This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 232: Give you a little bit of shock

Chapter 232: Give you a little bit of shock
He laughed, but Bai Bin still respected Lao Kule's spirit of sacrificing himself to save everyone.

Whether it was because he wanted to atone for his sins or because he couldn't bear the thought of another person dying in vain, this belief in completely abandoning life and death made Old Culler burst out with strong power at this moment.

The ten-meter-long and three-meter-high wind wall is the mechanism through which Old Kule can unleash all his body's energy.

A strong wind rose from the ground in front of him, forming an extremely violent air current.

The air circulates rapidly in the compressed air field, and the surrounding airflow is also surged, creating a huge suction force that unconsciously sucks people and objects toward the wind wall.

The wind of this wind wall technique is so violent that ordinary gold and iron can be cut in two if it is placed on it.It is precisely by virtue of the rapid flow of Gangfeng that it can block the leakage of force and block most physical or magical attacks.

Old Kule's clothes were rustling, his back straightened, and his hair flying everywhere in the strong wind, just like his current mood, flying wantonly.

After deciding to self-sacrifice, Old Culler gave up completely.

Sacrifice him as a sinner, keep the fighters behind you, and continue to pass on the fire of hope to fight against the devils of hell!

Old Kule watched the huge wooden barrels thrown by the three catapults flying towards him.

However, at the moment, the width of his wind wall technique can only block one or two barrels, and the trajectory of one barrel seems to be beyond the width and height of his wind wall technique.

Old Kule gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with regret and unwillingness.

Why can't his level of Wind Wall Technique be higher!
If I had focused more on these original spells instead of those illusory legends, and my mind was not damaged during the attempt, perhaps this tragedy would not have happened!

The militiamen in Sunny Harbor behind them turned pale when they saw the catapult coming on stage.

Pastor Bai's illumination technique can produce light and instantly kill demons, but the projectiles thrown by this catapult are simply unstoppable!
Three huge wooden barrels flew towards Sunny Harbor.

It is not difficult to imagine that it contains absolutely the most vicious things in hell. If it completely breaks out, the entire Sunny Harbor may cease to exist.

How to do! ?

How to do! ?

Should you continue to stand firm, or run as far as you can before the barrel falls?

But Pastor Bai was still on the front line and did not give them any orders.

Their mission is to guard Qingtian Port and meet the people fleeing from Baga Village...

Everyone present was in torment.

Suddenly, a militiaman's voice sounded: "I'm afraid! Anyway, my family has escaped, so if I die in the town, I can still protect my family and the country! Even Pastor Bai is not afraid of death, so what should I be afraid of!"

"Yes! I don't want my children to think I'm a coward! Pastor Bai died in Sunny Sky Port, but our local people escaped, what the hell is going on!"

"Yes, I will stay too and swear to live and die with Sunny Sky Port!"

"Anyway, Pastor Bai has just killed so many hell demons, it's enough for us to be buried with him!"

From initially hesitating to now deciding to die one by one, the militiamen also risked their lives and decided to stick to it until the end to complete the tasks assigned to them by Bai Bin.

Seeing that the barrel had reached its highest point, under the light of blood, it began to fall to the earth like three evil stars that would destroy the world.

"Old Dean, you can't stop throwing like this, so I'll do it!" Bai Bin put his hand on the old Dean Kule's shoulder and pulled him back casually.

The wind wall technique that old Dean Kule maintained dissipated in an instant and disappeared into nothing.

Kuler saw the barrel about to fall, and a ball of anger arose in his heart. Just as he was about to blurt out the word "nonsense", Bai Bin waved the soul-sucking cane in his hand, and a wall of wind suddenly formed on the spot.

This wind wall has stronger suction power.

If Bai Bin hadn't put his hand on Lao Kule's shoulder, he would have stumbled into the wind wall and been completely strangled!

Looking at this terrifying wind wall again, Old Kule swallowed those two words back into his stomach.

After studying it all my life, I have only dabbled in the Wind Wall Technique to a level 2 level.

But the pressure and shock brought by the wind wall in front of him already made Kule grin from ear to ear.

Even the most proficient teacher in the Wind Wall Technique in St. John's Theological Seminary is unable to match his level!
Even... the priests and bishops of the Central Holy See who are proficient in the wind wall technique have never had such an effect!
First there was the illumination technique that transcended cognition, and then there was the wind wall technique at full level. Old Culler was completely dumbfounded.

Bai Bin...could it be that the Holy Lord really sent his soul to the world to save this precarious world?

Bai Bin looked at the full-level wind wall technique blessed by the special effect of the soul-sucking staff [Magic Frenzy], and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

There are not many opportunities to cast this spell, and he has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

The full-level wind wall technique was like a huge wall that could reach the sky, blocking Bai Bin and Lao Kule.

Because the raging suction picked up the dust on the ground, the wind wall was particularly clear against the blood light!
The 30-meter-long wind wall is even taller than the tallest lighthouse in Sunny Harbor, more than [-] meters tall.

Like a curtain that blocks out the sky and the sun, it completely blocks Sunny Harbor behind.

The wooden barrel held by the five people fell, hit Bai Bin's wind wall, and exploded.

The blazing flames were mixed with countless red steel balls that were instantly burned. Under the shock wave of the explosion, they quickly spread in all directions, like a supernova explosion!

However, these explosions and splashing steel balls were all eliminated by the high-speed airflow of the wind wall. None of them could invade the wind wall. Even the terrifying flame shock wave could not shake the wind wall.

The huge rising flame was like a fire demon in hell. Its body suddenly expanded and became larger, as if it had opened its bloody mouth and was about to swallow up the entire Sunny Harbor!
But Bai Bin's full-level wind wall, no matter how terrifying and wreaking havoc on the opposite side, remained unmoved and unwavering.

Francis clenched his fists, eyes splitting as he looked at the explosion that was completely unable to break through the wind wall technique!
"The spiteful blood will definitely corrode the wind wall! The resentment accumulated by the spiteful blood is all human resentment. This resentment, coupled with the dark energy of hell, is enough to corrode all the magical arts that claim to be bright and just. By then, the third barrel will contain If the human tissue chain bomb goes in, it can also kill Bai Bin and destroy Qingtian Port!"

Immediately afterwards, the second and third wooden barrels hit the wind wall.

The hateful blood was sprinkled on the Wind Wall Technique like splashing ink, and as expected by Francis, it began to corrode the Wind Wall.

The vicious blood made a sizzling sound, but this power was completely unable to compete with the wind wall technique. Even the outermost layer of the wind wall failed to corrode and penetrate, and was broken down into countless tiny particles by the wind, completely losing its effectiveness. .

The third barrel fell, and the barrel was smashed into pieces, revealing countless severed hands and feet.

Some of these hands and feet are even warm and bleeding!

"These beasts!" Old Culler saw the devil's methods, and his old teeth were almost broken.

(End of this chapter)

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