This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 256 The Four Venerables

Chapter 256 Seven Venerables

When the time on the clock on the table reached the hour, Bai Bin took a deep breath as he watched the hands cross 0 o'clock and continue to move.

He did not use the inspiration technique immediately.

This time, it was decided to increase the energy constraints of dragon language words in order to extend the time for participation in the meeting.But Bai Bin didn't know how long it could be extended, and he was extremely worried.

Instead of wasting time by waiting early, it is better to wait for everyone to arrive before going there and get down to business directly, which will maximize efficiency.

Bai Bin lowered his head and looked through the contents of the strange spell notes again, reviewing them again.

When the time reached 0:5, Bai Bin finally started to use his inspiration technique. This time, he added a few dragon language words at the end.

When the last syllable was finished, Bai Bin's soul was pulled out of the body and lifted into the sky.

Although it has been experienced once, when the soul began to fly through the night sky at an extremely fast speed, the surrounding area changed from the gray scene last time to pitch black.

But this situation did not last long, and the vision swayed like waves and resumed.

Bai Bin appeared in the secret room of the castle.

The dim candlelight on the table swayed, illuminating the people at the table.

The attention of everyone in front of the round table was all focused on Bai Bin, and they seemed to be silently protesting his late arrival.

Bai Bin scanned the crowd and saw that the beast-faced madman whom he had met last time knew the inside story and was waving to him.

The rest of the masks that were originally hidden on the armchair now appeared in front of Bai Bin.

The black robes tightly wrapped the bodies of the attendees, leaving no trace of leakage, leaving no room for anyone to imagine their identities beneath their masks.

In addition to 'Kuang', Bai Bin also finally saw the 'Queen' and 'Joker' whom 'Kang' had repeatedly argued about.

The mask of the 'Queen' shows the image of a beautiful queen wearing an exquisite crown.

The 'clown' has an exaggeratedly raised mouth corner that almost takes up half of the face, and a very conspicuous funny red nose.

Immediately afterwards, there was a dragon head mask. The original position of the dragon horns was changed into the shape of two candles. Unsurprisingly, this was the 'candle' who had a contract with Bai Bin's predecessor.

Bai Bin glanced at the last two people. One had a huge bright moon on his mask, and the other had a wailing and tortured expression on his mask. They looked quite ferocious, as if they were suffering from all kinds of pain.

Bai Bin suppressed the doubts in his heart, straightened his back and said, "Long time no see, everyone. I have been absent from two meetings recently due to some personal matters. Please forgive me."

Everyone looked at the maskless hermit with interest.

At this time, 'Crazy' said: "Okay, stop pretending, and seize the time to discuss the issue. Hermit, I have told everyone about your amnesia. You must not have fully recovered yet, so we should hurry up and go through the process to solve it. Something important."

The queen and the clown couldn't hold back anymore, and their dispute had been dragging on for half a year.

Every vote was tied three to three. Now that the Hermit is finally "online", the first thing that needs to be resolved is to settle their issues.

"Crazy, it's up to you to say it. It would be biased for me or the clown to say this." The masked queen said, then put her hands on her chest, waiting for the final vote.

Because You Kuang laid the groundwork in advance and explained the hermit's situation before Bai Bing arrived, they did not exchange greetings or talk nonsense before the banquet, but focused on solving the immediate problem first.

After thinking about it for a while, he opened his mouth to tell the whole story.

It turns out that the content of the dispute between the queen and the clown was about the request to add another seat to the Bliss Banquet.

For this newcomer, he has already partially mastered the way to enter the castle.

Just because the resolution has not been formally passed, there is currently no soul imprint, so the authority is only to the banquet room of the castle, and cannot yet enter the secret room for symposiums.This person's identity is kept secret. Everyone only knows that the coordinates of the ancient castle when it was first sensed were located in the Holy Land City in the south of the mainland.

It is precisely because of this that the Queen and the Clown disagree.

The queen believed that the people in Shenglin City naturally had a sense of camp, which was not in line with the principle of exchange of interests at the banquet. Instead, they would have their own stance and affect the balance.

The clown's opinion is that being able to research a way to the Rose Castle on his own means that his talent has met the screening requirements, so he should be allowed to join.

After Kuang finished telling the whole story, the six people at the table all looked at Bai Bin, waiting for Bai Bin's final vote.

From Kuang's narration, Bai Bin got a lot of useful information.

First of all, this castle is called Rose Castle.

When new members need to be introduced, the "keys" will be distributed in a certain way. Only the most talented and outstanding people can decipher and learn the inspiration technique, and successfully find the Rose Castle.

After arriving at Rose Castle, I gained outer permission and could move around in the banquet hall of the castle.

Only after being voted in the secret room and approved by the majority of seats, will they be admitted as members of the banquet, their souls will be imprinted, and they can directly enter the secret room of the castle.

In this way, things finally came to a close.

Bai Bin and Victor were probably studying the same thing. Because this "key" was too difficult, Bai Bin and Victor each studied one aspect, and the combination was a complete key.

Based on the fact that Bai Bin could now successfully enter the secret room of Rose Castle and wore a mask, the two of them succeeded in the end.

It's just that Bai Bin doesn't know yet, is he the only one entering the Rose Castle, or does Victor also have a seat?

And the reason why his arms were blown off.

Moreover, Bai Bin also extracted that the original purpose of the Bliss Banquet was to exchange benefits.

Right now, the decision of whether this visitor to Holy Land City can enter the Feast of Bliss rests entirely in Bai Bin's hands.

Holy Land City is located in the Middle Earth plate of the mainland and is not bordered by the Zion Empire.

The Zion Empire is in the eastern part of the continent, and is called the "East" together with Samarkand and the Shadow Realm.

The mainland's Middle-earth is composed of the Crescent Elf Kingdom, Winter Island and the Life Forbidden Zone, and is called the mainland's "Middle-earth".

The West is composed of the Spine of the World, the Land of Forgiveness and the Creation Sect, and is called the "West" of the continent.

Shenglin City is a city that is restricted to life.

The Zion Empire was able to know about the restricted area of ​​life only because of the sporadic trade exchanges between Malun Port south of Constantine and the Port of Musadi in the restricted area of ​​life.

According to legend, people in the restricted area of ​​life are proud of transforming immortality and are good at transforming living objects into machines.Keeping only the lowest traces of life is the highest pursuit.

Such morbid and extreme ideas are the main theme of the entire mechanical field.

This is also the reason why the mechanical field is called the restricted area of ​​life.

Such a person who is keen on transforming life and doing subtraction must be full of extremes and does not conform to the principle of exchange of interests.

 Although I sell fake elixirs, rob taxes and grains, sell fake and shoddy weapons, and even sell pig-killing plates for donation, who in the world doesn’t know that I am a good person!

(End of this chapter)

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