This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 255: Your Majesty, Bai Bin’s true identity is actually

Chapter 255: Your Majesty, Bai Bin’s true identity is actually...

"Okay, I have arranged the loading of the Armor of Penitence through secret channels, in my capacity as a cargo dealer. You can go to the disguise and get ready, and then you can set off on the road."

Sandro said, looking at his daughter's resolute eyes, he couldn't help but rub her head: "At home, I will tell your mother that you have gone to Constantine to perform a mission, and there is nothing in the mission log. Will be recorded.

After you change your appearance, you are no longer Assassin Weir. My daughter has gone to Constantine on a mission, and you are just a strange merchant. "

With tears in her eyes, Weier nodded seriously: "Okay!"

Sandro sighed softly as he watched his daughter leaving the Temple Mount.

The difficulty of this task is such that even a top assassin cannot say it is foolproof.

In a five- to six-day trip, there are too many things that may happen on the road, and the people you meet are all random.

The unknown and uncertainty are the most worrying.

But now, such a heavy burden falls on his daughter's shoulders...

As a father, Sandru felt heartbroken.

As a leader, he hopes that Wei'er can successfully complete the A-level difficult task and complete the transformation of his career.

time does not wait.

Sandro took a deep breath and put behind him the thoughts that were sad for spring and autumn, but still unfinished.

Right now, he himself also has an important task——

Head to Constantine and the old king himself to explain!
Although he had told the old king some secrets before, he smelled a strong smell of conspiracy from what happened this time.

Pulled around and moved the whole body.

Therefore, Sandro must determine whether the old king still trusts Bai Bin and sticks to his previous approach.

At the same time, he will also personally investigate the source of the rumors as the chief assassin of the Temple Assassins.

When Sandro came to Constantine, he entered the palace non-stop and met the exhausted King Hasanti.

"Sandro, the leader of the Templar Assassins, meets with His Majesty."

King Hasanti raised his head with difficulty, looked at Sandro who was kneeling down in the hall, and couldn't help but smile: "You are here to confirm whether I have changed my mind, right?"

Although his condition and actions were greatly reduced, Hassanti's heart was as clear as a mirror, and Sandro's purpose of coming was revealed in one sentence.

"Don't worry. Now that I know the secret of your Temple Mount and Bai Bin's true identity, I will naturally stick to my previous decision. This will be the best for the Illuminati Sect and the Zion Empire. decision."

Sandro was not embarrassed, and stood up and said: "Besides, I want to investigate the source of the rumor myself. My speed should be faster than the messenger. His Majesty the King should not know yet that the demons from hell have invaded the world. In Walter In Dan's Snake Valley, a rift in hell was opened. Tens of thousands of devil advance troops invaded the world and destroyed Waterdam Theological Seminary, one of the three major colleges. The entire Waterdam village was destroyed, leaving only more than 100 young men. , enslaved by demons and used as hard labor..."

Hasanti couldn't help but open his mouth wide with a look of astonishment.

He never expected that the devil could actually break through the barrier, open up the plane connecting hell and the human world, and enter the human world.

The number of tens of thousands of demon advance troops was even more astonishing.

He had already imagined the image of demons slaughtering living beings and surrounding towns and villages reduced to scorched earth.

"Bai Bin immediately integrated the combat forces of the Ontario Province and went to Sunny Harbor to guard. He forced back the invasion of the devil's advance army, and then waited for the three thousand iron guards and militia to counterattack Waterdam and kill all the advance army. Demons, only a few hundred demons have escaped back to hell. Now the threat has been completely eliminated and they are guarding the Snake Valley."

When Sandro told Hasanti all about the situation on the front line, the old king took a deep breath and couldn't help but sigh: "He is indeed a priest of hell! He can deal with the demons of hell and destroy everything."

After sighing, King Hasanti came back to his senses and looked at Sandro deeply.

"You want to say that the time when this rumor appeared is too coincidental, right? Before the battle situation on the front line was reported, the rumors had already started here. When the official report came later, the public's trust in Bai Bin was greatly reduced, and even They will also think that the Holy See and the royal family have been controlled..."

They are all people who have experienced power struggles and the darkness of upper-level struggles. Sandro responded quickly, and King Hasanti had a clear understanding of power.Bai Bin's original joy at defeating Hell has completely subsided at this moment, leaving only the coldness.

That cold look even made the air freeze a bit.

"Check it, check it carefully! Some people have begun to do anything for power."

"As long as I am here, I will find them all!"

Sandro didn't say much, and retreated into the shadows.

Sandro, the leader of the Templar Assassins who reported the work, has finished his work. Now the one who takes action is the chief assassin of the empire, the King of Shadows.

Not long after Sandro left, the sergeant major of the Royal Guards asked outside the door: "Your Majesty, the envoy of the Holy See, the great priest Gallian, wants to see you."

"Let him in."


The next day.

The royal family and the Holy See each issued statements refuting and criticizing the vicious rumors recently circulating in Constantine.

Refute such rumors against the heroes of the Empire.

Criticizing the Empire, there is now a force that is trying to destroy the most promising and potential priest of the Holy See this century.

At the same time, Cardinal Bip of the Holy See even personally stood up to endorse Bai Bin!
With such strong proof, there were indeed fewer rumors.

But more insidious and smaller-scale conspiracy theories are spreading among the public at a faster rate.

Why can't the rigid attitudes of the royal family and the Holy See be transformed into disguised proof that Bai Bin has more deep-rooted control over the two parties?
Especially among the nobles, many families expressed the hope that Bai Bin could come forward in person and accept the investigation publicly to prove his innocence.

The sentence "Nothing can happen out of nowhere" once again caused ripples in everyone's hearts.

If you don’t have a hidden agenda, why are you afraid of being investigated?
With the nobles' support, the situation that had just been suppressed suddenly became more intense again.

From the original doubt, to asking Bai Bin to come to Constantine for investigation to prove his innocence.

The whole process was seamless and seamless.


Just as Constantine was discussing Bai Bin's affairs enthusiastically.

Waterdam, Demon-Slaying Valley.

Bai Bin glanced at the calendar and clock on the table in the temporary command room.

Today is late at night on September 29th, and in a few minutes it will be September [-]th, the last day of the third quarter.

The command post was set up on a high ground at Waterdam Theological Seminary. From here, you can overlook the valley, and you can see the flaming lava fissures at a glance.

Late at night, everyone else in the command post had fallen asleep, and only the dim light was still flickering on the table in the command room.

Bai Bin is waiting, waiting for the end of the quarter to arrive.

On the table were notes on strange spells, as well as inspirational spells given to him by the old dean Culler.

In a few minutes, he would use the inspiration technique again to arrive at the castle in the mysterious place of soul consciousness and participate in the first official feast of bliss.

(End of this chapter)

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