This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 227 I am enough to clean up this bunch of bastards!

Chapter 227 I can clean up this bunch of bastards by myself!
Bai Bin's eyes swept over everyone one by one.

"What you are going to face this time is not ordinary wanderers, evil spellcasters, or robber barbarians, but tens of thousands of hell demons. Are you afraid?"

Bai Bin didn't see determination on the faces of everyone present. Instead, they all had evasive eyes, some in a trance, some hesitant, and even some struggling.

"Very good! There are no idiots working hard for their lives. We are all raising families, and we are more mature in our work and will not be impulsive. I am very satisfied!" [Justice Value +300]

Instead of blaming Bai Bin, he praised everyone.

This made the thirty or so men present confused. They didn't know what Priest Bai meant.

"Our mission is to stop the enemy, not to let you go up and fight. I see concern in your eyes. This is the reaction of a normal person."

Bai Bin felt relieved and began to explain the task.

"The manpower is limited at the moment. With the speed we are arriving at Sunny Port, the people in Baga Village should have received urgent orders now. What we have to do is to ensure the defense of Sunny Port."

Bai Bin paused for a moment and continued: "The mayor leads the militia to build fortifications in the town. Secretary, lead the security guards to patrol the road from Baga Village to Qingtian Port. If there is any situation, do not be reluctant to fight and report back immediately. "

Bai Bin turned his head again and looked at Lilith and Helen behind him.

"You two follow the secretary and take action directly when necessary. Remember, your mission is to lead the refugees in Baga Village. If you are defeated, protecting your own life is the first priority. Do not stop fighting, do you hear me!"

Bai Bin glanced at the clock time on the clock tower at the top of Sunny Harbor City Hall and said, "We only need to hold on for two hours. Reinforcements from the entire province of Ontario will come in a steady stream!"

"In these two hours, I will personally guard Sunny Port, waiting for the arrival of the enemy, and fight side by side with you all!"

Bai Bin didn't say anything fancy or vain.

Every item is extremely clear.

Two hours, reinforcements, stop the enemy!
Everyone who was originally panicked and thought that they would be completely buried here for the sake of the residents saw the light.

"You only need to prevent the influx of small groups of enemies and clean up the demon army. I can do that alone."

After Bai Bin finished speaking, he rolled up his sleeves and took the lead.

His resolute attitude and domineering tone made the more than [-] people present in a trance.

Seeing Pastor Bai leading the way, everyone was shocked.

Only then did they realize that Pastor Bai was not only Pastor Bai of Landenburg, but also a Priest of Hell personally awarded by the Central Holy See!

What is a hell priest? It is a height achieved through the achievements of life and death.

Fight the Hell Lord and Hellboy alone in Fengyunding, and kill them all!
If others say that they can fight against the demon army alone, they will only think that they are talking nonsense.

But they took what Bai Bin said seriously!
"Pastor Bai is not afraid of facing the demon army alone, and we can't let others look bad!" The mayor immediately clapped his hands to bring everyone back to their senses.

The task has been assigned, all they need to do is complete it according to the instructions!
A small flame suddenly surged in everyone's heart, a flame called hope.

Everyone took action, digging traps and placing huge logs outside the city, digging shallow trenches in advance, and filling them with tar and kerosene.

When the demons come over and ignite it, it will act as an insulator and prevent them from raiding.

The people participating in the patrol took the horses from the stables and began patrolling in the direction of Baga Village.

The east coast of the Zion Empire is flat and flat.

There is no natural moat to hold on to.

Bai Bin parked the carriage aside and waited on the road connecting Waterdam and Sunny Harbor.

This smooth stretch of road is the biggest trouble for Sunny Harbor. Because it is close to the coastline, there is little vegetation cover on both sides. Even from here, Bai Bin can see the direction of Waterdam at a glance.The flames ignited in the city and the billowing smoke generated by the combustion are clearly visible.

It can be seen that the entire village has been completely destroyed.

The priests of Waterdam Theological Seminary are also very likely to die in battle.

But the smooth road without any cover in front of him is also extremely beneficial to Bai Bin.

It was impossible for the enemy to pass through the defenses without his keen eyes, and there were no obstacles that could serve as cover.

In this way, when Bai Bin performs the lighting technique (super level), the effect can be maximized.

Bai Bin leaned against the tree and looked up at the sky that was already dyed red with blood.

A strong evil aura is permeating the air, the weeds on the ground have become withered and weak, the leaves on the trees have withered and fallen, and all vitality seems to be disappearing.

This is a precursor to the spread of death in hell.

Looking behind me, all the fishing boats and cargo ships in Sunny Harbor were lit up, and they were gradually heading north on the reflected scarlet ocean.

On the plain in the distance, a nighttime "fire dragon" composed of gas lamps and torches was also moving rapidly towards Sunny Harbor.

Under Bai Bin's overall command, the crisis is approaching, but everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.


The leaves on the trees fell more and more densely, falling like heavy rain.

Bai Bin felt the tremor of the earth and the humming in the distance.

This is the sound of the march of Waterdam's demons.

Bai Bin let out a long breath: "After waiting for so long, it's finally here."

Looking at the refugees from Baga Village who were still marching, Bai Bin frowned.

"Looking at this, the transfer will take at least half an hour. The defenses of Sunny Port have been completed. We must protect all residents from entering the city smoothly and resist the enemy's attack."

At this moment, a task popped up in Bai Bin's system.

[Mission: Light in the Dark
Mission description: You have discovered the footsteps of the demon army. As the first battle against the demons, you must ensure morale, strive for minimal casualties, and ensure morale.
Mission goal: Ensure that the refugees from Baga Village successfully arrive at Sunny Port and evacuate from Sunny Port.

Mission reward: a lot of experience, a random 4-ring spell]

There are many good things in level 4 spells. As long as he can hold on to this wave, Bai Bin can add another powerful magic spell.

The mission goal is to protect the refugees in Baga Village, and these demon bastards will definitely be the first to attack when they see a crowd of people on the way.

Bai Bin got on the carriage and pushed back the front line, ensuring that he could cover as many refugee groups as possible.

"Tell the refugee team that the demon army is coming soon and ask them to speed up!" Bai Bin shouted on the carriage to the people who were waiting behind the fortifications.

A large number of demons are pouring into Sunny Port like a dark torrent. Their shapes and races are diverse, but they all reveal ferocity and cruelty.

They open their huge mouths, filled with sharp fangs, and emit foul-smelling breath.The eyes of the demons were like red flames, shining with ruthless light.

Their roars were like the roars of hell. Before the army arrived, the deafening sound had already arrived...

Bai Bin stood in front of a slightly higher small mound and could already see the first line of hell demons attacking like hungry wolves.

 Thanks for the tip as I have been offline and discovered one hundred ways men lie!
(End of this chapter)

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