This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 219 Doomsday Rift, Terrifying Red Light

Chapter 219 Doomsday Rift, Terrifying Red Light

Bai Bin now somewhat believes what Pastor Ma Shuoer said.

Helen is really hiding something!

There is no way to experiment in the city right now.

Bai Bin was worried that Helen's voice would cause half the city to foam at the mouth.

So we got the carriage and took Helen directly out of the city, finding an open place on the mountain to sing freely.

As for the kobolds...

Anyway, they live deep in the mountains and are not affected.

Helen now finally understands the feeling of sharing good things with the people you cherish.

It was a kind of expectation deep in my heart, I couldn't wait.

It was as if the soul was about to break free from this body.

I hope the time will go faster, and even faster, a wave of anticipation has already reached my throat.

When Bai Bin entered the Darkwood Forest, the kobolds immediately discovered his existence.

However, all the kobolds have seen Bai Bin show his power, and he is the representative of the human side of their kobold alliance. The patrolling kobolds even came forward to ask if they needed help.

After getting an answer from Bai Bin that nothing happened, he continued patrolling.

Bai Bin took Helen to a mountain pass in the Darkwood Forest.

Climbing up the cliff, you will see a vast expanse in front of you.

On the vast cliffs, endless scenery unfolds before your eyes.

The cliffs are like knives and axes, and they are natural masterpieces of nature.

The setting sun lingers near the horizon, casting a warm orange light that dyes the rocks on the cliff crimson, making it even more spectacular.

In the distance, a vast plain extends to the sky.

You can see a long river shining with golden light, cutting the earth into two sections.That's the Lyme River, which borders Ontario.

The flat and vast plains are like a beautiful canvas carefully spread out by nature.

As the sun sets, its afterglow illuminates the entire plain, giving it a dreamy golden glow.Every piece of vegetation is sparkling with the breath of life, the ears of wheat are swaying, and the flowers are blooming. Everything looks so peaceful and beautiful.

At this moment, the perfect fusion of cliffs, plains, sunset and sky creates an intoxicating picture.

This is a gorgeous display of nature, an intoxicating landscape painting that makes people feel the greatness and beauty of nature.

"Wow..." Helen couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

She had never seen anything so wonderful.

When she was in the ocean, because she was not welcome, she often played with stones alone on an isolated island, never noticing such a magnificent and spectacular scene.

When I was in Lyme River, I had to worry every day.

She was afraid that she would be expelled when she encountered humans, and she was also afraid that she would encounter groups of sirens and sea monsters that would bully her.

I was in a state of fear and uneasiness all day long, and I was not in the mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery.

But now.

She has someone she can rely on, a backbone.

This person made her feel warmth, love, respect...

Let her see hope and regain her confidence in life.

On the cliff in front of her, she and Pastor Bai were the only two people, and they saw such a moving scenery again.

Helen's eyes flashed, and she wanted to remember this moment forever in her heart.

This is a moment that belongs exclusively to her and Bai Bin.

Helen returned from human form to the Siren Siren. She turned her head and her eyes sparkled like bright gems in the sunset.

"Pastor Bai, will I speak then?"

Bai Bin smiled slightly and inserted the two earplugs into his ears without leaving a trace: "Hurry up, I can't wait!"

Helen pondered for a moment, and then Bai Bin's fatal singing voice sounded.

The deadly singing voice this time was different from what Bai Bin had heard before on the banks of the Lime River and on the top of the Wind and Cloud Summit.

At this moment, Bai Bin had only one thought - Ma Shuoer really didn't tell lies!
The fatal singing voice this time was even more unpleasant than the previous two times.

Every time I run, the tone is still somewhere you wouldn’t expect.

It physically destroys the body, and psychologically it can even drive obsessive-compulsive disorder to death!
This double torture is indeed more severe than before.

"Okay, okay, you can stop!"

Bai Bin was completely impressed by Helen's ventriloquism and was stunned.

If he keeps showing off for a while, he won't be able to bear it anymore.

Helen stopped singing and turned her head expectantly.

Under the reflection of the setting sun, the white hair turned into a fiery red color, and the expression of hope on his face was like a ball of spring fire.

"Pastor Bai, how's it going? Is it very effective?" Helen's big, bright eyes were full of expectation.

Bai Binming nodded on his face, but he was muttering in his heart.

Both of them are secretly competing with each other.

Wei Er went to participate in special training for the first time, and Lilith realized at Landenburg that she could control the power of light.Now even Helen was affected and strengthened her deadly singing voice.

Why are these women so entangled where he can't see them?
Could it be that Perlo also gained insights after deciphering the dragon-shaped characters?
Should... no?

With the previous experience, Bai Bin didn't dare to guarantee his vote.

This face is almost swollen!

Helen was affirmed, cheered inwardly, and transformed into a human form again. The apples of her cheeks had not faded, and her innocent smile could not be stopped no matter what.

Helen put her hands behind her back, looked at the sunset that was almost setting in the distance, and began her "confession."

"Pastor Bai, don't worry, I will follow your instructions to guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and continue to work hard!"

As soon as Helen finished speaking, the distant mountains in front of her suddenly roared.

Then, clouds gathered in the sky at a speed visible to the naked eye. Countless lightning struck violently from the sky, and beams of light and electric dragons smashed between the mountains.

"That direction..." Bai Bin looked shocked. If he remembered correctly, that location should be the Snake Valley, located west of Waterdam, about a hundred kilometers away from Landenburg.

Bai Bin frowned because there were a large number of ferocious beasts in the Snake Valley, which had always been a place where Waterdam Theological Seminary students conducted field survival assessments.

At the same time, the annual seminary conference is also taking place there, gathering the deans of all seminaries across the empire.

"What happened there?" Bai Bin looked at the celestial phenomenon that was like a scourge, and was extremely shocked.


At the same time, a group of snakes came to the valley.

In the quiet valleys, the ground began to tremble.

The rumble of earthquakes echoed through the air, shaking trees and splintering rocks.

Suddenly, a wide crack began to expand from the center of the valley to both sides.The valley floor cracked violently, the surface cracking into huge cracks, as if the earth itself was calling for some kind of power.

The crack continued to expand, going deep into the ground.

As the crack expanded, a creepy bloody red light suddenly rose from it.

This bloody red light was like a harbinger of disaster, permeated with a suffocating evil aura.

Not only did it light up the valley, it also reflected on the surrounding mountains and trees, coloring everything red.

The red light continued to rise, reaching the sky, reaching a height beyond anyone's imagination.

This bloody red light is like the fire of hell, burning the earth, making people feel extremely uneasy.As the red light rose, the earth continued to crack, making a low sound.

Just as the earth was glowing with blood-red light, the night sky was also pierced by sudden lightning.

Lightning split the dark sky with dazzling white light, followed by a thunderous roar.

The sky was lit up, and the cracks in the earth, the valley scenes, and the trees all became clear at that moment.The light of lightning made the blood-red light even more terrifying, as if it was a mixture of lightning and blood, a collision between heaven and hell.

The thunder is deafening, like the roar of a giant drum, making people's hearts beat faster.

Lightning alternately bloomed in the night sky, and their paths were intricate. Sometimes they flew like flying dragons, and sometimes they cut through the darkness like the claw marks of a giant dragon.

This lightning show seems to be a manifestation of the anger and dissatisfaction of nature, and it is like the echo of heaven and earth, responding to the threat of blood-red light...

 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie!
(End of this chapter)

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