This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 224 Super-level magic!

Chapter 224 Super-level magic! (Monthly ticket adds 1 update)

"Your Highness, are you okay?" Bai Bin suddenly asked.

The deputy minister of the Ministry of Public Security had a bright smile on his face and subconsciously replied: "It's not a waste of time for the consultant to bother you. Your Highness is very good."

Bai Bin put his hands behind his back and quietly made a gesture to the iron guard at the city gate.

The iron guards guarding the city quietly grasped their weapons and only waited for Pastor Bai's order before they immediately rushed forward to disarm.

Bai Bin still had a smile on his face, pretending to walk towards the carriage, and still chatting: "I remember that you were also present at the reception banquet held by His Highness the Second Highness, right?"

At this moment, the deputy minister of public security was thinking about completing the task successfully and getting rewards when he returned to Constantine, so his vigilance dropped drastically.

"Yes, I followed His Highness the Second Highness and greeted Consultant Bai at that time. It seems that Consultant Bai is such a noble person and forgets things so much!"

Bai Bin got on the carriage and made a casual movement.

In the carriage, Bai Bin's smile gradually cooled down and he said: "When did the deputy minister receive the order to arrest me? The hat of using dark spells is really big enough. Someone obviously thinks that I am blocking them." Tao, it’s the lowest level of slander!”

The deputy minister also looked embarrassed and laughed, but his words were extremely targeted.

"If it is other clergy, there is no need to investigate. Just let them release a light magic spell on the spot to clear their innocence. But you, consultant Bai, are different. You can sanctify the succubus Lilith into a protective saint, even with the priest's power It is also very possible that the identity releases dark spells."

What the deputy minister said is reasonable and convincing.

Bai Bin is a person who can often create miracles. It doesn't seem unreasonable to break everyone's stereotypes in this regard.

"As for the order, I received it six days ago. I rushed here quickly after that."

After some testing, Bai Bin was convinced that that person was the one who colluded with Hell.

"Counsellor Bai, if you have any doubts or grievances, you can naturally appeal to Constantine. But now, we must go."

After the deputy minister finished speaking, he knocked on the front window of the carriage and signaled the groom to set off.

However, after the knocking was completed, the carriage did not move at all.

The deputy minister frowned slightly, and then knocked on the car window urgingly, and the sound was much louder.

But there was still no movement.

The deputy minister's lips jumped up and down, and he said a lot of words silently, and then he said: "Did you hear me? You can set off!"

It's just that the carriage seems to be separated from the outside world, without any reaction or movement.

The deputy minister opened the curtains and was stunned by the scene outside.

I saw that all the royal guards were disarmed by dozens of Landenburg Iron Guards, and were forced into the corner with weapons, not daring to move.

Looking at the driver, he even had a sword held to his neck. He was so frightened that he peed his pants. How could he still drive?

A big hand patted the deputy minister's shoulder and whispered softly: "In this emergency, please bear with the deputy minister. When the most important things are dealt with, I will go to Constantine!"

When Bai Bin said this, he was already gritting his teeth.

In order to fight for the throne, he led hell into the Zion Empire and slaughtered his own people wantonly. This is already an animal act!
The deputy minister's eyes were panicked, his lips were trembling, and his teeth were chattering up and down like a hamster.

"Bai...Counselor, do you know that you are resisting the king's order?" The deputy minister brought out King Hasanti to suppress Bai Bin.

It's a pity that this trick is completely useless against Bai Bin.

"King's order? I don't believe this is an order from King Hasanti..." Bai Bin even smiled and asked: "Deputy Minister, you should know that your Majesty will grant me a royal sword..."

The Sword of Royal Power, whoever holds this sword sees Hasanti in his face.

It has the effect of replacing the king.

Failure to do so can be regarded as rebellion.

The deputy minister was completely panicked now. "But...the seal of the Ministry of Public Security is also real!"

"Which one do you think is more serious, contempt for the royal power or contempt for justice?"

Bai Bin opened the carriage door and kicked the deputy minister out.

"I would like to trouble the deputy minister and all the guards to stay in prison during this period. When the matter is over, I will take you back to Constantine and I will definitely give you a fair and just trial."

The deputy minister and the royal guards were all dumbfounded.

They obviously came to capture Bai Bin and take him back, but why are they now a prisoner?He also said that he would take them back in the future and give them a fair and just trial.

Is this a two-level reversal?
It's just that Bai Bin doesn't have time to talk nonsense with them now.

Landenburg's Iron Guards swarmed up and took him directly to prison.

They have never heard of Constantine or Deputy Minister of Public Security.

All they knew was that Pastor White was in Landenburg and the province of Ontario was peaceful and stable.

Anyone who wants to be detrimental to Pastor Bai is the enemy of all of them!
How could such a good person as Pastor Bai know dark magic?
Even if you know dark magic, you can still deal with hell demons and dark creatures!
"Just in time, let's take this car." Bai Bin didn't bother to change cars. After Lilith and Helen got on the car, the groom quickly whipped his whip and rushed towards Sunny Port in the south.

The Public Security Department is on the side of the Second Prince, as Bai Bin could see clearly at the previous reception banquet.

On the day Waterdam was invaded by hell, people from the Public Security Department came to arrest people with the law that had been issued seven days ago. This coincidence was enough to shock everyone for a whole year.

If you say it's not intentional, it's an insult to your intelligence.

But this move also completely made the forces within the Hell and Zion empires unable to hide and hide.

"The second prince, Lucas, colluded with Belial, the devil of hell."

Bai Bin murmured something, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he figured out many things that he had never understood.

Why was the Rhine Province under Lucas' jurisdiction able to pacify the cultists so quickly and also hunt down many demon lords?

Damn, this is an internal quota, and it can be delivered directly to your door to improve your record!

Bai Bin believes that this is by no means Lucas's only method.

Imprisoning the Deputy Minister of Public Security is now equivalent to confronting Constantine.

Then the other party will definitely have a back-up plan.

But Bai Bin didn't care, and raised the corner of his mouth slightly: "Ting En, this will be your first time to deeply understand the ugliness of politics. I hope you can withstand it..."

Bai Bin suddenly decided to make it more difficult for Ting En.

Originally, the royal family was in decline, and only two princes participated in the battle for the crown prince.

Unexpectedly, the radical Lucas actually asked the forces of hell to help him. He was so depraved!

This is an excellent opportunity for Ting En to understand the cruelty of royal power and politics in advance.

Thoughts return.

Bai Bin successfully fished out the traitor who was colluding with Hell by relying on the hook he had left before.

The system also determined that Bai Bin's evidence chain was sufficient and counted him as completing the task.

[You successfully completed the mission [Hell is empty, the devil is in the world], and the second prince Lucas was confirmed as the black hand who colluded with Hell. 】

[You get the mission reward: super-level magic (you can designate a full-level magic below level 2 and upgrade it to the super-level MAX level)]

 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie!
(End of this chapter)

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