This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 220 The Fall of Waterdam Seminary

Chapter 220 The Fall of Waterdam Seminary
The terrifying cracks in the Snake Valley caused the heaven and earth to shake.

Helen and Bai Bin, standing on the cliffs of the Darkwood Forest a hundred kilometers away, witnessed everything happening with their own eyes.

The earthquake wave spread to Landenburg, and the residents of the city ran out of their houses in panic, looking at each other wondering what had happened.

At this time, the setting sun has completely set behind the distant mountains, but the sky is still red.

It's just that unlike the orange-red sunset on ordinary days, the sky now reflects a dark red, a color that is extremely depressing and low-key, and even makes people subconsciously feel that it is full of blood.

People climbed to high places and climbed to the top of the city to look at the colors coming from the south.

It was a bright red blood, mixed with the black of night, like dried and scabbed blood stains, covering the sky and the ground.

Lightning in the sky fell densely like raindrops, constantly bombarding the extreme ends of the horizon.

Even the most exaggerated downpour may not have such dense lightning.

It was as if the gods were angry and brought sin upon the world, and wanted to wipe out all traces of living creatures within the range.

At this moment, not only Landenburg, but Baga Village and Sunny Harbor, which were closer to the Snake Valley, saw even more shocking scenes.

Lightning kept pouring down, the ground roared like a giant's roar, and the tremors were like heavy breathing.

Although the whole scene is only concentrated in the Snake Valley, it gives people the feeling that the sky is falling and the earth is falling, and there is a doomsday judgment.

Even Shanxia Town, Jerusalem, and Versailles County all clearly felt the strangeness of today, and saw the bloody red light in the sky reaching into the sky.

Looking at the night sky as red as blood, everyone felt an evil aura breaking through the sky, and they all had a bad feeling in their hearts.

"Such an aura is definitely not something that can come from a seminary conference. Something must have happened to Waterdam!" Bai Bin frowned and spoke firmly.

A feeling of extreme crisis came over me, which was disturbing.


Waterdam at the moment.

After the lightning struck violently, the blood-red light became more dazzling, illuminating half of the sky in blood.

Lightning no longer strikes the ground, but hovers above the clouds in the sky.

Suddenly, a bloody light rose into the sky and penetrated into the sky.

The white lightning in the sky was dyed blood-red at this moment, and the scene became increasingly weird and sinister!
It's like...the door to hell opens, and blood fills the world.

In the Snake Valley, a gorgeously dressed priest looked at the huge crack torn open in the ground, from which dazzling bloody red light spewed out. An evil smile reflected on his face, and his eyes were full of madness.

The demons of hell surged from the red abyss of the earth, flooding the valleys like dark tides.

Their bodies were twisted and deformed, with scars crisscrossing the darkness. Their eyes were burning with magic fire, releasing a cold and cruel aura.

The demons held those sharp weapons and waved them brutally. The sharp blades cut through the tranquility of the night.

Smaller demons such as the Sinking Demon and the Skinned Demon were like locusts passing through, filling the entire valley in an instant. Their red skin was even more sinister under the bright red light.

The evil fire and ferocious smile in the devil's eyes ignited the entire valley.

They greedily sucked the air of the world, seeming to have sensed the fear and terror in people in advance.

This is the most delicious food for demons.The dean, covered in blood, stood on the top of the mountain, and next to him was the illithid mind flayer Rancis, who was dressed in purple skin and had octopus tentacles hanging on his face.

The dean has been completely controlled by Francis and has become a puppet.

He is also the biggest contributor to breaking the seal between the first hell and the world this time!
"Welcome to the human world! Now, just outside the valley, there is a Waterdam village and seminary! The human flesh, fear, and blood you want most are all there! Vanguard, capture it! As the Demon King, capture the first hell The bridgehead of the Zion Empire!”

"Blood and glory belong to you!"

As the manipulated dean issued a heart-rending order, all the low-level demons in the valley cheered and headed out of the valley!
Waterdam, the place where things suddenly happened, is only a few minutes away from the Snake Valley.

It is located on the back hill of Waterdam Theological Seminary, and the entrance and exit are guarded by the college.

However, under the strong summoning ceremony, the ground shook and many buildings in the college collapsed.The students and teachers of the college started to rescue themselves and excavated their colleagues buried in the rubble.

The seminary conference held at Waterdam Theological Seminary just ended yesterday.

Most of the deans and representatives of the college have already left, and only a few representatives are staying in the college, preparing to leave today and tomorrow.

But no one expected that at the end of the conference, such a drastic change would suddenly occur in Waterdam.

Unexpectedly, the person who opened the seal was one of the deans who had been controlled by the mind flayer Rancis!
The bloody lightning directly destroyed the academy's restrictions, and the bloody light that covered the sky suppressed the power of light.

The academy's bright barrier was completely ineffective under such intense hellish evil!
Demons poured into the academy like a tide, invading this forbidden place that they were once extremely afraid of.

In Waterdam Theological Seminary, priest apprentices and teachers did not hesitate to launch a bright struggle.

They held sacred crosses, chanted scriptures and prayed, trying to summon divine power to fight against the demons from hell.

The hall of Waterdam Theological Seminary echoed with the shouts and prayers of the priests, and a bright red candlelight reflected their determined eyes.

The old and wise dean, holding an ancient long sword, stood on the altar of the Holy See and prayed for the light.There was firm faith in his eyes, but this faith seemed insignificant in the face of the tyranny of the devil.

The army of demons gathered in front of the seminary's gate, their flaming eyes revealing their hatred of light.The priests waved crosses, and the prayers on the altar sounded like a passionate war song, but their power was obviously too weak to fight against the dark forces from hell.

The fire of light gradually dimmed.

Blood and evil invaded on a large scale, and the main hall of the seminary was shrouded in darkness and eroded.

The demons sneered and jumped towards the hall.

Sword light and sharp claws intertwined in the air, and sacred energy collided fiercely with dark power.However, the resistance of the light was defeated in just an instant because the number of demons was too huge!

The strongest new force in the college are the graduates who left the college two months ago and have already moved far and wide.

But at this moment, during the college holiday, there are only a few remaining apprentices and trainees, as well as some teachers and deans.

But with such withered power, facing tens of thousands of bloodthirsty hell demons, or with the power of light being suppressed, their persistence is just a mantis trying to make a chariot, and their struggle is in vain.

The power of light will eventually run out, and the despicable devil launched a general attack when the light finally dimmed.

Eventually, the resistance within Waterdam Seminary was completely destroyed.

The demonic army engulfed the seminary, turning it into a crumbling ruin.

(End of this chapter)

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