This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 226 I’m here to buy time for you!

Chapter 226 I’m here to buy time for you!
If looks could kill, Helen would have been turned to gray in seconds.

There is such a guy who "lives only for one day" next to him. He talks without restraint. It ruins the atmosphere!

Helen shrank her neck and clasped her hands together as if innocently begging for mercy.

Lilith glared at Helen angrily.

'The atmosphere that I finally found that allowed me to get closer and closer was ruined by this idiot. '

But Lilith took Helen with her own hands, not as a daughter but as a daughter.

I have no choice but to swallow this loss by myself!

With Bai Bin's comfort, Lilith's mood improved a little, and her fear of the Demon King Belial also dissipated a lot.

And what Helen just said.

Although it doesn't sound like human words, it seems to make sense if you think about it carefully.

The gates of hell are open. If she really dies unfortunately, will Bai Bin break through all the obstacles and go to hell to fish her out?
But this girl Helen ruined the atmosphere, and it was hard for Lilith to ask directly.

Who knows if this damn girl is planning to interfere again!
and many more……

Lilith's eyes suddenly flashed with a sharp light. She remembered that Bai Bin and Helen took a carriage back to the cathedral before!
What are these two doing that requires them to drive out of Landenburg themselves?
Looking at Helen's gaze from the corner of her eye, the look she looked at Bai Bin was obviously different from the original simple admiration. It was more eager and dependent. Even at such a critical moment, the corners of her mouth could actually turn up...

These two people must have gone sneaking outside!

Lilith moved her buttocks imperceptibly and moved closer to Bai Bin's position.

Qiong's nose twitched slightly and she sniffed hard.

I did smell the unique smell of Helen, that unique light fragrance.

Lilith sniffed harder, then took a long breath and felt relieved.

I didn’t smell that salty sea breeze, so there was still room for redemption!
This damn girl was obviously studying the Gospel of Light by her side, so why did she even learn this trick of seducing men by pressing the bottom of a box?

This couldn't help but sounded the alarm for Lilith.

Even Helen, who is harmless to humans and animals, cannot be taken lightly.

Now that Weier is gone, her biggest enemy has turned out to be Helen!

This is the power of Bai Bin.

With him by her side and his words of assurance, Lilith felt very at ease, and she didn't even realize that the invasion of hell demons was an extremely terrifying thing...

Because Constantine's carriage was replaced, it was pulled by the strongest and most durable horses in the empire. Normally, it would take three or four hours even if the horse was riding fast, but this time it only took two and a half hours. to the Lyme River.

Across a river, opposite is Sunny Harbor.

The town is brightly lit at night, and the most iconic building in Sunny Harbor is the Cape Lighthouse on the pier.At this moment, it is like a moving and shining eye, constantly spinning, guiding the ships on the sea homeward.

Separated from it is the valley of snakes that seems "close at hand".

The towering ring-shaped mountains were filled with blood light that reached into the sky. A beam of blood light shot straight into the sky, reflecting the sky and the earth red.

The white lightning in the sky directly above was assimilated, and now it glowed an extremely evil red color, like a curved snake hovering above the clouds.

Because of the horrific scene, residents who were supposed to finish their meal or start their nightlife by going to a pub for a drink were now wearing shawls and gathering in the streets and squares, shivering, with fear in their eyes.

No one told them what happened, but the earth shook, the houses collapsed, the sky was filled with blood, and the faint sounds of ghosts crying and wolves howling in the distance all made them feel fear. "Quick, cross the river."

After Bai Bin said a word, the groom urged the reins again, and the carriage entered the town from the stone bridge to the north of Sunny Harbor.

Bai Bin moved from the carriage to the passenger seat next to the groom.

As soon as he entered the city, some residents recognized Bai Bin.

"Pastor Bai is here, Pastor Bai is here!"

"We are saved, we are saved!"

The simple residents knew about Bai Bin's return and that he had been promoted to a priest.

However, in their limited memory, when they went to Landenburg to participate in market activities or travel, they still saw Bai Bin, who was previously a priest, and subconsciously blurted out the words.

The fear in the residents' eyes faded a lot and was replaced by hope.

Pastor Bai is here and everything will be fine.

"Don't worry, everyone, listen to my command now. Everyone goes home, packs only light luggage, and then heads to Haras, fifty kilometers away! I have arranged for iron guards and security guards to guide and pick you up on the way. Provide a place for everyone to rest, where everyone will be properly taken care of."

Bai Bin stood in front of the carriage and said loudly.

The residents looked unwilling and asked curiously: "Pastor Bai, can you tell me what happened?"

Bai Bin did not hide anything, and replied in a deep voice: "The demons invaded the Zion Empire. The earth cracked in the Snake Valley. Demons swarmed out of the cracks. Now they have completely occupied Waterdam. Next, their target must be Ba Kamura and Sunny Harbor.”

When they heard that the demon's target was Sunny Port, everyone's newly settled hearts were hanging in the air again, and their eyes were covered with intense fear.

The invasion of demons is enough to make people frightened.

Now there is a rift in hell, not far from them.

This feeling of fear and pressure is suffocating.

"But don't worry, everyone, I'm here to ensure your safe evacuation. All boat owners, please drive away all the boats docked at the dock and go north along the coast towards Morris. I have arranged for someone to pick you up at the temporary dock over there. Don't give it to the devil. Leave a boat!"

"Don't worry, Pastor Bai, we will never leave a boat for the devil!" A boatman in the crowd promised, patting his chest.

Bai Bin clapped his hands: "Everyone, please move now. Don't panic and go into battle lightly. I, Bai Bin, promise with my honor that I will do my best to guard Sunny Port!"

The commotion among the residents was indeed much smaller. At this moment, along both sides of the street, they went home to pack their luggage in an orderly manner.

The carriage sped along the bluestone road and soon arrived at the city hall of Sunny Harbor.

At this moment, the priests and trainees of the Sunny Harbor Holy See are also gathered here to discuss countermeasures.

After Bai Bin arrived, he immediately explained the situation in the simplest language, and then began to give orders.

"We must firmly occupy Sunny Harbor before the demon army arrives. Because all the residents of Baga Village must evacuate to Sunny Harbor before they can cross the river to Haras. So before that, we must ensure this life channel safety!"

Bai Bin glanced at everyone present.

There were clergy from Sunny Harbor Church, security guards from the port, and militiamen who had been organized urgently, totaling NO.30 people.

This is already all the fighting power that Sunny Harbor can muster.

(End of this chapter)

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