This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 257 The Twins

Chapter 257 The Twins

Bai Binzhi knew that behind all arguments was the position.

The essential reason why the queen refused to join this participant in the restricted area of ​​life was that potential interests had been infringed upon, and she was preventing and preventing such infringement from happening.

The one that has the most direct conflict with the Life Forbidden Zone is the Crescent Elf Kingdom in the middle of the mainland and north of the Life Forbidden Zone.

So from logical reasoning, the Queen is most likely to be from the Crescent Elf Kingdom, which is why she is so resistant to the intervention of the Life Restricted Area.

I am afraid that people in the restricted area of ​​life will exchange and share something at the feast of bliss, thereby changing the balance between the two parties.

But if this is what Bai Bin analyzed, then what is the identity of the person wearing the bright moon mask?Could it be that it is also the Crescent Elf Kingdom?

But according to what Kuang just said, the other two people with the same position as the queen are Zhu and the guy in the torture mask.

Madness, Joker, and Luna were just the dissenting votes to allow the chosen ones from Holy City to join.

It would be a bit strange if they were all from the Crescent Elf Kingdom but had different opinions on this matter.

Bai Bin was thinking a lot, and finally said: "In my opinion, since he successfully found this place after passing the test, it is enough to prove his talent. We can't turn him away just because of speculation."

"The world is changing very fast. The purpose of the Blissful Banquet is exchange and sharing. If you cannot be inclusive of all rivers, you will eventually become stubborn and stubborn and lead to a dead end." [Justice Value +300]

Bai Bin didn't expect that he could get justice points from this, it was really unbelievable.

But even though he said this, he still had his own little plan in his heart.

Although this group of people now know about his "amnesia", Bai Bin deliberately revealed it to Kuang last time, hoping to let others know about it through Kuang's mouth.

After the last brief contact with Kuang, Bai Bin thought that this guy had a perverse personality and was not a serious person, so he made this step-by-step arrangement.

Now that this person from Shenglin City is allowed to join, the benefit Bai Bin can get is to learn more about other people's situations in detail through the opportunity of introducing the newcomers.

To a certain extent, he is just a newcomer wearing an "old vest".

If there is another newcomer at the same time, many doubts and questions will be asked by others, and Bai Bin only needs to "sit back and enjoy the results."

In this way, Bai Bin will be able to speak less, make fewer mistakes, and successfully pass the exploratory stage.

As soon as Bai Bin said this, the queen leaned back slightly, and the dispute of the past six months seemed to have been settled.

The clown, on the other hand, shook his head happily and applauded the hermit's decision.

"But, I have a condition..." Bai Bin raised his hand to signal.

Everyone's eyes were focused again.

"I have to decide the time and ceremony for the newcomers to join. It will be on...the last day of October."

No one else has an opinion.

With four votes to three, the explorers of the restricted area of ​​life have the opportunity to enter the secret room and participate in the banquet of bliss.

The issue that had been delayed for half a year was finally resolved, and everyone present did not waste any more time on this topic.

At this time, Zhu, who had been silent, leaned forward, looked at Bai Bin and said, "Hermit, I heard that you have some memory problems. Have you forgotten our previous contract?"

Bai Bin didn't pretend, and said very calmly: "I really didn't think about it."

This calm and stress-free attitude immediately silenced Zhu Qian.

For a moment, I couldn't tell whether the hermit was joking or serious.

But considering the importance of the contract, Zhu could only remind her with serious words: "The contract between us can be witnessed by everyone else present. Human blood containing divinity, or the body of a human spellcaster no lower than level 7. With The equivalent exchange is a bottle of high-purity dragon blood." After Zhu finished speaking, he added a thoughtful sentence: "The time of the contract is when the sun sets on the last day of the year."

As soon as Zhu finished speaking, Bai Bin was suddenly stunned.

Because his system also beeped appropriately.

[Task: Body of Energy
Task description: You have a contract to be completed with Zhu

Mission target: human blood with divinity/the body of a human spellcaster of level 7 or above
Mission time: Until nightfall on the last day of the year
Mission reward: High-purity dragon blood x1, a large amount of experience points, spell level improvement coupon x1]

The contract already exists and the transaction items have been agreed upon, so it stands to reason that it is already a complete exchange.

However, the system was triggered at this time and re-released the task. It also rewarded a large amount of experience points and a spell level improvement coupon.

Isn't this equivalent to a task, which wastes a lot of money on the system?

If this is possible, then Bai Bin can complete a lot of tasks through the Banquet of Bliss. While completing the transaction with the six masked lords present, he can also gain more money from the system. How can he make crazy money?

So Bai Bin was not polite and continued to target Zhu.

He was not familiar with the others now and didn't know their backgrounds.

Only Zhu could provide high-purity dragon blood, so Bai Bin simply continued with this point.

"Don't worry, I will deliver the things on the eve of the next banquet."

"But besides that, I have another trade. I need a red dragon scale."

Although Zhu was wearing a mask, Bai Bin felt that this guy was already smiling brightly under the mask.

"A piece of dragon scale from a high-level red dragon, of course there is no problem... But my needs also need to change. The blood of a divine human, or the body of a human spellcaster of level 7 or above. It needs to be different from the agreed transaction items in the previous contract. .”

In other words, for the two tasks, Bai Bin needs to get the blood of a divine human and the body of a human spellcaster of level 7 and above at the same time, and he cannot multiply either of them by two.

The difficulty rises sharply.

"Okay, then let's sign a contract, and the time will be the same as the previous mission."

Bai Bin and Zhu held their hands together, and a red silk thread connected their wrists.

At the same time, Bai Bin's conjecture was also verified.

Because a task popped up on his system again.

[Quest: Red Dragon Scales
Task description: You have a contract to be completed with Zhu

Mission target: human blood with divinity/the body of a human spellcaster of level 7 or above
Mission time: Until nightfall on the last day of the year
Mission reward: high-level red dragon scale x1, a lot of experience points, a random spell that matches the profession]

The mission rewards have changed again this time, but what remains unchanged is a large amount of experience points, which for Bai Bin is purely earned through blood.

Just after the contract was concluded, Bai Bin suddenly felt that his soul was loosening, the surroundings turned black uncontrollably, and his soul was withdrawn from Rose Castle.

Just after Bai Bin left, the six people at the table looked at each other.

"It seems that this one has indeed lost his memory. He doesn't even remember the existence of the other one." The queen said calmly.

Kuang Ye laughed: "Then he recruited a new person by accident, which just happened to maintain the balance of the banquet."

 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie!
(End of this chapter)

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