This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 231: In ancient times, there were ordinary people who played tricks, but now there are white

Chapter 231: In ancient times, there were ordinary people who played tricks, but now there are white people who show off their walls.

Bai Bin also saw the sudden purple figure among the demons.

"Huh?" Bai Bin was obviously stunned for a moment.

He saw the mind flayer again.

Although this time the Mind Flayer is wearing the armor of the Hell Lord, there is no way Bai Bin will forget this face!

Like Lee!

"Ulysses, you're not dead?" Bai Bin was a little surprised. Ulysses had obviously been dismantled by Edward, and now he still had this guy's tentacles in his soul-sucking cane.

Why is it resurrected again?

Even if this guy sold his soul to Demon King Belial, his recovery speed wouldn't be that fast, right?

Francis heard Bai Bin calling his brother's name in front of him, and the furious Francis thought Bai Bin was mocking.

Who doesn't know that when the mind flayer is dead, he is really dead.

As a twin brother from the same mother, Ulysses's feelings when he was mutilated by Bai Bin were mapped to this younger brother through telekinesis.

He sensed his brother's demise immediately.

Anger and hatred enhanced his abilities, reaching a height that was stronger than that of his brother Ulysses during his lifetime!

In this power, there is Ulysses’ unfulfilled wish.

As the twin brother, Francis naturally has to shoulder the burden of the survival of the tribe.

But now, Bai Bin openly mentioned his brother Ulysses in front of him, and even used it as a mockery, as if to say, "Even your brother died in my hands, what reason do you have to fight with me?"

And "Ulysses, you are not dead?" is a rhetorical question.

It was obviously Bai Bin himself who planned the attack, and no one knew better than him whether to kill him or not!

Therefore, although Francis was calm and wise, Bai Bin's rhetorical question completely broke his guard.

"Today, you and Sunny Port will be buried with my brother!" With a wave of his hand, Francis decided to take out the secret weapon of the advance army. He wanted Bai Bin and Sunny Port to be completely wiped off the map!
Although the demons had just experienced the aftermath of a catastrophe, at this moment, the highest commander on the battlefield gave an order, and they had to step forward.

But fortunately, this thing is a long-range throw, so they don't need to be too close to the battlefield.

Even if the opponent uses that bright light to dazzle them, they will not be wiped out like the big grudge charging in the front row.

The demons pushed the meat grinding catapult forward and began to turn the winch. The demon driver on the rough platform of the catapult had scars and ravines on his face. One of his eyes was even equipped with a mechanical prosthetic eye, and he issued endless orders. Below him were countless people. The operator springs into action.

These three meat grinding catapults were specially requested by Francis for this invasion.

Three demon craftsmen and three specialized catapult drivers were transferred from the First Hell.

As soon as the cracks were torn open and they entered the Snake Valley, the craftsmen led a team of demons to cut down the wood, and then assembled the metal parts they brought and the logs cut on site to create three simple versions of catapults, specially used for The second and third waves of large-scale siege battles.

Francis had a long-term vision and knew that when he first attacked Waterdam Seminary and Waterdam Village, he could also focus on a surprise.But if the demon army later wants to invade other towns, including Landenburg, it must have the ability to fight tough battles, and siege equipment is essential!

At the moment, Bai Bin's intimidation power is almost at full value.

The illumination technique appeared with unprecedented intensity, killing hundreds of low-level demons in an instant!

Francis deeply realized that unless Bai Bin was eliminated, it would be impossible for the devil's advance army to cross Sunny Harbor!Now is the best time to use heavy siege weapons!
The net pockets of the three catapults contain different things.

One of the barrels contained high-explosives mixed with steel balls.

Once the explosive steel ball flies out at an extremely fast speed, it will cause a wide range of damage.

The second catapult is Vicious Blood.It was collected from the resentful blood of the murdered residents in Waterdam Village. It has a very strong evil nature. Once it is sprinkled on the skin, it will be like a gangrene attached to the bone that is difficult to remove. It eats away the flesh and blood, swallows up the resentment, and becomes stronger.

Inside the third catapult were the severed limbs of the residents of Waterdam Village, which were also stuffed with small explosives. Once the large barrel was exploded, these severed limbs stuffed with delayed collision explosives would set off another wave of Intense non-stop explosions.

The explosion will completely shatter the flesh and blood, and the bones inside can act as explosion diffusers. At the same time, these fuzzy flesh and blood belonging to ordinary people will completely break the tight string in the hearts of the guarding soldiers and completely break!

Of course, because the target of the release is Sunny Port, the delayed explosions will last many times. Once it is released directly into the city, it will be enough to blow Sunny Port to pieces!

Even Bai Bin couldn't survive the multiple explosions and corrosion!
Originally, the devil occupied Sunny Harbor in order to save land and lose people.

But now, Bai Bin is so powerful that they have to let Bai Bin and Sunny Harbor disappear together.

When Bai Bin and Kule saw the three beast-like catapults, as well as the low-level demon operators who kept shouting fanatical slogans below, they and Francis were hysterical.

The two of them knew that these three catapults were definitely the trump cards of the devil's advance army.

They are going to project on a large scale to where Bai Bin is and Sunny Harbor.

Kuller made a prompt decision, pushed Bai Bin away, and said resolutely: "You quickly take the people out of Sunny Port, I will stop this wave of stones!"

Culler seemed to see the best stage that fate had created for himself.

From a sinner who made mistakes in researching taboos and was controlled by the mind flayer, Cooler was suffering from inner pain all the time.

He may never be able to pay for his sins throughout his life.

But now, an opportunity lies before us!
Sacrificing one's life for righteousness, buying time for the militia in the town and this cleric, and fighting for a chance to live!It was the last thing he could do.

The only way to stop three catapults is to directly attack these three attacks.

A throwing attack that might even use demons as a trump card must be a ruthless thing!
Culler is the dean of St. John's Seminary and prides himself on being good at stopping the bloodshed of confessions.

"Let's go, go quickly! If you want to destroy Sunny Harbor, you have to step over my body." Kuller spoke righteously.

"Since you don't want to leave, then just stay!" Francis waved his hand and pointed directly at the two people on the hill in the distance.

Could it be that these three demon-improved creations cannot always supply energy?
Kuller took a step forward, focused his mind, and watched the three huge wooden barrels coming straight towards them, drawing graceful arcs in the air, and then accelerating and falling towards the two of them!

Kule used all the light energy in his body to summon a wall of wind beyond his capacity.

The width of the wind wall was fully ten meters, half covering Kule.

He wanted to use this wind wall to block the enemy's attack and protect Sunny Harbor.

Just looking at the curtain-like wind wall summoned by Kuler, Bai Bin could hardly hold back his laughter.

In ancient times, there were squadrons with axes, but now there are white doors with beautiful walls.

In Bai Bin's opinion, Kule's Wind Wall Technique is no different from a small fight...

 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie!
(End of this chapter)

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