This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 194 I agree with you dating your little girl!I object!

Chapter 194 I agree with you dating your little girl!I object!

Bai Bin heard a bold and thick voice, especially the three words "Sandru".

The soul-sucking cane in his hand trembled in fright, and he immediately retracted the 'light spell' trick.

The light dissipated, and the higher-ups of the Holy See present opened their eyes one after another, with even more shocked expressions on their faces.

As clergymen above the elder level, most of the people present were proficient in at least one spell.

"If I haven't seen it, that lighting spell just now should be a full-level lighting spell, right?" one of the bishops asked.

Others just nodded blankly.

It is indeed a full level, because there happens to be an elder in the Holy See who has raised the illumination spell to level 8.

But with Bai Bin's ability to form a magical scene of "two suns shining together" with the "bright and blazing sun", what is that if it's not a full level?
To be able to practice a magic trick to the full level is no longer a matter of enduring loneliness. You also have to endure honor, disgrace, and a sense of gain and loss.

After all, a full-level sleight of hand can't increase combat power much. If you have the time to study any other spell, the effect and gains will definitely be better than a single sleight of hand.

Only those who do not compare and do not care about gains and losses can calm down and push magic to the maximum level.

At this moment, the old guys from the Holy See who were present were completely convinced by Bai Bin.

Being able to improve psychic weapons and turn succubus into holy light is no accident!
"It's an honor for us to have the honor to see the full-level illumination technique with our own eyes!" Red Archbishop Bip's eyes were full of smiles. Being able to have the patience to upgrade a magic to the full level already speaks volumes. Many questions can also resolve a lot of uneasiness and doubts.

Sandro is muscular and looks particularly proud with his beard.

Wearing the unique assassin costume of the Templar Assassins, he is still very big.

It is hard to imagine that such a tall and mighty man is the most powerful assassin in the Zion Empire.

It is completely different from the slim and inconspicuous assassin in people's minds who launches murderous intentions in darkness and secrets. It subverts the impression.

Both Bai Bin and Sandro were sizing each other up.

Although Sandro had seen Bai Bin's appearance in the newspaper that Pons Darkblade brought back from Landenburg, but when he saw him in person, he felt his temperament and his image became more three-dimensional and clear.

"I've heard about Leader Sandru's demeanor from Wei'er a long time ago. It's really extraordinary when I see him today." Bai Bin quickly recovered after feeling uneasy.Now that he is in the Holy See, and with Archbishop Bip in red at his side, Sandro will not mess around.

Sandro laughed wildly and his voice was quite bold and uninhibited: "When I first heard my little girl talk about her experience in Snowfield Town, I thought Pastor Bai was some smooth-talking liar, trying to trick the little girl who was inexperienced in the world.

Later, I learned that Father Lima of Landenburg insisted on transferring you to Landenburg, and he even thought that the old and the young were working together to disturb the frontier.

It wasn't until I sent Pons to support Landenburg that I learned the whole story and the truth.Unexpectedly, a rare genius appeared on the border.

This time His Majesty invited the Second Prince to attend the reception banquet. I had no intention of coming, but after learning that Pastor Bai was the highlight, I decided to come and see with my own eyes the genius who solved the century-old problem of the Holy See. "

Sandro had no reservations. He told everything from his previous suspicion and contempt for Bai Bin to his later shock and appreciation.

Coupled with his heroic posture, it is difficult to make people feel bad.

Bai Bin just smiled politely: "Normally, people are subconsciously skeptical about things outside common sense. But most people will only regard doubt as prejudice. Chief Sandru can argue in spite of doubts. Treat it, and even put it into practice to investigate, and finally base it on the facts and face your own prejudices, which is already very valuable." [Justice Value +300]

Bai Bin's answer was very philosophical and indeed pointed out some of the current problems in the Holy See.

"Well said! You can penetrate deeply and hit the nail on the head! You have such sharp insights. If the Holy See does not hold you firmly, I may really see the collapse of the Holy See and the rise of a new one in my lifetime."

Needless to say, this new court is naturally based on Bai Bin's theory that "all things can pursue light, only in order, not high or low."It had only been a day, but this theory was already widely circulated among Constantine's followers of the Light.

Cardinal Bip was quite embarrassed. Chief Sandro really kept talking about everything.

But in terms of status and responsibilities, Sandro corresponds to His Holiness the Pope, and the two are equivalent in status.Even the administrative Cardinal Bee knew that Sandro would be born shorter.

Now that the Holy See has deeply realized its mistake, Bai Bin naturally still wants to give him some face.

After all, giving face to the Holy See is equivalent to giving face to oneself.

"There is never anything that can last forever. If you want to exist for a long time, you must adapt to the new environment with changes. Right now, hell is rampant and raging in the Zion Empire. If you want to win this battle between light and darkness, you can't do it behind closed doors. You must absorb everything. Members who can unite, all races that yearn for the light.”

Bai Bin said meaningfully: "In this battle, only by defeating many friends and few opponents will the enemy be unable to move forward." [Justice Value +500]

Although this sentence is white, its meaning is extremely appropriate.

All things that cooperate with Bai Bin can believe in the light and unite knowledge and action.

At this time, everyone present understood Bai Bin's good intentions.

While they were still enforcing rigid rules, Bai Bin was already thinking about how to deal with the forces of hell.

Thinking again of the corpses of the Lord of Hell and the Baron of Hell on Baibin's carriage, he has always been practicing his own principles!

On the other hand, they guarded the huge Holy See, were pampered, and refused to let go of the rigid and conservative rules.

Little do they know that the world has changed and times have changed.

Sandro looked at Bai Bin's eyes with increasing admiration.

He is so transparent and powerful at a young age. He can face many perfect demons alone and be able to kill them all. His strength has already surpassed that of an ordinary level 4 priest.

I really fall in love with such outstanding talents the more I see them, so what reason is there to stop my daughter?

My daughter Wei'er has more vision than me!

We met Yu Qingping when they were in Baibin Xueyuan Town. This kind of friendship is far from ordinary.

So when many elders of the Holy See were repenting and blaming themselves, Sandro said something shocking.

"Boy, I agree with you dating my little girl!" Sandro showed a row of brilliant white teeth and smiled brightly.

But before Bai Bin could agree, Lilith's heart suddenly tightened and she subconsciously blurted out:

"I object!"

For a moment, the belated elders of the Holy See cast their gazes one after another.

Having just finished digesting Sandro's remarks, he was now shocked by Lilith's words.

How could this relationship be so messed up?

Bai Binren was also dumbfounded. When was he going to date Weier?
You can't use this method to force your father-in-law!
 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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