This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 209 Holy City Jerusalem

Chapter 209 Holy City Jerusalem

'It turns out that Bai Bin had already seen that I was confused after my coronation.I want to remind me in this way how to take the road in the future! '

Lilith suddenly understood and looked at Bai Bin with tender eyes.

Although this guy didn't say anything, he used his actions to prove that he cared about him.

Lilith was also excited after she was made a patron saint, thinking that she had reached the end of her pursuit of light and had no further progress.

However, with his own strength, he could only be close to the Holy Light and could not use the Holy Light at all.

To put it bluntly, the title of "Guardian Saint" is more like a title of encouragement. It only represents Lilith's theoretical ability and cannot represent her ability to perform light magic.

In terms of light magic, Lilith is not even as good as the apprentices and waiters of the Holy See.

Therefore, she was actually very confused these two days.

With such a big title attached to her, but without any magical skills, how can she be worthy of the title of "Saint Protector"?

But Bai Bin's words were like a wake-up call, making Lilith wake up instantly.

Instead of thinking about innovation, it is better to look back at the past and see how step by step you got to where you are now and become the patron saint!
It is a solid theoretical foundation and a spirit of dedication!
Mastering divine magic is a defense, but mastering the theory of the Lord of Light is also a defense!

At this moment, Lilith realized!
Helen was also awakened.

As the person who pulled her out of darkness and haze, Helen still had great respect for Bai Bin.

Although she would usually say some outrageous things and was evaluated by Lilith as "only one day to live", Helen still wanted to be a useful follower to Bai Bin.

Since the new is not as good as the old, let’s start from what we already have!
Helen thought for a moment and came to her own conclusion.

Her eyesight is not as good as Lilith's, she can't contribute much in daily life, and her work is not efficient.The only thing Bai Bin needs is her death singing voice.

Because of this death singing voice, she was ostracized in the Siren Siren and even tried to get rid of her!
But now, this thing that she once considered a curse and tried so hard to abandon has become her only support.

'Anyway, all the people who follow Pastor Bai and have heard my singing voice are already dead, and I don't worry about what they can say.In this case, I will study hard to see how to make this singing voice more lethal...'

Bai Bin didn't expect that his explanation to cover up his embarrassment would actually make Lilith and Helen get excited and run towards a road he had never imagined.

When he reacted later, these two stubborn donkeys were completely unable to be pulled back.


From the village of Beata, go all the way to Jerusalem.

Full speed ahead, it only takes a day or so.

When the carriage first appeared about a hundred miles outside Jerusalem, members of the Temple Assassins were already there to greet it.

The leader was Bai Bin's "old acquaintance", Pons Darkblade.

"Counsel Bai, I came here to greet you on the order of the leader. Leave the driving and escort work to us, and the three of you can recharge your batteries and take a rest."

Since they are old acquaintances, Bai Bin is naturally relieved.

"Pons, after returning from Landenburg, what's the situation with the chaos caused by the Blood God Cult and evil spellcasters in various places?" Bai Bin opened the window in front of the carriage and asked with his head leaning over.

Pons said as he drove:
"The situation in Ontario and Eastern Province is much more stable, with only a small force causing trouble. I heard before that when Advisor Bai passed through Shanxia Town, he wiped out a group of cultists.

After you left, based on the clues, many nobles who were secretly sponsoring were captured from Helm City, and the threat was completely eliminated.

In the Rhine Province, all the cultists were driven past the Twin Towers of Moria and driven to the border of Samarkand due to His Highness the Second Highness's actions. The specific situation is unknown.The only place that is not peaceful is the Wasteland Province. In addition to the Blood God Cult, the corrupted druids in the wasteland outside the country are also starting to make moves.Although His Highness's teachings are useful, the cycle is too long, and water from afar cannot quench the thirst for nearness. "

"The War of the Crown Prince has begun, and the Wasteland Province is the first breakthrough. It seems that the domestic situation has basically stabilized, with only some fragmentary chaos left, or hiding and dormant at the lowest level."

Bai Bin muttered it casually, but it sounded numb to Pang Si.

The dispute between the crown prince has always been the most sensitive point in the empire, and as assassins of the Temple Assassin Group, they did not dare to get involved easily.

But the master in front of him said it without caring, and even criticized it...

Is this the intensity of a royal adviser?
With the only neutral vote in his hand, the choice of the next king lies in Bai Bin's mind.

This kind of power is unimaginable.

"Do you have any schedule for the next one or two months?" Since we have to arrange things, it is better to let someone familiar with him go, so that Bai Bin can rest assured.

Pons was stunned for a moment, but he didn't know how to answer.

With the courtesy of the leader's dialogue with the advisor, who was greeted a hundred miles away, it can be seen that the misunderstanding between the two parties has been resolved, and there is even an intention to make good friends.

But he bypassed the leader and directly asked him about his schedule. No matter how he looked at it, it seemed like there was something he needed to do.

"Just tell me if you are free. I will discuss the specific matters with Chief Sandru when we get to Jerusalem. The main reason is that I am worried about leaving this matter to someone I am not familiar with." Bai Bin said calmly.

If you don’t bypass the leader, then there is no issue of principle.

Pons Darkblade breathed a sigh of relief and said: "There is time. I just came back from a mission some time ago, and the leader specially arranged a rest vacation."

The carriage quickly arrived at Jerusalem.

Compared with the capital Constantine, the style of the holy city of Jerusalem is more classical.

The walls of the entire city are white, and a special white mixture is poured on the surface to make the walls look like one body.

There are crystal powders in the white mixture, which shine under the sun, giving it a luxurious and holy feeling.

As soon as you enter the city, you will see a lifelike giant statue of the Lord of Light with open arms embracing the city.

There is also a halo of light behind the head of the colossus, as if the Lord of Light has appeared in person.

Helen asked in confusion: "Pastor Bai, why is the holy city Jerusalem, but the Holy See headquarters is built in Constantine? Since it is a holy land, shouldn't the Holy See be established here?"

Bai Bin chuckled and said: "This is the wisdom of the original pope. If the Holy See and the temple are built in a city, will the city be under the command of the king or the pope?"

Using religious power to compete with royal power will only lead to destruction.

Helen was stunned for a moment. She wanted to answer but couldn't. Only then did she realize the problem.

"What a wise move..." Helen couldn't help but sigh.

"The leader of the Temple Assassins, Sandro, is as wise as the Pope." Bai Bin said meaningfully.

As soon as he finished speaking, a burst of hearty and heroic laughter came from outside the carriage.

"Consultant Bai, please whisper a little softer next time!"

(End of this chapter)

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