This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 258 Bai Bin’s big plan

Chapter 258 Bai Bin’s big plan
Bai Bin never imagined that after he left, the remaining six people's conversations would bring out so much information.

After hearing from Kuang that the hermit had lost his memory, the six people all showed expressions of unknown meaning.

They also want to know to what extent the hermit's memory has been restored, and this banquet is a test.

Now, they have reached a conclusion.

The hermit's other personality, or another identity, has disappeared.

This time, one personality was talking to them throughout the whole process, and there was no mention of the other personality at all.Even voting was not mentioned, which is obviously a complete forgetfulness of another personality.

The loss of another aspect of the hermit's personality is equivalent to the loss of half of his strength.

Now that they can't even hold on to a complete meeting, they have already made preparations in their hearts to kick him out of the Bliss Banquet.

The way to do this is to let Zhu mention the contents of the deal with the hermit. As long as he can complete the contract within the specified time and prove again that he is still qualified to serve on the table, then they can pretend that nothing happened.

But if Bai Bin fails to fulfill the contract, then they have reason to kick him away.

None of the six people present spoke. They just exchanged glances and understood that the others thought the same way.

"The Hermit has left, then we should talk about other transactions now..." The man wearing the torture mask who had been silent the whole time said.


Bai Bin's spiritual consciousness returns to the body.

Bai Bin glanced at the time. This time it lasted for 6 minutes, a little more than the previous 5 minutes.

'It seems that extending the same type of text can increase the time, but the increase effect is average.If you want to increase your time, you have to rely on natural runes and shamanic writing. '

Bai Bin knew that after he left, the remaining six people would make various speculations and comments about him.

Especially since his first move was to play the "amnesia" chess game.

This move can certainly eliminate the suspicion of the other six people, but the disadvantage is that it will once again raise a big question mark with the strength that was originally respected by others.

Therefore, when Zhu proposed the contract, Bai Bin proposed a new cooperation exchange.

Part of the reason is to test the wool of the shearing system, and part of the reason is to strengthen my own strength.

Cooperation with Zhu is not easy. It has already entered October, and there are only three months left before Bai Bin completes the task.

It was enough to complete one task at this time, but Bai Bin increased the pressure and did not add time. It is understandable how difficult it is to complete two tasks that are not easy in the same time.

Even if you are not in the state of "amnesia", it is extremely difficult to complete it if you want to complete it.

Bai Bin's initiative to increase his stake is also a proof of his strength.

As long as he completes the task before the next feast of bliss, the other six people will put away their contempt and recognize him again.

In addition, Bai Bin also felt that there seemed to be many secrets in his identity as a hermit.

Although the mask covers the face, the only eyes exposed can still reveal some emotional changes.

In the Feast of Bliss, being able to crack the secret and enter the Rose Castle means that you are smart enough to enter.If you want to have a place in the secret room, your strength must be recognized.

These two tasks for Bai Bin were the tests given to him by the six people.

Thinking of Candle's mask and a conversation.

Bai Bin now suspects that Zhu is most likely a high-level dragon from Dragon Island, or a strong man who can hunt dragons.Otherwise, it would be impossible to get high-grade dragon blood and high-grade red dragon scales.

Divine human blood, body of a 7th level human spellcaster.

These two items are very difficult to obtain, but they are not impossible, otherwise Bai Bin would not have agreed to increase the amount so easily.

Now, the second prince Lucas who colluded with the devil has surfaced. The opposition of the second prince Constantine will never swallow his anger and wants to use this opportunity of rumors to completely overthrow Bai Bin!
Then Bai Bin, give them a chance!

Give Hell and the Second Prince a chance to counterattack!

At the same time, it also gives a third party an opportunity.

"I hope you won't disappoint me..." Bai Bin sighed looking at the map.

No one could have imagined that Bai Bin, the hell priest, was controlling everything behind the scenes in this complicated and confusing situation.

If everyone is taken into account, the general trend will move forward or change according to his ideas!


The next day, Bai Bin found the kobold chief Gali.

"Chief Gali, the battle on the frontline is almost over. Thanks to the kobold tribe for their efforts and help. The friendship and alliance between us can withstand any test!" Bai Bin spoke highly of the kobold's performance this time.

As an underground tribe, the kobolds have a keener underground perception than humans, so the terrifying rift in Waterdam this time will be more fearful than the human kobold tribe.

But Chief Gali and Chief Poluo did not hesitate at all. In order to fulfill their covenant oath with mankind, they directly sent troops to cooperate. Even the chiefs and leaders personally went to the front line and rushed back and forth.

Bai Bin will keep this friendship in mind, and all the people of the empire should also keep it in mind.

Chief Gali Bangbang patted his chest twice, raised his head and said: "Kobolds know who are reliable allies. Pastor Bai once again proved that our alliance is unshakable! Even if hell attacks, it cannot be broken at all! "

Bai Bin handed a letter to Chief Gali and said mysteriously: "Chief, you won't open this letter until you leave Waterdam."

Chief Gali glanced at Bai Bin and saw no hint in his eyes, but still put the letter into the inner lining and nodded.

Having known Bai Bin for such a long time, Chief Gali knew that he didn't do anything frivolous. Since the front line was clear at the moment, it really was all right and they didn't need to worry about it.

"Okay, if you need anything, just ask the sentry to deliver a message. The kobolds will fight side by side with their allies at any time!"

Saying goodbye to Waterdan, Chief Gali left with his escort and the tunnel elites.

After leaving Waterdam, he took out the letter Bai Bin gave him and opened it to read the contents.

Chief Gali's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but take a breath: "As expected of Pastor Bai, he has been able to arrange it to such an extent... Everything is under his control!"

After reading it, Chief Gali put away the letter and waved: "Everyone, follow me to the direction of the Lem River Bridge!"

After identifying the mastermind behind the collusion with hell and sweeping away the demon advance army from the Demon Slaughter Valley, Bai Bin has been thinking about countermeasures.

As a pastor who dreamed of getting laid, Bai Bin reached this point purely out of his own control.

But now that he is in this position, what Bai Bin needs to think about is how to solve all the troubles once and for all.

This is the big plan this time.

 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie!
(End of this chapter)

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