This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 208 New mission, mystery of origin

Chapter 208 New mission, mystery of origin

At the next location, Bai Bin went to the library of St. John's Seminary.

Bai Bin got the book borrowing and browsing records of Bai Bin and Victor from the librarian.

Bai Bin originally thought that the reading records of the two people would partially overlap or go in the same direction.

But after seeing it with his own eyes, he couldn't help but frown.

Bai Bin's main borrowing records focus on research on energy restraint forms, while Victor's borrowing records focus on research on the healing and regeneration of the human body through light magic.

The research directions of the two are quite different.

'Research on the healing and regeneration of the human body through light magic? Bai Bin frowned. Why does this research seem like preparation for a broken hand?

As for the books on energy restraint forms that Bai Bin borrowed, as far as he knew, some deacons and elders would not study such advanced things.

Thinking of the difficult-to-understand runes and pictures in the notebook, Bai Bin felt that the contents of the notebook were most likely related to the research content of the books Bai Bin borrowed.

Bai Bin glanced through it briefly, only to find that these books contained normal text, and they were all written about energy constraints and the nature of divergence and change. There were no runes that were incomprehensible in the notebook.

"Teacher, does the academy have backup copies of these books? Can you lend me another copy?"

Bai Bin is now a famous person in the college and will also be the focus of publicity in the future. When he makes some requests, he will naturally respond to them.

"Some of them have copies. I will sort them out and send them to you later. Some of the books are single copies, but I will arrange for students to copy them as soon as possible, and then they will be checked and proofread by specialized teachers, and then they will be sent to Landenburg for you."

"I'm sorry, it's really troublesome." Bai Bin said with a satisfied smile on his face.

"What's the trouble? You left school and are still thinking about improving your studies. This should be strongly encouraged. Landenburg is remote and the collection of books is not as rich as that of the college, which greatly affects the progress of research.

As your alma mater, it is your strongest supporter and will naturally support you when you need help!
If you need anything in the future, you can ask someone to send a letter to the college, and the college will do its best to help you solve the problem. "

Look, most teachers are good at talking.

As soon as Bai Bin's request was raised, it was properly arranged.

Even after-sales service is included.

You know, less than half a year after graduation, Bai Bin has already been promoted very quickly to the position of priest of the Holy See Hell, consultant to the royal family of the Zion Empire, and will personally serve as the funeral director of King Hasanti in the future.

You know, in the past, this was the job of the Pope.

King Hasanti's trust in Bai Bin has exceeded that of the Pope!
Bai Bin's contribution to "sanctifying the devil" alone is enough to rival the current Pope!

In this hundred years, it is still unclear whether anyone can break Bai Bin's contribution to the Guangming Sect.

It will be of greatest benefit to St. John's Seminary to firmly tie the college and the Catholic Church on the same chariot.

After settling his worries, Bai Bin chatted in the college for a while, then approached the vice-dean and expressed his intention to leave.

"It's a pity that the dean went to Waterdam to attend the meeting this time, otherwise I would have been able to meet the dean." Bai Bin said with regret.

The vice president had a bright smile on his face and said with relief: "Nowadays, there are many activities between the college and the church. With your current status, Bai Bin, you will inevitably participate in some activities in the future. There is always a chance."

Bai Bin naturally reciprocated the favor and replied: "Don't worry, Vice President, this time I returned to the college, I seem to have found my original intention of believing in the light of the past. Even if I graduate now, I still don't forget that I am a graduate of St. John's Theological Seminary. I am a student and proud to be a St. John’s man!”

The smile on the deputy dean's face became even brighter. He felt comfortable talking to smart people, and he understood the meaning without even having to read through. "You were proud of St. John's in the past, and the college is proud of you today!"

Although this trip to the academy failed to answer Bai Bin's doubts.

But when I saw with my own eyes the place where Bai Bin's predecessor lived, I discovered that the other party had indeed hidden something from the college and his classmates.

The mystery surrounding him became even deeper.

[Task: The mystery of origins
Task description: You discover the strange spell notes that were once in the academy, as well as Victor’s unexpected departure from school. There are many mysteries and strange things in them.

Mission goal: decipher the strange spell notes; investigate the truth about Victor’s accidental spell casting
Mission reward: Designate a spell of level 4 or below, and directly reach the full level (target one); randomly select a cross-professional spell, with a level limit of level 4]

Bai Bin system once again received task prompts.

One task, two goals, two rewards, clearly listed.

The mission rewards are extremely generous, second only to the main mission about hell.

The previous conversation with the vice dean also reminded Bai Bin.

Now he no longer represents himself alone.

Whether it is the royal family of Zion, the Holy See, St. John's Seminary, the Temple Assassins, or Landenburg, they are all allies who share weal and woe with Bai Bin.

You don’t have to work alone to do many things like before. With the help of allies, you can quickly complete or achieve a certain goal.

Although a reward was given, Bai Bin did not have time to go to Naville Town to investigate at the moment, not to mention whether Victor was still in his hometown or not was another matter.

But although Bai Bin couldn't go, he could arrange for people to help him investigate.

Who is more suitable for this kind of job of finding people secretly than the Templar Assassins?
Bai Bin happened to set off from St. John's Seminary, and his next stop was to go to the holy city of Jerusalem.

When I was in Constantine, I was very busy because I was always in the Holy See, and Bai Bin had to take care of the affairs in the royal court and was crowned and conferred.

I made an agreement with the leader of Sandru to rest in Jerusalem on the way back, and it was just a good time for the two of them to have a nice chat.

In addition to helping with the investigation, Bai Bin also has other matters that require the Temple Assassins to use their resources to investigate. This trip can be said to be imperative.

After the carriage set off, Helen asked in confusion: "Pastor Bai, you have obviously studied those books when you were at the college, why do you need to borrow another copy separately?"

Helen had a lot of doubts when she saw it, but because she was in the college and the college leaders were present, she didn't dare to ask.

It's hard for Bai Bin to say that this was all done by his predecessor. He doesn't know anything about it, right?

But after thinking for a moment, Bai Bin sighed softly and said: "Even if you have seen it before, it does not mean that you have completely mastered it. Sometimes, progress does not necessarily mean chasing those new things, but also the consolidation and innovation of old knowledge. A kind of progress.

For example, my demon sanctification and psychic weapon transformation this time, one is new and the other is old, this is exactly the reason.I copied back all the books I had studied in college to remind myself at all times not to fall into the misunderstanding of pursuing innovation.

Sometimes, instead of running forward, we should learn to look back at the old road. "[Justice value +200]

Bai Bin's words made Lilith and Helen startled. Then they carefully considered what Bai Bin had just said. The more they thought about it, the more sense they made, and the more their eyes lit up.

 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie!
(End of this chapter)

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