This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 233: One person broke through 1, sounding the clarion call for counterattack!

Chapter 233: One person breaks through [-], sounding the clarion call for counterattack!

Bai Bin looked indifferent, he had already learned how shameless the devil was, and now these were just destructive tricks used to lower morale!

These broken limbs were scattered out in a clatter.

Some had chain explosions after hitting the wind wall.

The severed limb was completely blown into bloody foam, and the explosion was concentrated in one spot and exploded dozens of times.

The explosion was powerful enough to destroy a single house!
If all the remains of this barrel of severed limbs exploded in a chain, I'm afraid the entire Sunny Harbor would be razed to the ground.

The demons from hell are well prepared for this invasion and are extremely vicious!

Old Culler could no longer imagine that if he had stayed here just now, that shabby wind wall technique would not even be able to stop the first wave of explosions.

By then, the second wave of vicious blood and the third wave of serial explosions will fall, and others will not be able to escape, and Sunny Sky Harbor will also be blown into ruins.

But Bai Bin's wind wall technique is as stable as an old dog.

He stood in front of the Wind Wall Technique, only an arm's length away from the explosion, but he could not feel any impact or shock from the explosion.

This wind wall technique is so strong and shocking!

They were just two of the most common spells, but they were used by Bai Bin to produce the ultimate effect.

The militiamen of Sunny Port behind them, as well as the people of Baga Village fleeing in the distance, all saw the wind wall acting as an indestructible shield, blocking all attacks.

At this moment, the complex emotions of being prepared to die or afraid completely broke out.

It turns out that what Pastor Bai said, that he alone would deal with the demon army, was never just a lie to comfort them, but was meant to be serious!

So far, the demon army has suffered thousands of casualties, and even large engineering equipment such as catapults have not had any effect!

On the other hand, their side has suffered 0 damage so far!

Sanmu Tong played all his trump cards, but it didn't have the desired effect at all.

Not even Bai Bin's wind wall could be broken.

"This guy..." Francis looked at the wind wall like a copper wall and an iron wall, and had given up all his thoughts of attack.

If you want to take over Sunny Port, it seems you can't use brute force.

There was nothing he could do about the illumination technique that was beyond his cognition.

The greater the number of legions sent, the greater the casualties that occur.

Francis had already thought ahead of time about Demon King Belial's accountability to him, and he actually lost thousands of low-level demons in the first moment of the invasion...

Francis's teeth were almost broken, and he decided angrily: "Withdraw!"

Because time was so short, only three barrels of throwing objects were prepared.

They have used it all up now, but it has no effect. If the stalemate continues, they will not get any benefits except waiting for human reinforcements.

There are still many of those severed limbs that have not exploded.

This rout, if it can lure humans to pursue and detonate suicide bombs, will definitely cause secondary damage to humans!
Francis gave the order, and the demon advance army began to retreat.

The demons dragged their injured bodies and ended their first formal attack on the human world in embarrassment.

Hundreds of thousands of low-level demons who came together were completely vaporized under Bai Bin's lighting technique.

None of the surviving demons are willing to have such an experience again.

They would rather face the torture of the Demon King than endure the pain of both body and soul.

Bai Bin's illumination technique awakened the fear of light in their bones.

The devil's advance army was defeated and evacuated, and the militiamen in Sunny Harbor burst into cheers.

Baga Village arrived, and the people who had fled on the road breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the demon army evacuating, and couldn't help but burst into tears.

I thought I wouldn't survive and was completely in despair.Unexpectedly, Pastor Bai could actually stop an army of tens of thousands of demons by himself and defeat all their offensive methods.

Lilith and Helen kept shouting, "Priest Bai defeated an army of tens of thousands of demons by himself! That person is Priest Bai Binbai!"

All the militiamen guarding the trench rushed out and came to Bai Bin's side.

"Pastor Bai, the devil has retreated! The devil has retreated!"

The mayor of Sunny Sky Harbor looked at the hands and feet that fell to the ground and were chopped off with a look of unbearable expression.

"These people are also common people of Waterdam Village...they were humiliated and tortured by demons, and even after death they were taken and thrown on the battlefield..."

The mayor was about to bend down and pick it up, but was interrupted by Bai Bin.

"Don't move! These hands and feet are stuffed with chain explosions. As long as you touch them, a series of explosions will occur!"

Bai Bin's words frightened the mayor. His legs weakened and he fell directly to the ground.

Fortunately, Pastor Bai stopped him in time, otherwise wouldn't they all be killed if he picked it up and caused an explosion?
Then he will become a sinner in the Zion Empire!

Since there is no way to touch them, can we just let these things be left on the battlefield, making it difficult for them to move forward?
The militiamen expressed their indignation.

These are the corpses of the people of the Zion Empire. If these things are allowed to be exposed in the wilderness, anyone who sees them will feel compassion.

"Don't worry, I won't let anything that affects morale happen."

Bai Bin said nothing and propped his soul-sucking cane on the ground.

Suddenly, a strong positive energy field emerged from under his feet. The positive energy filled in the area was constantly stirring and washing, completely destroying the internal structure of the evil chain explosive hidden in the corpse tissue, and also eroding its triggering energy structure.

Old Ku Le next to Bai Bin was completely dumbfounded and could only make one sound from his mouth.

"This this……"

He has lost the ability to speak.

Bai Bin's illumination skills exceeded the scope of what he could understand.

Why is it that the light spell, which is only a magic level, can actually inspire people and restore injuries?

Lao Kule could only explain that Bai Bin was the reincarnation of the Holy Lord.

But the wind wall technique that followed was even more spectacular.

Now there is another worship technique with a diameter of almost 500 meters at a glance. The positive energy is stirring in it, like a living holy spring, which can restore energy and inspire courage for all clergy.

In the previous battle, the evil traces left by the devil on this land were completely disappeared under the influence of the reverence technique!
At this age, he can reach full-level magic with just one move!
This is not the reincarnation of the Holy Lord, how else to explain it?

Why have I never heard of such a powerful existence before?

Dean Kule couldn't help but ask: "Priest Bai, what seminary did you study at before..."

"Old Dean, you are so forgetful. I am a student of St. John's Seminary and just graduated from the college a few months ago." Bai Bin replied.


Dean Culler was dumbfounded now.

Why did he never remember this person's name?
This kind of strength should have stood out in the academy long ago, rather than being unknown.

"Old dean, you personally issued my transfer order. Since the establishment of the seminary, you are the only one who has been assigned to a small town in the remote northeast after graduation. Do you remember Xueyuan Town?"


Dean Culler was even more dumbfounded now.

Because he remembered it!

 Thanks for the tip as I have been offline and discovered one hundred ways men lie!
(End of this chapter)

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