This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 259 Weier, you came at the right time!

Chapter 259 Weier, you came at the right time!
Bai Bin wrote two things in the envelope to Chief Gali.

The first thing is to gather all the kobolds fighting and guarding outside, including the leader Perlo.

The second thing is to return to the Darkwood Forest and start digging the Darkwood Forest ridge to open a tunnel from Snowfield Town to Samarkand in the north.

The tunnel is divided into two, one is the mountain behind Snowfield Town, and the other is across the dark wood forest.

Bai Bin only had one requirement for these two tunnels, that they could allow carriages to pass through them calmly.

And the reason why he did this was also attached to Bai Bin.

The news of the demonic invasion, along with the letter he sent to Constantine, must have made everyone in the empire known, and the people were panicked.

This news will naturally spread like wildfire and reach the ears of the Samarkand High Council of Shamans who are dreaming of a restoration southward day and night.

Chenbing Fort Cook's Samarkand will definitely take advantage of the internal strife in the Zion Empire to send troops. By then, the empire will be beleaguered internally and externally and will have no time to take care of itself.

But this is both a challenge and an opportunity.

Samarkand will definitely gather all the troops in the north, gather them at the Twin Towers of Moria, and send their troops south to capture Banks City, an important town guarding the west.

They would not have thought that the complex forces in the Darkwood Forest had been unified, let alone that the kobolds and humans had formed an alliance and would penetrate the Darkwood Forest to sneak up on their rear and give them a fatal blow.

That's right, Bai Bin's plan is to open the tunnel of the Darkwood Forest. When both sides focus their main battlefields on the Twin Towers of Moria, a wave of divine soldiers will descend from behind!
They directly seized Samarkand's high-level shaman council in the rear area, and launched a wave of "ploughing the court, sweeping the palace, and sealing the wolf to live in the countryside." They didn't want to kill Samarkand directly, but they also wanted to beat them half to death. !

Bai Bin's plan is extremely feasible, and now the kobolds will be responsible for the most critical "surprise attack route."

With the strategic vision of Chief Gali and Chief Poluo, they naturally know how important it is.

Bai Bin was also extremely generous to his allies, promising that after Samarkand was completely captured, the ridge forest starting from the Darkwood Forest and leading all the way to the Twin Towers of Moria would be the territory of the kobolds, and the length would almost run through the entire Zion Empire. !
Chief Gali also understood why Bai Bin did not announce the announcement directly orally, but in the form of a secret letter, in order to cover up the intention of the matter to the greatest extent, so that even other kobolds would have difficulty knowing, and they had to hide it.

"It seems that in the next period of time, except for the kobolds participating in trade exchanges, the rest of the kobolds' movements will be restricted!"


On the other side, Bai Bin's letter also arrived in Constantine as promised, which clearly and in detail recorded the opening of the hell rift in the Snake Valley, the invasion of demons, the destruction of Waterdam Seminary and Waterdam Village, and the demonic invasion of Baga Village and In Qingtian Port, Bai Bin counterattacked and pushed back to kill them all and rush back to hell.

In addition to the letters, there is also evidence of nearly [-] demon ears as trophies.

At the same time, the truth about the demonic invasion was confirmed.

If it is just a letter, it can be classified as Bai Bin's one-sided words.

But with the cooperation of nearly [-] demon ears, this matter was immediately confirmed!
That's nearly ten thousand low-level demons. There's no way Bai Bin could invite so many low-level demons to act with him and get the ears of nearly ten thousand demons, right?
In addition, the final decisive item is a letter written by Culler, the dean of St. John's Theological Seminary. The letter truthfully states how he was accidentally bewitched by the Mind Flayer and was manipulated to communicate and open the seal, opening hell and the world. The cracks allow the devil to enter the world.

How did Bai Bin use the holy light to expel the ritual in his body and let him return to freedom.

Also, from Kuller's perspective, Bai Bin's illumination spell that exceeded the upper limit of the spell level was able to evaporate thousands of people and severely damage two or three thousand people with one shot.

Of course, these contents were naturally written after Bai Bin's "instruction".The purpose is to create secondary pressure on Hell and dissuade them from the idea of ​​gathering legions and entering the human world again.

After all, can a group of low-level demons with low IQ explain clearly to Demon King Belial the effect and damage of illumination?

If you don't know the power, how can you have fear?
Anyway, once the letter reached Constantine, it must have spread everywhere.

At that time, someone will naturally pass the information to the first hell.

Who is Old Culler?He is the principal of St. John's Theological Seminary, and also the honorary bishop of the Central Holy See and a seventh-level archpriest!

How could such a dean of the First Theological Seminary, who has so many talents all over the world, still completely stigmatize himself for the sake of one of his students?

You must know that being controlled by the mind flayer and opening the rift in hell can no longer be excused with a "small crime". The entire Waterdam Seminary was destroyed and Waterdam Village was almost slaughtered. Someone needs to be responsible for these. of!

After these two letters and several carriages of demon ears were transported to Constantine, the fact of the demonic invasion was completely confirmed.

The rumors that were still being debated about whether Bai Bin knew dark magic and whether the Holy See and the royal family were quietly controlled by Bai Bin were suddenly overshadowed by the panic of demonic invasion.

Four hundred miles west of Waterdam's Snake Valley is Jerusalem.

More than two hundred miles west of Jerusalem is Constantine.

In other words, if the devil really comes out of the terrifying rift, it will arrive in Constantine in less than a week, slaughter all living creatures, and destroy everything!
At this time, who cares whether Bai Bin controls the royal family and the Holy See.

What they are more concerned about is whether Bai Bin can hold the rift, whether he can prevent the demon from invading again, and whether he can protect their home!
At this time, send troops!Send troops!Sending troops to support is the right way!
The residents' simplest idea of ​​a sense of security is to increase the number of troops.

Those various devil ears stained with black blood piled up like a hill, exuding an unpleasant and stomach-churning stench, which was disgusting!

The thought of a demon in each ear, so many that they could have ravaged even Constantine!
The simplest sense of security came to the hearts of the people, and there was nothing more important than the safety of their homes.

At this time, what else is there to investigate?
Aren't you afraid of making people feel chilled by investigating a meritorious minister?

With only a few pieces of evidence, Lucas and the countess were caught off guard.

The various nobles who had been wooed before all changed their minds and shook their heads at this moment.

If you take the wrong side, your wealth will only shrink. The new king will still need nobles like them to ascend the throne.

But now, once Bai Bin is ordered to come back and the demons from hell invade, they will become the dead souls under the demon's butcher's knife, their wives and daughters will be mercilessly ravaged by the demons, and everything will be wiped out.

Lucas and the countess' little trick was completely in vain.

On the other side, after several days of trekking, the travel-stricken Weier finally arrived at the place of her dreams - Waterdam without leaking the secret after going through many difficulties and dangers.

Brought two penitent armors to Bai Bin!

(End of this chapter)

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