent a genius to the Illuminati Religion, breaking the shackles of "the devil cannot be transformed" formed by the clergy for hundreds of years, and bringing a living case of the Holy Light Succubus to all the people. in front of people.

"As long as you learn this skill, you can transform all the demons that appear in the world. The number of demons in hell will decrease, but our helpers will increase, completely breaking the fearlessness of hell."

When Bai Bin heard an elder getting excited, his face flushed, and he couldn't help but pour cold water on him.

"It's not as simple as you think. If it can be transformed so easily, then you don't have to wait for me. Countless geniuses and monsters over the past few hundred years would have been able to create this method long ago."

Bai Bin's words attracted the attention of everyone present.

These senior leaders of the Holy See knew that Bai Bin would tell the secrets of transforming succubi next.

“Actually, it’s easy to say, but it’s also very difficult.”

"Only hell creatures who are willing to yearn for light can be transformed into holy light affinity."

As soon as Bai Bin finished speaking, all the senior leaders of the Holy See present spoke in unison and opened their mouths: "How is this possible to voluntarily yearn for the light?"

Not to mention voluntary, those hell demons can't even fight, they would rather commit suicide than be stained with the light, how can they be voluntary?Self-pity is almost the same!
"That's the problem. I used my personality charm and language advantage to persuade Lilith to pursue the light. In the past... Lilith was just a demon who signed a contract with the evil warlock Gould, and lived a miserable life. The days of talking, until that day she met me..."

Bai Bin's words are very charming, and his high charm attribute and bluffing skills in the field of trickery lead Lilith to painstakingly study the details of the Gospel of Light in the ossuary under the church in Snowfield Town.

Bai Bin's eyes were firmly fixed on Lilith: "To reach the level of affinity with the Holy Light, Lilith's own efforts are indispensable. In the ossuary where the Holy Light is strong, even though she was extremely weak, she still held the Gospel of Light. Recite…”

"Even if I told her that it was impossible for the devils in hell to master the power of light, Lilith refused to give up. I was moved by her perseverance, so after she mastered the light gospel, I tried to teach her the singing and pronunciation skills."

"Perhaps out of sympathy or sincerity, Lilith had the idea of ​​dedication for the first time while on the way to undercover Hell Lord Warjok. From that moment on, her fate was firmly locked with me, and she will never be able to do it again. Don’t be afraid of the light, and even... be close to the light.”

Bai Bin raised the soul-sucking staff and silently released a light spell.

In an instant, the entire garden was reflected in a pale white light.

The strong light echoes the "bright sun" in the sky.

All the clergy present were so blinded by the strong light that they could not open their eyes.

Only Bai Bin and Lilith looked at each other in this echoing light.

'This is my very own nun (priest). '

At the same time, the two of them had a tacit understanding and had the same idea.

Sandro, the leader of the Temple Assassin Group, who was in the dark, suddenly took a breath of cold air.

It was just a magic light spell, but it actually had such an exaggerated and terrifying effect. It produced an effect that even high-level daylight spells could not match, and was as powerful as the 'Bright Sun'.

Not even the Pope... can use this level of illumination!
'To what extent does this guy master the magic of light? '

Sandro was extremely shocked.

Thinking back to the previous misunderstanding of Bai Bin and the unbelievable report card full of zeros.

Sandro couldn't help laughing, he was slapped in the face by reality and his own daughter.

"I Sandro would like to call you Bai Bin, the strongest priest!"

Sandro stopped hiding and walked out of the darkness. His whole body was bathed in light, and there was no longer any shadow.

 This is an additional update for the 400 monthly pass at the end of last month. Although it overlaps with the double monthly pass, they are still updated separately.The double monthly pass ends in one day, so if you work harder, if you collect 500, you can add five more chapters!
(End of this chapter)

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