This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 225 Super level, coming like a saint!

Chapter 225 Super level, coming like a saint! (monthly ticket adds 2 updates)

The reward for the super-level magic has finally arrived.

This task that has been pending on Bai Bin for several months has finally been settled.

But Bai Bin's mood at this moment was not ecstatic or exciting.

Although he was ready, Bai Bin didn't expect Lucas to be so radical for the sake of the throne!

Being able to do such a thing shows that he has been deeply influenced by the Demon Lord Belial.

'Perhaps this is why Hassan gave me the Sword of Kings?He had discovered his son's betrayal in advance, but was unable to take action himself, or was he waiting for Lucas to turn around? '

Of course, these are just Bai Bin's current guesses.

He doesn't need to do anything, he just needs to wait for a while, and the enemy will become more and more anxious and make frequent back moves.At that time, there will be more things to see.

The most urgent priority is to save the lives of the innocent people in Baga Village and Sunny Port.

Bai Bin's attention returned to super-level magic.

A full-level spell below level 2 can be directly upgraded to super level.

The so-called super level refers to the strongest level that can be displayed when developing divine magic.

It is a statement that raises its theoretical realm strength to a higher level.

And there is another requirement for super level, that is, only by having super understanding and strength, which cannot be mastered by others, can it be called super level.

If it is just difficult, but three or five people can still master it, then this realm will be classified into the ten regular levels and will not be recognized as a super level.

But when the system talks about a super level, it must be an unprecedented super level, and there is no need for any doubt!
If it were before, Bai Bin would definitely study a lot of magical arts below level 2, and then use the rewards to upgrade one of the most useful magical arts to a super level.

But right now, Bai Bin is not given the opportunity to choose and study.

Bai Bin took a look at all the spells he had mastered.


Tricks: Illumination lv10, Appraisal, Bluff, Hide


Level 3 spells: Disease lv9 (blindness, high fever, rotten flesh, epilepsy, bleeding), wind wall lv9, avoid detection lv9
Level 4 spell: Confusion lv1
Among them, the spells below level 2 include hidden fog, sanctuary, disguise, illumination, identification, bluff and hiding.

Among them, identification, bluffing, and hiding are naturally improved according to attributes, and there is no level.

So in the end, Bai Bin's remaining choices are among the four spells: hidden fog, sanctuary, disguise and light.

Upgrade one of the doors to super level.

Which spell can play a vital role in the frontal battlefield.

Bai Bin fell into deep thought.

The current range of Hidden Mist is 400 meters in diameter.After super level, even if it is doubled, the coverage area will only be about one kilometer.

For the frontal battlefield, it is enough.

As long as they are within the range of the Hidden Mist, except for Bai Bin himself, both enemies and allies will lose their vision at the same time.It means that if you injure the enemy one thousand, you will suffer eight hundred losses.

Not consider.

Sanctuary spell, the full-level Sanctuary spell has 50 seconds of "invincibility".

If it's a super-level state, let's count it as doubled. One hundred seconds can only be used for defense.Even if he could solve the problem of being unable to move after using magic after super-leveling, more than a minute would not be enough for Bai Bin to attack the back row of the demon army.

This magical technique was also rejected by Bai Bin.


This super-level skill has many uses and can also create many tactical techniques.

But this is suitable for long periods of penetration and lurking.

It's clear the frontline lacks this time and opportunity.Then, only the last one is left - illumination.

This trick can release light. The light power released by the full-level illumination spell can even burn the skin of the hell lord.

As for the range, it can cover the entire battlefield in open areas.

'If it's super-level, I don't know how far the lighting technique can evolve. '

It is unprecedented and unprecedented, even Bai Bin can hardly imagine it.

But there is no doubt that illumination is the best way to limit the hell demons on the battlefield at the moment.

Even without limiting 2nd level divine spells, illumination and psychic weapons are on par.

Last time, the important task of saving the people of Xueyuan Town was placed on illumination.

This time, the important task of saving Sunny Harbor is also placed on illumination.

'Use super level on the trick [Lighting]! ' Bai Bin thought silently in his heart.

The next second, on the system spell interface, the skills and icons of [Lighting Technique lv10], which was originally in the magic position, were changed and replaced by [Lighting Technique (Super Level)].

At the same time, the icon also changed from a ray of light to an outline of a person, and around the outline, there were lines representing light, emitting outwards.

At the same time, there is a yellow text below the super-level skill: Like a saint coming.

Obviously, these four words describe the illumination technique (super level).

But what exactly is the method of coming like a saint? We still need practice to draw a conclusion.

With the super-level lighting technique, Bai Bin is more confident.

Now that it has been confirmed that Demon King Belial and Second Prince Lucas are joining forces, we still have some understanding of the hell force Bai Bin.

Although the boundaries and seals between the world and hell in the Snake Valley have been broken, this passage is extremely unstable.

The first ones to appear must be small devils, skinned demons, and sinking demons. After that, when the energy of the channel becomes stable, it will be the turn of medium-sized demons to appear.

Wait until then to see the power of the super version of lighting.

If they are extremely lethal to these miscellaneous soldiers, they may be able to counterattack in the early stage and force the opponent back into the Snake Valley.

Before Bai Bin arrived at the battlefield, he was already thinking about counterattack.

After all, he could already figure out the current situation on the front line.

It was no longer a mysterious and uncontrollable strange scene, but a premeditated action against him.

At this time, all you need to do is find ways to deal with them.

During the [-]-kilometer journey, the coachman kept working hard.

The searchlight in front of the carriage at night was affected by the blood-like traces reflected on the distant horizon, and the light emitted was tinged with red.

"Lilith, how does this feel? Is it familiar?" Bai Bin asked.

Lilith's expression was extremely solemn. When she was at Landenburg, she realized what had happened when she saw the bloody light rising into the sky.

The door to hell opens, and hell demons invade the world!
Lilith nodded, looking anxious, and gently placed her palm on the back of Bai Bin's hand, trying to gain some sense of security.

"Can we win this time?" Even though Lilith tried her best to suppress it, the trembling deep in her voice could be heard.

Bai Bin stretched out his hand, grabbed Lilith's slender fingers with his backhand, and held it in his palm.

"Don't worry. Ever since Belial started opposing us, have you ever gotten any benefits?"

Helen next to her was talking about a person with low emotional intelligence who "only lives one day" and said with a smile:

"Sister, don't be afraid! Even if you are on the battlefield, your soul will return to hell. When the time comes, wouldn't it be great if Pastor Bai goes to hell and rescues you!"

 Thanks for the reward which can only be seen by Yiyi Diandian!

(End of this chapter)

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