This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 205 Strange Spell Notes

Chapter 205 Strange Spell Notes
"Pastor Bai, did you live here before?" Helen said with some envy.

She saw a wide hall of more than 200 square meters on the first floor.

There is a fireplace, a spacious long table, and various portraits hanging on the walls. It is like a large living room.

There are also board games, tactical maps, chess and other items for leisure and entertainment.

Just looking at these things, I seem to be able to imagine the joyful scene of all the students exchanging ideas and organizing games after class.

This reminded Helen of the Sirens' initiation school.

However, in Helen's memory, she was only ridiculed and excluded when she was in the enlightenment school.

The other sirens were playing puffer fish and throwing turtles, but she could only watch helplessly from a distance.

Sometimes if you get too close, you will be cursed viciously. I have never experienced such a comfortable and comfortable situation where a group of people live together.

So after seeing the situation inside the senior class and thinking of Bai Bin's happy college days, I felt strong envy.

"It's okay, life is always balanced. You just used up all the misfortune in the first half of your life, and the next life will be full of joy and happiness." Bai Bin said with relief.

Soon, Bai Bin stopped in front of a door.

There is a nameplate hanging on the wall next to the wooden door of the dormitory, with the names Bai Bin, Lewis and Mingo written on it. There is an empty column at the end of the nameplate with no name filled in.

In a normal four-person dormitory, there are only three people here.

"This is my dormitory." Bai Bin introduced Lilith and Helen.

But in fact, Bai Bin was equally uneasy inside.

He doesn't know exactly what it will look like inside, what things he will see, what old things he will find...

Everything is full of unknowns and curiosity.

Bai Bin opened the dormitory door anxiously.

With a creaking sound, the entire dormitory appeared in front of the three people.

It’s not the expected cleanliness and tidiness when you leave, nor the mess after a party.

In the entire dormitory, there was only one desk and bed with things on it. The other three beds and desks were all empty without any items.

This scene caught the three of them unexpectedly.

Bai Bin has imagined many situations, but this situation is completely beyond his imagination.

Helen scratched her head and asked blankly: "Pastor Bai, how come there are only traces of one person's life here?"

Bai Bin didn't answer because he didn't know how to answer.

Entering the room, Bai Bin came to the only bed where books and information were placed.

His eyes scanned the table.

Ink tank, quill pen, thick paper held up.

Next to it are some theoretical books, documents and maps.

There was also crumpled up waste paper in the wastebasket, which looked messy.

"Whose desktop is this? Why is it so messy?" Helen spoke again.

Bai Bin picked up the books and materials on the table, opened the cover, and clearly saw the word "Bai Bin" on the title page.

Suddenly, Helen was embarrassed, Bai Bin was speechless, and Lilith's presence dropped to air.

Helen forced out a dry smile in embarrassment, and immediately added: "It's better to be messy... it's better to be messy! Doesn't this explain the pastor's sleepless nights in the college before? You can see that other places are neatly tidied, but those few people are nowhere to be seen. What an achievement!”

Bai Bin looked at his position, but couldn't find any memory in his mind.

He unfolded the crumpled waste paper, but there were incomprehensible words and magic circles scrawled on it, as if he was doing theoretical research.But on the vague words and magic circle, there are violent traces of alteration, venting the incompetent rage.With Bai Bin's current level as a level 4 priest, he didn't even understand what he was studying and drawing on this scrawled manuscript.

'Isn't this a very in-depth study?How can I fail the graduation exam in all subjects? Bai Bin was filled with doubts.

Then he opened the notebook on the table and looked through it.

Bai Bin glanced at the contents of the notebook and found it was all there!All!look!No!Understand!
They are some difficult and complicated words that I have never seen before.

I have never seen any of the drawn mana runes or patterns.

The only thing I can understand is the occasional venting of complaints in my notebook.

Lilith and Helen stretched their heads and looked at the contents of the notebook, their brows furrowed.

Bai Bin simply asked: "Do you recognize the words and symbols on this?"

Lilith looked carefully and frowned deeper: "I don't know, it's not the demon rune from hell."

Helen tilted her head, pointed at one or two of the symbols and said, "These... seem to be supernatural runes, but I'm not sure. Pastor Bai, are you testing us?"

Bai Bin smiled quietly and asked: "Are there only a few supernatural runes? Don't you recognize the others?"

Helen thought carefully, even those supernatural runes were suspicious, not to mention the others, she didn't recognize them at all.

As for those runes, she vaguely seemed to have seen them when the priests and elders of the Siren Siren were in action.

However, because I was ostracized, I could only watch it from a distance, so I didn't see it very clearly. I could only say it was suspicious.

Bai Bin then looked through other things on the table. There were also traces of research notes on other books.Some of these views and thoughts on magic can be said to be proficient rather than proficient.

These daily information notes can all show that Bai Bin's predecessor was in the academy. He was not among the top, but he was by no means the bottom and brainless existence.

This is completely different from Bai Bin's failure in all his final graduation exams.

If Bai Bin was just suspicious before, now this weird magic notebook is completely solid.

As a level 4 priest, Bai Bin could not understand the content of the research notes.

Is this still feasible?

It involves suspected supernatural runes and other textual content. The research is so in-depth that even some senior priests may not be able to analyze it.

Now Bai Bin was more sure that something happened to his predecessor before the exam.

All test scores dropped, this was intentional!

He quietly put the notes away and looked for the information to study and decipher it when he returned. It might be able to answer many questions and secrets.

There was nothing else of value in the dormitory.

At this moment, there was a floor creaking sound in the corridor.

An old man on crutches appeared at the door of the dormitory.

"It's vacation time now, why are you here at the senior dormitory?"

The old man had gray hair and a stooped back, and he could not sense any light energy on his body.

But he saw a bunch of keys in the old man's hand, and his identity was revealed - the dormitory administrator.

Bai Bin's eyes lit up and he stepped forward and said, "Old man, I am a graduate of the college. Do you still recognize me?"

Bai Bin came closer so that the old man could see carefully.

The old man squinted his eyes and looked up and down for a long time. Suddenly, two white eyebrows jumped high from his eyelids, and his eyes widened.

"It turns out it's your boy!"

(End of this chapter)

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