This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 204 Show me everything here!

Chapter 204 Show me everything here!
The vice-chancellor's white beard trembled violently, and his eyes widened in fear.

"Consultant Bai... I don't dare to joke about this!" The vice dean was still a little unbelievable.

How could the worst student in the history of St. John's Theological Seminary and the white priest in front of him, who was a priest of hell and whose contribution to the sect was enough to enter the first row of the Hall of Sages, be the same person! ?
In less than a year, he went from failing all subjects and being optimized to being a waste in the fringe Northeast, to becoming the most popular priest in the empire, and also became a royal adviser.

How can the vice president believe such a huge contrast?

Bai Bin looked sincere: "Vice Dean, don't forget that we believers in the light cannot lie, otherwise we will become the abandoned disciples of God."

Now the vice-chancellor had no excuse at all.

He really hates his hand now. Who would have thought that the poor student who was once optimized by him would one day "return to his hometown and return to school with honor for inspection"?

The vice president panicked.

With Bai Bin's current status, as long as he is unhappy, he can find any excuse to prevent the seminary from recruiting students.It won't take long for the name of St. John's Theological Seminary to no longer be resounding. The Holy See's research support for their college will be much reduced, and even the funding will be significantly reduced.

It would not take two or three terms for St. John's to be completely in decline.

"I...I..." The deputy dean wanted to ask if Bai Bin had any hidden secrets when he scored zero in all subjects.

But he was afraid that Bai Bin's direct denial would make the atmosphere even more awkward, so he didn't dare to say anything even if it came to his lips.

Bai Bin saw the embarrassment of the deputy dean, and he smiled and said: "Vice dean, relax, I am just visiting my old place this time to reminisce about my student days and reminisce about the past. The dean and teachers of the school are all For someone I respect very much, things don’t happen the way you imagine them.”

The vice president's heart skipped a beat. Bai Bin knew what he was thinking.

This student, from his skills to his mind, doesn’t look like he has zero marks in all subjects!
"Then I will personally take you around the school." The vice-dean seemed to have received an amnesty, but he was afraid of neglecting Bai Bin, so he simply entertained him personally.

"The dean is going to attend the Waterdam meeting. The vice dean is currently the leader of the college, and he must have a lot of work. It would be rash to visit rashly. If the vice dean is asked to accompany him again, it will delay the approval and administrative processing of the college. Then I will become a sinner of the academy."

Bai Bin found a reason to send the vice president away.

I came back this time to find out about Bai Bin's living environment in the past, and to see if I could find some clues from the traces of his life.

It would definitely be inconvenient for the deputy dean to be with him all the time.

"Then I will arrange for someone else to accompany you." The vice-dean hurriedly said.

Just as the vice-dean was about to turn around, Bai Bin held his shoulders and said with a smile: "I want to go back to my own school. Who else needs to accompany me? Is the vice-dean afraid that I will get lost? Besides, I don't want anyone to follow me and cause trouble." Sensational, I can just take them around for a while."

Seeing that Bai Bin's expression didn't seem to be fake, the vice president asked worriedly: "Do you really don't need someone to accompany you?"

"It's really not necessary. I will go to the teachers for help if I need it." Bai Bin had a smile on his face, just like he did in school.

Such a warm smile really made the deputy dean and teachers less wary.

"Okay, then let's keep things as usual and not disturb Advisor Bai's reminiscing about the school years. When I go back, I will open all the permissions of the college for you, and all the doors in the entire college will be open to you." The vice president reciprocated the favor.

What is Bai Bin's current status? If he can come back to school and say that he has forgotten the past, he will naturally serve him with open arms.

You know, although St. John's Theological Seminary has produced many famous people, but 100 years from now, or even two or three hundred years, Bai Bin's demon sanctification has surpassed all the pioneering achievements of the sages!Enough to affect the balance of light and darkness.

If St. John cannot grasp it well, he will be nailed to the pillar of shame.

Although he was uneasy, the vice president, management and teachers all respected Bai Bin's opinion.

The vice president led everyone away, and the smile on his face suddenly solidified, replaced by gloom. "From now on, put down all the work at hand and do only two things!" the deputy dean declared sternly.

"First, dig out the files and files from the graduation exam half a year ago. I want to review them myself! I want to see what went wrong in them!"

If someone was giving the marks for malicious intent, he wouldn't mind driving these insects out of the academy!
If Bai Bin deliberately concealed it, then the seminary would be cleared of suspicion and could better publicize it.

"Second, after Consultant Bai's tour, his former dormitory and personal belongings will all be opened into a personal exhibition hall to promote our talented graduate from St. John's!"

The two orders from the Vice President need to be resolutely implemented by the following.

Whether St. John's Seminary can catch this precious wealth depends on this time!

After seeing off the school leaders, Bai Bin breathed a sigh of relief.

There were no outsiders at the moment, so he could move freely.

When I graduated half a year ago, it was still February, and now there is still one month left before the college admits new students in September.Therefore, the dormitories after graduation are now all vacant, and they are still as they were when the graduates left school.

Most of the other students in the school have also gone home for the holidays, and only a handful of them are still in the college.

Bai Bin took Lilith and Helen and started walking around the academy.

The academy with few people is full of tranquility.

The teachers who left also guided the students who were still in the college to prevent them from rushing forward rashly and getting into trouble with Bai Bin.

Different from the glorious atmosphere of the Holy See, the buildings of the college show traces of time. Many buildings are hidden among the woods and gardens, giving them a unique flavor.

Bai Bin went straight to the dormitory building of the highest grade.

The seminary is a four-year institution that selects apprentices who have received basic education and are sensitive to the power of light.

After studying, apprentices awaken their faith in light and become trainee priests, priests, etc.

After four years of study, they will be assigned to serve in churches in big cities.

The best among them will directly enter the church or the Holy See in the core areas such as Constantine and Jerusalem. After being promoted to priests, they will have the qualifications to serve in the Holy See.

When we arrived at the senior dormitory building, it was actually more like a small castle than a building.

The castle has a complete living area and study area.

In addition to classes, you can stay here all day, and even eat together.

Bai Bin walked in the empty corridor, the wooden boards under his feet creaking.

There are wooden plaques with the names of the dormitory members next to the doors of all dormitories.

Bai Bin moved forward uneasily, his eyes scanning these names, looking forward to and nervous at the same time.

His original experience before time travel was a fog to him.

And now, he was about to touch this fog.

 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie!
(End of this chapter)

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